Teaser Tell All



Well we all survived another Tuesday didn’t we?!?!?!  YAY!!!!!    As it turned out, we had a WINNER/Right Guesser within minutes after the post went live  – so much for me thinking it might be a tough one to figure out.   But first things first…..here’s yesterday’s photo!


Where was this taken?  From a helicopter high above the beautiful city of Philadelphia, PA !!!!!   I’ll tell you who was FIRST RIGHT GUESSER in a minute, but first, we had three people whose comments arrived (according to WP) here at 9:01AM (we went live at 9AM EST) – the FIRST of the FIRST were my good buddies Kitties Blue of The Cat On My Head (EXTRA KUDOS FOR BEING FIRST OF THE FIRST!!!!!), then WHAMMO another one arrived at 9:01AM and that was Miss June (Bacon’s Mom) from her own blog at Food Blogger Fun…….and if that wasn’t enough, Easy – the king of Teasers ALSO logged in at 9:01AM.  That’s why I’m saying we had the first TRIPLE CROWN First Commenter yesterday!   All of you get this:

The Cat On My Head was FIRST of the FIRST COMMENTERS on 6/30/15!

The Cat On My Head was FIRST of the FIRST COMMENTERS on 6/30/15!

Food Blogger Fun !

Food Blogger Fun !

Easy (aka Sherlock Weim!)

Easy (aka Sherlock Weim!)

Who guessed right first?  WELL, it was Miss Caren and Cody of Cat Chat!   You get this you two!

Cat Chat

Cat Chat

Several others guessed Philly too – – – all of you will get the RIGHT GUESSER award:


And don’t feel left out – those of you who had no idea or guessed wrong because YOU also get an award – the famous BIG GREENIE!   Wear it with pride!


That was a fun one……………an EASY (oops) one apparently for SOME FOLKS……I’ll try to do better next week.    I promise…………honest……….yes I do!

Hugs, Sammy the Teaser Guy


P.S.  If Mom and I have time we’ll have NEW badges for next week’s Teaser winners!!!!!

P.S.S.   A special wish for a SPECIAL DAY to all my Canadian friends!



68 responses »

  1. I missed the Teaser, but I wouldn’t have known and it looks as though that first commenter spot was hotly contested yesterday!


  2. Squeals!! Mom finally caught on to what I was doing to her alarm clock and got in – YAY – that’s my mommy. So sweet. Thanks cousin! XOXO – Bacon
    P.S. I’m off now to put my badge on my blog. Thanks – it’s so cool!


  3. Oh good wee has another Greenie Unccle Sammy!!!! Mew mew mew…..
    At leest LadyMum was on thee rite continent again!!! That iss sumfing!!! 😉
    Conkatss to thee Tripull Crown winners also!!!
    ***paw patss*** neffkitty Siddhartha Henry xxx


  4. Mes winned a greenie!!! YEAH! Thanks for the Canada Day wishes…is that yous in the Beaver Suit Sammy?


    • Hi Nellie!!!! Concats on your GREENIE…..as I’ve said before, your silver furs look beautiful in green (or ANY color!)……….I think I’d look CUTE in a beaver suit!!!

      Love, Sammy


  5. Yippee…that’s going on our sidebar. For us to be here first was almost a bigger deal than when we were the first right guesser (about a million years ago). Thanks Sammy. Loved your cute Canada Day graphic as well. Sammy, there’s a new badge at Cat Scouts for Knowledge about Canada. Mau already did it. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


    • Glad you’re happy about your First Right Guesser!!!!! I just saw your post at Scouts for Canada Day and added my own…….We all have some good buddies across the border don’t we?!?!

      Love and Hugs, Sammy


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