Thanks Friends!


Hi Everyone – another exciting week off to a grand start huh?   Well, at least it’s starting – who knows if it will be “grand”!

I need to say THANK YOU to two of my friends who nominated One Spoiled Cat for blog awards in the past week.   I have both of these awards already but one should ALWAYS thank those who honor them in some way even if you have received the honor before.   At least that’s what I think!

First The Mad Hooligan Chronicles nominated me for the Creative Blogger Award.   Thank you Bo and Kobi!


The rules are:

1.  Mention who nominated you for the award and link back to them.

2.  Display the award image above your post.

3.  Share FIVE random facts about yourself.

4.  Nominate as many blogs as you wish (with a minimum of five) and notify them of their nomination   (in this case, please if you would like to have this award for your VERY own, take it from this post with my love and hugs as I really don’t know who would and who would not enjoy receiving it!)

5.  Pass the Rules on to your nominees.

Here are my FIVE Random Facts!

  1. Even though I’m “out there” on my blog, I’m a very shy guy in person…..I recently extended my boundaries though when we had company and allowed petting and carrying of my ginger self!
  2. I can say several words (at least Mom thinks they sound like words)…..I say “OUT”, “MAMA”, and “YOYO” (yogurt).
  3. I am part “watch cat” – if a neighborhood cat comes on my front porch, I will yell “MAMA” until my Mom comes and shoooos the visitor away (or feeds him or her!).
  4. Most of you know I’m a polydactyl kitty – I have SIX toes on my front paws and the regular amount of toes on my back paws (just in case some of you didn’t know!).
  5. I enjoy being a Cat Scout.   Cat Scouts have a whole lot of fun – we go on trips, earn merit badges, make new friends and do service projects just like human Scouts do!

The second award I received was from my friends Dezi and Lexi at Dezie’s World.   They nominated me for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award.   Thank you ladies!!


This one requires that you nominate 15 blogs and I have a terrible time nominating ANY blogs as I have so many of you that I follow and don’t want to leave anyone out – I usually just say please take this award with my blessings if you would like to follow the rules!

All you have to do beyond that is:

  1. Mention who nominated you, thank them and link back to them.
  2. Display the award on your blog.
  3. List THREE things that inspired you in the last week.

The three things that inspired me this past week are:

  1. Meeting a blogger friend of my Mom’s and learning to TRUST a stranger – I rarely let anyone even SEE me if I don’t know them but my Mom’s friend inspired me to be brave.
  2. Reading the blogs of so many of my friends who are unwell yet carry on with a smile and a cheery message to the world in spite of any sorrow or discomfort they may have.
  3. Waking up every morning and realizing that I’m traveling into my senior years in better shape than many of my older friends……this inspires me to put one paw in front of the other every day.

So, thank you to my friends – and remember, if you’d like to have either or both of these awards, I hope you can do a better job of fulfilling the requirements than I have done – as I said, I have a hard time nominating “just five” or “just 50” of my friends………I would give it to EVERYONE if I could………….

Love and Hugs






77 responses »

  1. Concatulations! I was surprised that you said hello to Michelle … I’m sure you knew that she is a purrfect cat-mom, right? I saw your “watch cat” look yesterday, bet that’s the look what makes all evil peeps running :o) I’m ready fur tomorrow, mom promised me to take NO drugs before the teaser… and my dad said: Maine, USA :o)


    • HAHAHAHA…….guess what – I, Swami Sam the Fortune Teller feel CONFIDENT in telling you to tell your Dad he is a BIG GREENIE WINNER if he says Maine! I purrrrrrromise it will NOT be Maine! HAHAHA As for your Mom and drugs – tell her to keep away from the Wasabi nuts so she can TYPE on the keypad! I was very brave with Miss Michelle AND Mr. Craig……Mom was so proud of me.

      Hugs, Sammy


  2. Concats Sammy on a super award and boy I love that you got to share your ginger self with Michelle 🙂 indeed maybe a fellow cat peep is always never know or you are mellowing maybe 🙂 I am hoping I stay awake for the I can confidently offer my dismal guess 🙂 hahaahaah loves Fozziemum xxxx


    • I think cats “know” cat people…..we can tell which humans are happy to see us and which are either afraid of us or allergic to us or just not interested in us. Miss Michelle was obviously a “Cat Mom” and I knew it!!!! Good luck on the Teaser – you never know when you will KNOW!

      Hugs, Sam

      Liked by 1 person

      • I agree Sammy grils are generally not too bad..Dinnermintz does a ginger run and then comes out..when she hears us talking calmly or having fun…Pickles is not fussed and neither is Marbles..Cleo..well she will seek peeps out…she followed peeps who looked at our house when we were selling and got so smoochy many asked if she was coming with the house!!!! when the ranger came ot for the annual check on the house for a permit for an extra cat….she was all over her….cue the happy cat haahah and when the ambulance ladies where here for Fozziedads wasp bite..yep she was on their medical bags..all over them…sheesh…ad yes I am alert for the teaser..i am sure really I am hahaah 🙂 loves Fozziemum xx


        • It’s a GUEST TEASER tomorrow…………..! I have only one time EVER in my 15 years come out of hiding when strangers are here…..and this bit of bravery in the last year too so Mom says because I’m getting older, I’m becoming more RELAXED. Maybe that’s it…….but she’s always happy when I make an appearance because everyone calls me the invisible cat otherwise. HAHAHA

          Hugs, Sammy


          • Hahahahah oh dear…maybe you are the ghost who walks Sammy…The Phantom! lucky Miss Michelle spotted you or we may never have proof! loves Fozziemum xxx


  3. Morning Sammy! A big concats on the awards 🙂 I think I learnt a couple of things about you I didn’t know!! MOL I think it was great you allowed yourself to be cuddled by Miss Michelle! That was very friendly of you! After all she had come a long way to see you! 🙂 Take care, buddy xx


    • Hi Austin! Thanks for the concats……..I always get muddled when having to choose blogs to pass awards to because I love EVERYONE – know what I mean? So I put them out there for ANYONE………hey – we’re all one big family right?

      Love, Sammy


  4. Congratulations, S! You certainly deserve these awards and did a wonderful job fulfilling the rules. CARRYING?? I knew you allowed some petting, but I didn’t know you allowed Michele to carry you, too! Impressive. You really ARE brave!

    Love and licks,


    • I was so proud of ME Cupcake……Miss Michelle just picked me up and I melted in her arms – Mom was thinking I was in a coma or something but really I was just letting my guard down for a friend! I was super brave….!

      Love, Sam


    • Hi Miss Pix! We’ve noticed a lot of birdie activity around here too – nice to hear isn’t it? Is it being drowned out by tractor activity there? (wink) Yep – Miss Michelle carried me and I looked kind of freaked out but I let her do it and Mom was in shock. HAHAHAHA We had SNOW this morning when Mom and I were outside at 4AM but now it’s just cloudy and looks like it’s about to rain – it’s 48 so it wouldn’t be snow at least! WHERE IS SPRING?!

      Love, Sam

      Liked by 1 person

      • SPRING is here today! So is a NEW bobcat down the road putting in the driveway for a house that is being built. Maniac Marv hasn’t been around for a bit… he will be back! We can still hear the birds over the roar… LOL! Sorry about the snow and rain, it’s just wrong in the worst way you do not have sunshine today!

        Liked by 1 person

          • Do not move to the country in MissouREE for peace and quiet. Too many testosterone-laden men and boys with tractors, chainsaws, GUNS, farm trucks with no mufflers or exhausts altered to make the most noise, ATVs, dirt bikes, Harleys and brush hogs. Does it sound like I am trying to make myself move to a peaceful city?


          • A city would BE peaceful considering what you put up with in “the country” !!!! HAHAHAHAHA……………know what? It’s kinda like that in my so-called small Virginia town too. Whatever happened to “quiet in the country” ???!!!

            Hugs, Sammy


  5. Concats on your awards Sammy, you deserve them. In future I will try and be brave like you when we have visitors. No promises though!


  6. Sammy your wisdom is an inspiration and your award well deserved!
    Yes indeedy we seniors (and our senior perps) are thankful every morning for what we have and the love we share. Mom says We will stop and smell the roses but since there aren’t in in the house..I will search for something more aromatic like salmon!
    Madi your bfff


    • Mom says I’m getting VERY mellow…..I think maybe I am. I’ve come out around strangers twice in the last six months. Maybe I’ve just decided that a guy should experience EVERYTHING at least once in his life???

      Hugs, Sammy


  7. Concatulations Sammy!!! Yous does deserves the Creative Blogger and the Very Inspiring Blogger Awards! And Sammy, that picture of yous is precious. Sending yous SPECIAL Kisses
    Don’t forget to plays the “Finish the Sentence” game on my blog tomorrow! And mes promises to trys to actually GUESS where in the world the photo is from!


  8. Oh Sammy, we love learning new stuff about you. You mean you don’t get your mom to paint your toenails? You got lots of toes to go with those nails….wouldn’t visitors be shocked….hehehe Concats on the awards…you deserve them Sammy.

    Big hugs buddy,



    • HA! Painted toenails on a manly cat? I think NOT! It would take a long time for a manicure. Thanks for the concats on my new awards……please feel free to take them if you’d like – I want to share with the world!

      Love, Sam

      Liked by 1 person

    • Oh I bet Callie says a lot of words – maybe even when you aren’t around to hear!!! I kind of learned how to talk by repeating what my Mom said to me………..when I stand at the door she says “OUT?” so I learned that one quickly, and when she does something for me she always says “Mom’s here” or “Mama is here” so that was another easy one. I just am mimicking her really but it’s fun to have a conversation!

      Hugs, Sammy


  9. ConCats Sammy. We fnk dat da pawt of awards we hate da mostest is passin’ ’em along. Cyz we usually feel dat all ow furiends deserve ’em. Gweat facts and weez so glad yous expanded yous howizons to meet and gweet and even get sum extwa luvvin’.

    Luv ya’

    Dezi and Lexi


  10. Well deserved awards for you, Sammy. I think you inspire many with all your energy and activities at Cat Scouts. We always enjoy finding out things about our friends and liked knowing what inspired you. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


  11. Pawtastick awardss Unccle Sammy!! You ROCK thee bloggie werld 😉
    Mee did not know you could speek Hu’man speek!! Yur so wise…
    Mee sayss quite a few werdss but LadyMum sayss shee not sure what launguage mee iss speekin mew mew mew…
    ***paw patss*** Siddhartha Henry an LadyMum


  12. Mee-you Unccle Sammy mee iss pawtient….shee knowss Siamese an Birman butt not much Burmese…yet 😉
    Shee knowss Good Mornin an Feed ME an Cleen thee litterbox an Find Me Toy Mee Luvss You…so wee are makin headway mew mew mew…..
    **paw kissess** neffkitty Siddhartha Henry xxxx


  13. Fankss Unccle Sammy!
    Shee has allso leerned “Treetss Pleeze!” an ‘Play with me’ an ‘Pleeze cuudle mee’…
    Mee iss makin progress!!!! Yippee 😉
    OH an LadyMum knowss when mee sayss “Mee luvss you”…
    She’ss a clevurr Hu’man!
    **paw kissess neffkitty Siddhartha Henry xxxx


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