Turn It Off!


Stop Already!!!

OK – here’s the thing…….I know that north of us the poor peeps have had TONS more snow than we’ve had – TONS more.   We’ve been lucky in that regard for sure……..what we are tired of HERE is having even tiny snows.  Irritating snows.  Three inch snows.   EVERY DING DANG DAY!    What’s with that?   Why not just let us have six feet of snow PERIOD – then give us spring and melt it all.  Now that sounds like a reasonable plan.

January 2012 Snow

Poor Dad was out AGAIN with the snowthrower……………..and it was snowing the whole time.  He’d do a long strip of driveway then by the time he got back up the strip was covered again.   Why bother???!!!  I suppose we will have LESS snow piled up in the spots he cleared even if it was temporarily……but I’m just TIRED of the stuff – know what I mean?

Poor Dad!

Poor Dad!

OK – I feel better now………I got that off my chest…………I have nothing to complain about really because Mom and I have been inside nice and warm all day WATCHING the snow.   Lucky us.

Go Dad Go!

Go Dad Go!

Tomorrow Mom is supposed to go have some blood work done………maybe yes – maybe no………..time will tell…………there’s  a lot of street plowing that will need to be done before that’s gonna happen.   Maybe Dad’s next “toy” (like the snowthrower is) should be a full blown snow plow?   Like the highway department uses…….just think – one quick swipe and it’s ALL GONE!

I’ll suggest he put that on his Santa Wish List…………………

Stay warm everyone (unless you’re in hot places in which case stay cool!).

Hugs, Sammy


70 responses »

  1. Dang Sammy..poor dad..i bet his snow toy is now becoming boring..our seasons always start out as fun and end in urghhhh..we have got Autumn weather at last..cooler.about 19C today ad the wind was quite chilly..we even had some sort f wet stuff falling and guess what …the Roos know it and they are coming back to graze again.Yay…god luck for mums tests I hope she gets an A+ 🙂 loves awol Fozziemum xxx ❤


    • You’re right Fozziemum….Dad has had TOO MUCH toy time this winter and we haven’t said goodbye to the snow monster yet! We’re not sure we can get Mom to her appointment today but that’s alright – we can change it if we have to. So autumn is there huh? The prettiest time of the year (although Spring is pretty swell too!)……..seems like you had a very short summer. I’m glad you’re seeing your roos again AND if you had some wet stuff – as it rain or sleet????

      Stay safe no matter what’s going on outside!
      Hugs, Sammy

      Liked by 1 person

      • Poor dad indeed Sammy..he needs to get his shorts on and relax!..glad Mum can change her appointment..and yes we seemed to have a short summer..with not so many hot hot days..however if we have a dry winter again..well..i think we dodged a bullet fire wise this season..so many dams around are drying up..and stock is still getting lots of feed bought in.The sheepies here have been getting lots of feed bought for them too. The rain was a drizzle but on and off all day..enough to give me a break from the watering rounds! I will stay safe Sammy..and I caved and will be entering my Apple pie Apple Cake and Apple muffins tomorrow..so wish me luck! …early to bed so I can get my muffins done fresh 🙂 loves Fozziemum and stay warm!!! xxx


    • Mom and I cheer poor old Dad on when he’s out there battling the snow monsters……Mom always has a great big mug of hot chocolate (with marshmallows of course) ready for him when he takes a break…..we are really very tired of the snow believe me. Today we will have some sun for a change BUTTT the high temperature will be below freezing. It’s just not FAIR!

      Love, Sam


  2. You are just getting WAY too much snow, Sammy! My human’s boyfriend is doing a show in Michigan and the rest of his bandmates are in Maryland, and they had to do a lot of flight juggling to guarantee they could make it to the gig.


    • I love that eskimo that Nellie’s Mommy made for me!!! What are we gonna do about all this snow Cupcake? I know you hate it on your tummy and I hate it on my tummy too. There should be some way we could WISH it to go away!

      Hugs, Sammy


  3. I know sweet Sammie. Mommmy said her FB page said that same thing. PLEASE STOP!!! We got more but it wasn’t as bad as they feared.


  4. oh dear more snow 😦 i wish in the UK we had had more but we just got a little sprinkle, now for this weekend everyone on the tv is talking about having bbq’s, it is really not that warm, they just go crazy as there is a bit of sun!


  5. Good Morning Sam and Pam! We are at the end of our snow for a bit so the Weather Channel says. Hoping that is the weather future for you too! We had BACON last night!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am excited… I have not had wine for over a week and this afternoon is Wine Time and munchies too! Enjoy your Friday Sam!


  6. Oh cousin – shivers and squeals. I’ve been complaining about the cold and wetness from the rain. Yuck in that department but snow. Shivers shaking piggy head. Mother Nature really needs a talking to these days. I wonder if I can contact Father Time to do the job? XOXO – Bacon


  7. When I furst came our Dad did a bit of attacking the snow with a plow on his little tractor. He told me the neighbor, who was quite an old fellow, would try and beat him finishing. MOL. We have 150′ drive which is not awful big but enough for a good competition. A few years ago the old guy moved and Dad has the lawn dude do it now. Sigh. The good old days.
    Yes lets get this gone already! What if we need treats or something? Very scary. MOL
    Purrs buddy


  8. Well phooey and ‘ding dang day’ LOL, that’s one way of putting it. I’ve watched the news about Washington being buried and schools shut down. I’m thinking it must melt in the next two weeks so those Cherry trees can warm up and get their funk on before we all arrive. Do I feel sorry for your dad too? Yep, sure do…..but more worried about Cherry trees….I’m so selfish. Sorry Sammy’s daddy xo K


  9. dood…we heer ya…tho we THINK it bee gone frum R area now as far az snowz fall comin in….coz we saw sum bass terd robinz in treez a few dayz ago…..faaaaaaaaaaaaaa…N tell yur dad yes…get a snowz plow…coz de minit he doez…it will prob ablee never snow again !!! 🙂

    heerz two a flagfish N false cat shark kinda week oh end ♥♥♥


  10. Oh, Sammy, I’m sorry you are tired of the snow and your dad has to work so hard, but I have to say, it is sooo beautiful! I was kind of hoping to see some, but since it looks like we will not get any here this year, I am ready for spring too.


  11. MORE white stuff? MOUSES!

    We had sun yesterday and have it again today. I was beginnin’ to think the sun might have forgotten how to get up here to Nova Scotia but it did, at last. I’m thinkin’ that there might be some meltin’ goin’ on. There’s still white stuff as far as the eye can see but the piles might be down an inch or two. Only forty or fifty more inches to go! Hmmm…. That sounded a whole lot more promisin’ before I wrote it all down. Awww… MOUSES!



  12. Sammy what is up w our mild DIXIE winters deserting us? Mo days if she sees one more Junco, aka snow bird, at our feeders she will scream “go away”
    MAdi your bfff


  13. Its a good thing that your Daddy has a snow blower! Can yous imagine what would happen if he just has a shovel! Wes hopes your Snomageddon is over soon! Stay warm dear furrend.


    • Oh Dad has a snow shovel and sometimes will just do the front sidewalk with that but the snowthrower is a lifesaver! Our driveway is super long – no way could he shovel it….We think Snowmageddon is JUST ABOUT over with dear Nellie – just in time! I was going nutso!

      Love, Sammy


  14. Yur Pappaw iss pawsum fur snow blowin!!! Wee can so reelate to you Unccle Sammy! It did not snow today but mite tomorrow….March came inn like a lammie (lamby) LadyMum said an Winter will go out roaring like a Lye-on (lion). So that meenss wee are not dun yet 😦
    LadyMumm has keeped it toastee an warm innside so mee has not had to suffer. Mee Mumma an Pappaw are inn thee barn an LadyMum sayss it iss not warm nn there at all….mee wishess mee Pawentss wood go to thee house…Lady MaryEllen wood take them inn….
    Stay safe an warm Unccle an Lady Pam an Pappaw too…
    Luv Siddhartha Henry ❤ ❤ ❤


    • Oh Siddhartha I know you wish your parents would let someone take care of them inside but I guess they are doing what they want to do….independent aren’t they! If they get too uncomfortable I bet they will seek warmer shelter. We kitties are pretty darn smart!

      Hugs, Uncle Sammy

      Liked by 1 person

      • Mee too Unccle Sammy an Lady Pam! They are both stubbern…Mumma speshelly!
        Shee iss scared of Hu’manss no mattur how nice they are to her. Pappaw iss furendlee butt hee will not go innto thee house….
        OK so that iss where mee getss mee stubberneness frum 😉
        Lady maryellen has speshell condoss with hay an towlss inn them so katss can snuggle together an keep warm…
        It iss not as nice as beein inn a warm place tho…..
        Luv Siddhartha Henry ❤ ❤ ❤


        • I bet the cats are purrrrfectly happy to be in their special condos – nice and cozy…..sometimes ferals and shy cats just want their OWN space and not share it with humans or other animals. We think that’s why I’m so very shy – because I was found as a little feral kitten abandoned under an old house – I just trust Mom and Dad and am very SHY around everyone else!

          Hugs, Uncle Sammy

          Liked by 1 person

          • Mee finkss so too Unccle Sammy! Mee Mumma Kallyco an mee Aunty will bee inn thee new to them Condo when they are cott to bee spayed. Lady MaryEllen did not know what shee wood do with 2 feral katss who not want to go innto carrier so wee saved thee day!!!
            Mye goodness you were found under a house Unccle?? Holey KATSS!!
            Yur Pawentss have dun so well bye you then. Takin you inn an givin you a peeceefull (minuss thee vacuum) an luvley Life….
            WEE are turlee blessed aren’t wee?
            ***nose bumpss*** neffkitty Siddhartha Henry xxxx


          • You were inn such a bad situashun; way werse than mine. at leest mee had Lady Nikki an Lady MaryEllen to look out fur mee. Prroblem was Lady MaryEllen did not want lotss of katss inn thee house (beecause there are so many inn thee barn!).
            Shee wanted to dopt all thee inndoor katss but that idea went pear shaped when Tinkerbelle dopted Brofur Tyerrone…so they HAD to stay! Tangerine got dopted a long time ago an iss doin well. So that left mee with THEE ‘eye’ an thee purroblemss…no one wantss a kat with trubbless…Xcept fur LadyMum…shee new wee were meant to bee together! 😉
            It takess a speshell Hu’man to dopt a speshell needss kitty….
            **paw kissess** neffkitty Siddhartha Henry xxxx


    • WIND and SNOW is a bad combination – some of our snows here have felt like we were up where Santa Paws lives…….BRRRR………..right now it’s only four degrees…..what’s with that?????

      Hugs, Sammy


  15. The snow was really pretty yesterday when it was falling, but like you, we are so over it. Staying in the 20s today so nothing melting. We are supposed to have normal temps with highs in the 50s for the next several days. With any luck this stuff will melt. Hope this is the last of it for all our sakes. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


    • Hi KB gang! We are hoping you’re right – maybe there will be no more snows……it’s to be warmer up here this coming week too but right now it’s FOUR degrees so kinda hard to think about “WARMER” !!!

      Hugs, Sammy


  16. Sammy I think your getting all our snow. Just cold here but; they said next week up to 50’s. Can you believe that? Then I bet it will get cold again here. Have a great day.
    Sue B


    • WOW…..well, one thing is for sure, we had more snow events this winter than I ever remember before……….we’ve had some snows in past years where we got more at one time than this year but overall – more snows this year for sure! ICK….I’m tired of it!

      Love, Sammy


    • Hi Savvy! I know it’s nice and toasty there AND down in Florida too but know what? Still even with this snow we’ve had this winter, Virginia is still my fave (of course it’s the only place I’ve ever known too!!!!!).

      Love and Happy Caturday!


    • Cody I sure hope you’re right buddy……..we really are tired of this stuff and this morning it’s FOUR degrees……wonder if any of this stuff will melt in temps like that!!! HAHAHA

      Hugs, Sammy


    • Hi CK…..that is a whole lot more snow than we get but we’re wimps here in the Washington, DC area…..some winters we’ve had NO snow so this winter with ANY snow has been miserable!

      Hugs, Sammy


  17. There’s nothing more annoying than just enough snow to have to remove it, and that makes the roads messy. Especially when it happens every day! My hubby hated snow removal when he had to use a snowthrower. Now he has an ATV (4-wheeler) with a plow, and he doesn’t mind it nearly as much, and even has fun sometimes! 🙂


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