

It can’t pawsibly  be a whole week since that noisy old monster thing was whipping around here can it?  Where does time go?   I guess I’d better just accept the fact that it’s cleaning day again and put on my headset and listen to some tunes while THE THING does its’ thing.


Other than that, nothing going on around here today except COLD.   Like I said in my blog yesterday, it’s tough to imagine Spring starts March 20th.   We’ve got a LONG way to go for it to FEEL like Spring that’s for sure.  Our HIGH today was 32.   Add the 50mph wind in there and I don’t even want to know what the temp was.

Wind?  Yep - makes it tough to know if this cat is coming or going!  HAHA

Wind? Yep – makes it tough to know if this cat is coming or going! HAHA

Mom has promised me (and you) that she will spend a little more time taking UPDATED photos of me instead of recycling the oldies.  Why?  Well mostly because I have slimmed down so much and am not the chubby little ball of ginger that you’re used to seeing.  I lost some weight and Mom gave me a break from camera posing while I was feeling a bit poorly and having difficulty adjusting to my medicine BUT that’s been ages now and my weight hasn’t changed so I’m ready to model.   HAHAHAHA

Thanks to everyone who said such nice things about my Mom’s oil paintings yesterday on my blog……..it made her feel all “warm and fuzzy”……….like a nice warm sweater!


Happy Friday/Monster Day

Hugs, Sammy



70 responses »

  1. Spring is along way from coming here too. We were in the minus figures for a couple of days. I will have to go look at your mom’s art work yesterday. My dad dabbles in oil painting.


  2. The sucky monster is here to stay I think. We have one here too and it sucks up all my carefully placed furs!!

    Looking forward to seeing the new slimline Sammy. Mum says I’m getting far too fat and need to “cut back on the gravy” whatever that means!! MOL

    Have a great weekend, buddy x0x


    • I don’t understand why our humans don’t enjoy having our furs decorating the place…….after all, it’s OUR home too right?????? As for slimness vs. puffiness, I much preferred being “filled out” to skin and bones but Mom says it’s BETTER for me to be slim – HUH? “Better” maybe but we get more squeeeees when we’re puffy!

      Hugs, Sammy


  3. We can’t wait to see you in your new pictures, S. Thanks for featuring Mom in your blog…. Wait. What? Isn’t that her in the wind-blown picture? That’s usually how she looks when she wakes up…

    Love and licks,


    • HAHAHAHAHA…….Oh Cupcake, your Mom keeps her hair nice and short AND it’s definitely not WHITE!!! I don’t know if that’s a dog or a cat in that photo either……it’s just a THING with white hair! HAHA

      Love, Sammy


  4. My Samantha is whining because I’m trying to convince her to lose some weight. Maybe some pictures of the newly svelt Sammy will motivate her…you think? 😛 Happy Friday! Hugs from me and my rotund kitty 🙂


    • I should think that some slimmed-down photos (maybe a BEFORE and AFTER) of me would be motivational but you know how we kitties are – we definitely march to the tune of a different drummer (one that humans CANNOT hear!!!!!).

      Hugs, Sammy

      Liked by 1 person

  5. I have a feeling Motor Mom’s going to bring our monster out today too…I just have that feeling. As Austin said, she doesn’t seem to appreciate my beautiful fur anywhere but on ME.Looking forward to seeing the new pics, Sammy!
    Love, Sundae


  6. Oh Sammy seeing you in some pics all ‘Slim Jim” would really inspire Dinnermintz!she has a bit of a pluxury problem as we all know….it might inspire her to well…you know ..slim down….loves Fozziemum xx


  7. Just use your tent Sammy until the super sucker gets parked in the closet. Sunny here today and a bit warmer. New pictures of you would be most excellent but the other pictures were fine too! NoBODY wants pictures taken of them when they are feeling poorly! Hugs Sammy and one for your Mom just so she knows I am thinking about her today!


    • Oh we welcome HUGS any day – any time – anywhere!!!!!! Yes – tents come in handy for hiding and shutting out stuff like the monster. I survived – didn’t get pulled into the vicious cat-eating hose!!

      Love and HUGS, Sammy

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Mum got the evil vacuum out yesterday. She said it was because dad wasn’t home and she could get on better, but I think it was to catch me unaware.
    I know what you mean about looking ultra streamlined in your photos Sammy. I have lost a third of my weight so mum has been careful which photos she publishes. Luckily I have a very dense coat and that hides a lot.


  9. Hey Sammy!
    Wow, I hate that vacula thing too! I always try to bash it and generally kill it. BOL/MOL That poor kitty in the wind made me wag… glad my fur is short. BWAR HAR HAR
    Grr and Woof,
    Sarge, Police Commish


    • Hi Sarge! Concatulations on that graduating class of pawlice – they look sharp, act sharp, ARE sharp…….I feel so safe knowing a whole pile of new pawlice are watching out for all of us in Blogville!!!!! As for that vacula – I’m with you…..they should be taken apart limb from limb (or hose from hose!).

      Hugs, Sammy


  10. I laughed at Kismets message above. It’s that winter blubber that has me worried about my spring wardrobe. I’m so happy to hear you’ve managed to get used to your medicines and we’ll know the pleasure of your sweet face in some new photo’s. Be well my little friend. Love and Hugs B xo

    PS. That windblown ball of fur photo is a riot, hahaha


  11. 224 pawss up fur new fotoss of you Unccle Sammy!!!
    LadyMum an thee Nyekon are allwayss together…mee findss thee cammyra inn mee face wven when mee iss TRYIN to nappie!!!
    Such iss thee purrice of fame rite?????
    Luv Neffkitty Siddhartha an LadyMum ❤ ❤
    Pee S: iss so cold outside wee shudderss jsut lookin out thee window…5 feet of snow again…so thiss iss Winter??? mee not sure mee LIKESS thiss much 😉


  12. We have that awful thing around here on Caturday most weeks. Can you believe it? Dad really has to get his purriorities straight. Glad you are feeling better and cant wait to see you updated photos


  13. Hey Sammy the sucky monster came out here today too. Thankful just downstairs. I’m so glad your meds are adjusted!!
    Hugs madi your bfff


  14. Cleaning day is noisy around here too…we don’t like it. A kitty can’t hear herself dream. I want to see the slimed down Sammy. It was very thoughtful of your mom to give you a break though.

    I missed this paintings…I must see them….they must be sitting in my mail….waiting for pokey mom to pull them out.



    • Slimmed down Sammy is a lot more healthy probably than fatty Sam. I never was big enough that my doc said “lose weight” but when I started with the thyroid meds I lost a LOT of my weight which has helped my arthritis!!

      Hugs, Sammy


  15. OMC Sammy da time is just flyin’ by ain’t it. Weez wish it wuld slow down a little. Altho’ not wight now. Winter can hurry up and go. MOL And yep dat’s sum stwong wind fur syre We fawt dat wuz a doggy. MOL Weez just know no matter how much weight yous lost or what yous feel like, yous still just as handsum as ever. Enjoy yous hideout and weekend. Stay warm.

    Luv ya’

    Dezi and Lexi


  16. We look forward to seeing some new photos of you, Sammy. We’ll just have to get used to your new slim and trim self! Our old guy Conrad is very slim too, so we’re used to that.


  17. We hope you survived the wind and the noisy cleaning monster. We hate that noisy monster thing. We run and hide as soon as mom brings it out. Love, Cali, Andy, Tater and Shelly (C.A.T.S.)


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