Tough Times


Hi Everybody!   These last several days – around Christmas – while those who celebrate the holiday with fun and laughs and presents were doing just that, there were so many of our blogville friends who were not so lucky……..for some reason none of us understands, there has been an extraordinary amount of illness – serious things – passing among our friends.  In and out of hospital – on and off medicine – not eating, not drinking, not thriving in any way……and it’s VERY troubling.   And sad.   We’ve had some “Bridge crossings” and that’s been sad as well.

One of the saddest stories was the story of Joe the Donkey.   Joe lives with Marg and her other animals ( and had a serious run-in with a barbed wire fence which left him quite horribly injured.  You can read about it on her blog and the photo of his injuries speaks for itself.   He’s got a gigantic vet bill and a long road to recovery.   The Blogosphere is putting the word out to anyone who can help with the expenses to do what they can IF they can.   Here’s the information we received from Ann at Zoolatry:

Many of you have already helped our sweet friend, Joe … yet the need is great … Brian (Brian’s Home) has set up a special website on Joe’s behalf … the LINK is below, and the need is great as Joe continues to receive care. 
Please visit, and help as you can.
Please feel free to use the badges attached.
Please promote Joe’s needs on your own blogs … on your Facebook pages, Twitter, wherever you can and in whatever way you can.
It will be so much appreciated.


This wonderful little guy has a long way to go and Marg and all her animals will need our continuing love and support. 
Thank you, Brian and Terry for doing this … and thank you to every pet blogger out there in this amazing community who care so very much.  YOU ARE ALL WONDERFUL!​So of course if you can help Joe that would be great.    Some of the other kitties I’ve been talking about on my blog are not out of the woods yet either with their illness/health issues.  Our good friend Flynn was feeling better, but now he’s barely eating again and will go to the vet again today – we hope he’ll come home feeling better.  Our buddy Cody is eating well again and while his parents are still worried, they feel relieved that he’s eating and resting after his emergency vet visit.   He also will be having some more tests.

So keep your paws crossed that our friends – ALL of them – will be feeling better soon.   We have a brand new year coming and nothing would make me happier than if everyone starts it feeling GOOD………Remember the POTP is truly powerful………..purrs and prayers DO work/help.   Let’s keep them coming everyone!

Also remember that tomorrow is YOU KNOW WHAT day……………….Teaser Tuesday of course!   AND, your last chance to take away one of those fabulous December SPECIAL badges I designed………….I’ll probably work on some NEW Teaser badges for the new year but for now – put your thinking caps on, grab your maps, brochures, and atlases and be ready for the Teaser.  It will pop up in your inbox at a random time…………..then it’s no holds barred baby – – – the big scramble to be FIRST or even RIGHT will be ON………… I’ll see you then OK?    By the way, it’s a GUEST TEASER…….tee heeeeee

Hugs, Sammy 




75 responses »

    • Hi Cupcake…….so much sadness lately, but seeing happy faces like yours makes me HAPPY……we all have so many friends, there’s bound to be some sadness around but the LOVE is always there if we look for it!

      Hugs, Sammy


  1. Aw…it’s so sad to hear of injury and illness anytime, but even more so during the holidays. We’re adding our purrs (Gypsy and me) and prayers from our pawrents for all our furry friends that aren’t doing well.
    Love, Sundae


  2. Oh cousin. There was so many of us sick during the holidays. I just got went and visited sweet Joe and left him a message. He’s so cool! Can’t wait for the teaser. XOXO – Bacon
    PS. The only thing I miss from the holiday – mommy has to go back to the worky place today. I’ll miss her 😫


    • Oh no!!!!! I bet you will miss having Mom around Bacon…..but you can text her all day as usual (tee hee) and make sure she’s behaving herself. You’re right that so many of our bloggy buddies have been VERY sick or even gone over the Bridge lately – this has to end – so there!

      Love, Sammy


  3. Hi Sammy, this is just so sad about Joe the Donkey. We will go check to see how we can help maybe by donating an item from my shop for bidding. Thank you for sharing this, we were on our way to visit Marg soon and you’ve braced me. Such sad news and so sorry for the difficulties with your other friends too 😦


    • Hi Cocco! Yes poor old Joe….imagine getting all tangled up in barbed wire and TRYING to get free only to injure yourself in doing so. Heart-breaking but he has a good vet looking after him – hopefully he won’t lose his eye. We thought it was very strange over the past week or so that so many of our kitty buddies have become VERY ill or even gone over the Bridge. It’s sad……… What a lovely idea to donate an item from your Mom’s shop for bidding. Thanks for caring………..

      Hugs, Sammy


    • Hi Miss Sue…………we’re all keeping busy with our prayers and purrs aren’t we. Maybe all that energy will work and our friends will move through their illnesses and into GOOD HEALTH again!

      Hugs, Sammy


  4. We’re purring loud and hard for our friends. So much saddness at one time. We’re glad Joe is getting the help he needs and we’re hoping that Flynn and Cody are both okay too.

    We’ll be here for the Tuesday Teaser!!!

    The Florida Furkids


    • It’s what we do……….worry/care/hope/purr and pray for our friends when they need it but it seems we’ve all been in “overdrive” doing that lately. Maybe the new year will bring HEALTH to everyone. Wouldn’t that be the best gift of all!

      Hugs, Sammy


  5. There are so many of our pals not feelin’ their best right now. My healin’ purrs are in overdrive but let me tell you, I’ll keep purrin’ and sendin’ those purrs to those in need for as long as they’re needed. Hopin’ to hear some good news ’bout all our pals, soon.



    • Hi Madi! We hope that all the love and caring that we all feel for one another lands inside all the animals who need that energy to get better………we’d like to end the old year with some GOOD news…….and start the new year with HOPE for HEALTH.

      Love, Sammy


  6. Sammy, we have bee praying and purring. That was nice of you to spread the word about the fundraiser. I donated a little on their paypal link the other day so I will have to pass on this one. I have been meaning to ask you-has Elfvis left the building?


    • Thank heavens Elfvis is packed up and will have a LONG sleep until next Thanksgiving when we’ll have to “batten the hatches” again for his arrival…………eeeeeek! Yes we know lots of peeps have already contributed to Joe’s fund….and that’s wonderful…..but there may be others who would want to. Poor Joe….what a horrible thing to happen!!

      Hugs, Sammy


    • Thanks Lily and Edward……your cute feets have special power I think so between them and all the other crossed paws and feets, maybe we can get everybody WELL to start the new year!!!

      Love and Hugs, Sammy


  7. Wes gots the power of the Purrs and Paws going here BIG time! Mes making the New Year/Your Birthday Party a commentathon for Joe and mes is furry worried about Flynn and mes so furry happy the Cody is doing well. Mes hoping yous is doing well!!!!


    • Nellie I’m doing just great……..don’t you worry about me my dear girl………I’m excited about turning 15 on New Year’s Day and I’m thrilled that your party will be a commentathon for Joe. I’m going to do that with my Birthday Buffet too!

      Sending you tons of hugs and kisses, Sammy


  8. It’s such a sad time! We’re so worried about all of our blogging pals that are not feeling well! We are purring and praying as hard as we can for them! We so hope they get better soon! Much love, Roxy & Tigerlino ❤


    • I hope all this energy that all of us are putting out to help our pals WORKS…….that they feel the love and concern and rally – and STAY better……..we have a new year coming and we hope it’s a HEALTHY and HAPPY one!

      Love, Sammy

      Liked by 1 person

  9. *LadyMum* an mee went over to vizit Flynn an leeve a message an we went to Marg Lady’ss bloggie an left a message there fur poor Joe! Good greef it hass been a berry sad yeer fur all of you in Bloggieville.
    Mee iss leernin mee POTP 😉
    Sendin LUV to everyone, speshelly you Unccle Sammy 🙂
    Luv, Siddhartha an *LadyMum* ❤ ❤ ❤


    • It has been a tough year for a lot of blogville Siddhartha but YOU are one of the bright moments for all of us and especially your Mum…….I’m glad you visited Flynn and Miss Marg – things are sad at their houses now because of the illness and injury and there are even MORE kitties who are very sick. We hope and purrrray that 2015 brings good health to everyone…………….!!

      Love and Hugs, Uncle Sammy


  10. Mee!!! Mee iss a brite moe-ment?? Fanks you Unccle Sammy you made mee all purry! Mee had to come home with *LadyMum* beecause mee knew she wass so sad over losin Aunty Nylablue 😉
    AS fur Joe an Flynn mee not knowss them well butt mee allmost died when mee as just 5-6 weekss old….so mee knowss bout beein sick…
    If *LadyMum* had xtra green papurrss she wood send sum to Marg Lady but she used them fur mee food an new bed an litter…
    So wee say lotss of purrayerss here 😉
    Luv, yur Neffew Siddhartha ❤ ❤


    • Purring and praying is just as important as green papers little guy……………all the energy and love that we can get together and send to those who need it is VERY welcomed. I’m so glad you fought to stay here too….I didn’t know you were so very sick as a little one but you sure look nice and healthy now! STAY THAT WAY!

      Love, Uncle Sammy


  11. Yes, in deed it is sad with so much going on with some of our sweet blog friends. We are keeping everyone in our thoughts and prayers. Sweet Sammy and family we came by to wish you all a Very Happy New Year and that 2015 be filled with love, happiness, good health, all you need to live comfortably and lots of hugs and nose kisses!


    • Oh thank you so much!!!!! We’re hoping 2015 is a GREAT year for everyone……….we’re hoping those who are sick will recover, those who have left us for the Bridge will keep watch on us, and that it be a HAPPY year for everyone and everything. Blessings to you too!

      Love, Sammy


  12. Wishing for a healthy and happy 2015 for everyone. Thanks for keeping us updated. Purring so hard for all my furiends. Shared Joe’s fundraiser on Facebook and Twitter. Probably won’t have a clue about the teaser as usual but look forward to seeing it! And thanks for turning me on to bacon!


    • It’s tough times for everyone with the holiday expenses but I have always thought that the tiniest donations add up to make BIG ones……that’s all we can do too but it all COUNTS. We’re hoping and praying that Cody is going to be right as rain too……there’s so much love in the blogosphere – plenty to go around!!

      Hugs, Sammy


  13. Christmas should be such a happy time, but it can be a rough time for so many. If only bad things in life could be suspended for the two weeks or so around Christmas. We made a small donation for Joe’s care and will be thinking of all the others who are having tough times right now.


    • I agree……it would be nice if we could only have “happy” at holidays…….the world goes on though doesn’t it. I’m sure Marg will be most grateful for your donation – it all adds up and makes a BIG difference I’m sure!

      Hugs, Sammy


  14. We are so sad to hear that so many of our furiends are not well or have crossed the Bridge. We are sending lots and lots of prayers and purrs!!!


  15. Awwww, sad news for sure Pam. I wish everyone could recover and continue to be loved by their families. I made wee donation to Joe’s fundraiser, I’m just broken hearted for him and his mom. I know how sad I’d be. Hopefully with some TLC and some generosity, Joe will be bouncing around and loving life in no time. Thanks for all the love and caring you share too Pam. You’re a good soul. I really love this about you xox K


    • Thanks Sweetie…..and I love that you donated to Joe’s care even though you don’t know him……you are one of the most caring friends I know…….! Let’s hope the new year brings lots of “NEW” and good things for all.

      Love, Pam (and Sam sends a smoochie!)

      Liked by 1 person

  16. Mee iss doin mee best Unccle Sammy. Thee ‘bad’ eye iss not purrfect an *LadyMum* sayss it must bee looked at. She finkss mee mite need sum vitaminss too….
    At leest she will help mee 😉
    Wee iss still purrayin fur Joe….poor donkey….hee reemindss me of mee horsie furendss back at thee farm…
    Luv, Siddhartha ❤ ❤


    • Siddhartha I know that your Mum will make sure that your eye and the REST of you are as healthy as can be. That makes me so happy. I have wondered about that little eye of yours but I know that your vet will be able to tell what’s up. Doctor Dave was a miracle worker with your Angel Auntie Nylablue!!! Joe certainly is in the right hands – I just visited Miss Marg’s blog and saw Joe and his pal in the recovery barn – he has a big bandage around his tummy to protect all the wounds but he looks a lot better.

      Love and Hugs, Uncle Sammy

      Liked by 1 person

  17. Doc Dave soundss purrty excellent…mee knowss mee will bee inn good handss with him!
    Oh Joe iss a bit bettur?? Wee gonna pop rite over an vizit him an leave a commint!
    ~head rubss~ Siddhartha an LadyMum x0x0x0


    • He looked like he was bandaged up nice and tight so he wouldn’t get any infections and he has his pal with him in his recovery barn so he’s comfortable. I’m sure Miss Marg will enjoy a comment from y ou!!

      Love, Uncle Sammy


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