Tuesday Before Christmas Teaser


Ho Ho Ho………no I’m not Santa but I’m Ho Ho Hoping you showed up this morning for the next to last Teaser before the end of 2014!   Your next to last chance to be a hero and be the FIRST RIGHT GUESSER (or right guesser or greenie winner).

Today I am presenting for your agony, frustration, pleasure, a GUEST TEASER – and it’s TWO photos, not one.   Two shots of the same place on the planet………….and I need you to tell me what the name of this structure is AND where it’s located – GOT IT???   Alright………..here you go then!


SO, hurry up and guess…………………..and if you are the First Right Guesser, you’ll get an email from me telling you that and asking that you don’t shout it from the rooftops, make an announcement on your blog, report it to the network news for broadcast, or set off fireworks in honor of your win………….just quietly enjoy your victory until tomorrow when you can pick up your badge and tell the UNIVERSE that you were the First Right Guesser on my Teaser before Christmas!


GOOD LUCK everybody!

Now, on a sad note, I want to tell everyone that my adorable little cousin Mollye the Shih Tzu – one of my auntie Carol’s two doggies, went to the Bridge quietly in her sleep this past Saturday night.   It’s how we all would like to leave this world – sleeping in innocence and peace.   Mollye  as I’ve told you all before was a rescue pup…….she had spent all her previous life in a puppy mill having babies – babies she’d get to have with her for a brief time before they’d be taken away and she’d become pregnant over and over and over and live in her small cage alone.   It was a terrible life – one we’ve all heard about before with puppy mills.   Mollye had never had any vet care but Aunt Carol did everything to get Mollye into the best health she could have in spite of having to have most of her teeth removed due to infection, never having previously been diagnosed with a heart condition and a collapsed trachea making it hard for her to breathe, nor treating the beginning of her glaucoma.   She’d also never really learned how to run – even walking was difficult but Carol was patient and Mollye’s new brother, Toby the Shih Tzu, was too – taking Mollye under his wing and showing her the ropes!   Mollye enjoyed freedom to be a dog……a happy dog…….running with the wind in her ears and face – chasing her brother – giving her brother wonderful tongue baths (!), and learning to totally adore her Mommy.   She was GLUED to Carol…..she was so very smart and understood so many things above all else she knew she was safe forever.

Her glaucoma had gone unchecked and undiagnosed for so long and eventually she had to have one of her eyes removed………..Carol did everything she could to keep the progression of the disease from causing total blindness including help from a canine eye specialist but the excellent care and treatment was not able to STOP the glaucoma – it just slowed things down so we believe she had minimal sight – but even that didn’t slow her down!   She knew her house so well – every corner and couch but especially she knew how to find her Mommy’s lap!

She just went to bed one night and when my Aunt Carol got up the next morning Mollye was still there…………………she’d hopped on a rainbow and gone to the Bridge………….where all the other angels are.   Mollye was a dear and sweet girl.   My Mom loved her too……a whole lot.   I even forgave Mom for bringing Mollye and Toby’s smells home from her visits with them!   So I also loved them…………..and all of us will remember her journey over the Bridge every Christmas from now until forever.

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68 responses »

  1. Ho, ho, ho, or should that be no, no, no idea!! We’re going to guess England, because it looks sort of England-y.

    We’re sorry to hear about Mollye, we bet she’s having a great time over the bridge.

    We wish you, Sammy, and your mom & dad a very Merry Christmas. We hope Santa Paws is good to all of you.



    • Hi Oliver and Calvin! I’m sure you’re right that Mollye is having a good time and feeling great over the Bridge…..I can almost see her there – she can see, she can run, she can breathe in the smell of flowers and grass – all the things she had a tough time with here. Anyway, thank you so much…………and good luck with the Teaser – tomorrow is the Tell all!

      Love, Sammy


  2. We’re not first and we’re clueless!!! We do think Shoko might be right!!!

    We’re so sorry that little Mollye had to go to the Bridge but we think it’s wonderful for her that she went peacefully in her bed. (((hugs)))

    The Florida Furkids


    • I think we ALL want to go in our sleep…..in a safe place surrounded by love. Little Toby is grieving deeply right now as he just doesn’t understand. Thanks for taking a peek at the Teaser! We’ll all find out tomorrow if Shoko or maybe someone ELSE was First Right Guesser!!!!!

      Hugs, Sammy


  3. Poor Mollye, what a sad life she had until your Auntie rescued her. I am sorry for the loss in your family, especially so close to Christmas. As for the teaser, I don’t have a clue-as usual.


    • Thanks so much about Mollye…….she was such a sweetie and has left a very big hole in my sister’s family – especially her brother Toby who just does NOT understand where she is. My sister is concerned about him but we all grieve in our own way.

      Come back tomorrow to see if someone knows where the photos were taken!
      Hugs, Sammy


  4. No clue.. clueless. Don’t know. I don’t knooooooooooooooow!!!
    So sorry about Mollye but agree with The Florida Furkids that going peacefully in her bed was how it should be. So happy that Mollye had your Auntie Carol for a Mom because she is an awesome Mom! Hope Aunt Carol is doing okay.. sending her hugs and warm thoughts.

    Liked by 1 person

    • So the Teaser is BEYOND your guessing power huh? Well, tomorrow if you visit you’ll find out if anyone knows…..maybe I’ll win a badge again myself! HAHAHAHA Yes, we all agree that going to the Bridge in our sleep would be the very BEST way to go….poor little Toby, Mollye’s brother just doesn’t understand all of that – all he knows is his sister is missing. HE’s not eating or drinking and Carol will be taking him to the vet for hydration….we’re hoping he adjusts soon. Carol is doing better because at least she KNOWS what’s happened. Anyway, time does heal all wounds…….including this. Tough timing though just before Christmas.

      Love and Hugs,
      Pam (and Sam)


  5. Mum went on a cruise around the British Isles a couple of years ago, and one of the ports of call was to Anglesey (before we knew Austin). They took a private tour with a few other friends and visited 2 castles. Beaumaris was not one they stopped at but they did pass close by and it looks very familiar, so we think the Canadian Cats are right.


  6. I share Flynn’s and The Florida Furkids’ opinion and think that The Canadian Cats will win your wonderfully festive First Right Guesser badge, Sammy. BTW, I think you should have a special competition for Handicapped Teaser Fans like me. It is not enough that I was totally clueless but I think that it’s Sunday today. Yesterday, I thought that it’s Caturday. At least, I’m consistent!


    • HAHAHA….so you’re not even on the right day huh? Well that’s bound to throw off your “Teaser Ability” to an extent !!!! I’m just now getting here to see comments so not sure if someone has guessed right or not!!!

      Hugs, Sammy


  7. Dear Sammy, Please accept our condolences, and pass them on to your Aunty Carol, on the loss of Mollye. Running over the bridge while sleeping is the best way to leave…very peaceful. Losing her at Christmas is very hard, and we will keep all of you in our thoughts and prayers. As to the Teaser…not a clue and no time today for a Google expedition! Ho, ho, ho, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


    • Thank you so much dearest Kitties Blue………..I know that Mollye is in the best possible place for sure…..and my Mom just talked to Aunt Carol and right now she’s worried about Mollye’s brother Toby – he’s grieving as we all do – but at least we humans KNOW/Understand what’s happened….all Toby knows is that something is very very wrong. He’s not eating or drinking so Carol is taking him to the vet to be rehydrated. Poor little guy……..thank you so much for your sweet comments.

      Love, Pam and Sam


  8. “She’d hopped on a rainbow and gone to the Bridge” – I think Mollye has already crossed Rainbow Bridge once and felt herself in Summerlands at Auntie Carol’s home. She was able to completely forget her previous terrible life and learn a peaceful, delighted new one. Auntie Carol is a wonderful, wonderful person.


    • Thank you for saying that……..I’ll make sure my sister sees all the sweet messages left here about little Mollye. I just talked to my sister on the phone and her other Shih Tzu Toby is grieving so deeply – bless their little hearts – we can at least “understand” a loss, all they know is something is VERY wrong in their world!

      Holiday Hugs and thanks so much…….
      Pam (and Sammy)


  9. I agree with Shoko and Kali…they are super smart, so it must be Beaumarais Castle on Anglesey Island. Sammy I’m so sad for your cousin Molly and I’m sad for your aunt and her furmily. What a sad christmas so much of us will have. What a mean year full of bad things…


    • Hi Easy! So you think Shoko and Kali are right huh? Well I guess you’ll have to wait and find out tomorrow – Christmas Eve! I hope your grandparents arrived safely and you are knee-deep in new toys by now!!!!!

      Hugs and love, Sammy


      • Sammy they had such a bad trip, they needed 13.5 hours, the traffic was horrible, specially in Paw-ris. They came in the middle of the night and I helped myself with opening some treat bags… and at the end I had a puke-fest in my back yard… what a bad night :o)


        • Oh dear!! Well I’m sorry your grandparents had such a terrible drive there – that really was a LOOOOOOOOOOONG time on the road. I know you were excited to see all the goodies they brought for you!!! Guess you “over-did” just a bit though huh? The puke-fest is part of the holidays I think. I did that this morning in fact – I’m getting excited and Mom thinks I just ate too much food too quickly and WHAM BAM THANK YOU MAM I horked it all back up again!

          Hope you’re enjoying your company NOW though……………..
          Hugs, Sammy


  10. Looks like it’s located in England or Wales or Scotland? But no clue what it’s called or where exactly it can be found… sooooo… it’s the GREENIE for us again! MOL 😆

    We’re so sorry about Molly! What sad news! Our hearts go out to you and her family.

    Purrs and love, Roxy & Tigerlino ❤


  11. Well, the teaser photos sure look to be a fortress of some sort… but we really don’t know where!
    We are SO sorry to hear about sweet Mollye….. your auntie Carol definitely gave her all the love and care that she possibly could, and she has to miss her so very much. Mollye knew she was loved, and that was the important thing.
    Love, Sundae


    • Hi Sundae….yes I know for sure Mollye felt loved every minute she was with my Aunt and her little brother Toby. Thanks for peeking at my Teaser today – tomorrow I’ll “tell all” !!

      Love, Sammy


  12. Beaumaris Castle, mes finally knows one! And mes so furry sad about Mollye. Mes knows she will be so furry happy running free and playing with the before animals as there wes ALL purrfect and healthy.


    • Hi Beautiful Nellie! Well, if you visit me tomorrow you’ll find out if you’re right on the Teaser but you don’t have to wait for that to get a BIG HUG from me – so (((((NELLIE))))) for you no matter what!!!

      Thanks for your thoughts on Mollye……she was a sweetheart…….
      Love, Sammy


  13. It’s a fort on a lake or other body of water! hee hee….I ruled out Fort Ticonderoga and Fort William and Mary, both in New York and the only ones I’ve ever been to! Can’t wait to hear where this one is!


  14. PS…I meant to say also, so sorry for the loss of Mollye. What a little cutie she was. Bless your aunt for giving her such a good life, hopefully that made up for all the bad she had to endure before. It’s good for her that she went so peacefully, but I’m sure the suddenness of it and shock was very hard on her family and friends.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks for your words Jan….Mollye was a love bug from the minute she was handed to my sister from the rescue group – she just melted in my sister’s arms like she KNEW she was finally home and safe. She was so full of personality once she was able to express herself and relax…..she loved playing with toys, chasing her brother Toby, and most of all loved being in my sister’s lap. Her health issues began shortly after she came to live with Carol but she had the very best of care and we think the years of abuse at the puppy mill just finally took a toll. Thank God she went to the Bridge in her sleep…..just like we all want to go one day.

      Hugs, Pam


  15. I’m so sorry to hear of Mollye’s passing and send you and Aunt Carol soft purrs of comfort. Thank-you for sharing the message of puppy mills. It needs to be repeated until no one buys animals from these horrific breeders who cause untold suffering. Thankfully Mollye enjoyed good times, love and passed peacefully. A blessing indeed.
    The castle is Beaumaris “beautiful sea” in Wales.


    • Hi Miss Layla! Thank you so much for your tender message about Mollye’s passing. I like to think of her in a beautiful place, able to run with the wind, able to SEE again and HEAR again, and keep an eye on my Aunt Carol and Mollye’s brother Toby the Shih Tzu always and forever. Come visit me if you can tomorrow for the Teaser Tell All!!!!

      Love and Hugs, Sammy

      Liked by 1 person

  16. So sorry about Mollye. What a pretty dog she was. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your Aunt. I have no clue on today’s. Looks like somewhere they did battle.LOL.
    Sue B


    • Hi Dezi! Last year I used the North Pole for my Teaser and it stumped a lot of people! HAHAHA My Mom had a friend who actually LIVED at North Pole, Alaska – isn’t that interesting? She moved down to the States though a few years ago. Thank you for your thoughts on my cousin Mollye. My Aunt Carol and her other dog Toby are feeling extra sad but my Mom called them this morning and Auntie Carol’s daughter and her grandson were coming to visit her today so that was good.

      Hugs, Sammy

      Liked by 1 person

  17. Run free dear Mollye….Nylablue & so many others will be there to show you around…..
    Losing a 4 legged b4 the holdiays is never easy & I wish the best for your Aunt Carol during this difficult time.
    As for the Teaser Sammy…I am thinking Scotney Castle in Kent but there is no water beside the place…..*scratches head*
    I tired…really I did!!!
    Love Sherri-Ellen & Siddhartha ❤ ❤


    • Thanks for the thoughts on my little cousin Mollye…..the first thing that popped in my head was that I just bet Nylablue would be there to welcome her! Good guess on the Teaser but by now you know it was a castle in Wales!!!!!

      Hugs and Love, Sammy


    • Hi CK! Thanks for the thoughts on my cousin..she was a cutie (for a woofie!). Great Wall of China huh? Well it kinda looks like it OR Santa’s SWEATSHOP……however it was a Castle in Wales! Who knew?!

      Love, Sammy and Mom Pam


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