Frosty Friday


It’s been VERY cold here the last several days – no surprise there I guess as it’s that time of the year, but it HAS put a crimp in my morning walks with Mom where I usually have some munches of grass before coming inside.  For one thing the grass has leaves on top of it (Mom and Dad have slacked off with the leaf picking up stuff due to the cold) so I have to dig a bit to find the grass.   For another, the wind has been howling out there in the dark (we’re usually out there around 4AM) and while Mom has on a parka, hat, gloves and boots, I’m freezing my “you know what” off.   Hence, Mom’s decision today to get me a jacket or sweater.  That’s right………..

Some of you may remember that my buddy Easy sent me a blue sweater a while back – it was just a tad too big for me but Mom thought I looked cute in it (why do Moms always think we look cute in EVERYTHING???)………….but it was a bit too big and when Mom put me on the floor with the sweater on I just stood there frozen in place like I couldn’t move.  My sweater was ready to move but I wasn’t.   She thinks if she gets me a small size (I’ve lost two pounds since I got the blue sweater) MAYBE I’ll wear it.   SO, she looked at some possible things online.

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I’m just not sure…….none of these are “grabbing me”………..I think some kind of snug fleece number might be “me” so the search continues.  A guy needs to keep himself warm if he’s out braving the elements right?

I could use a sweater now....and maybe some skis?????

I could use a sweater now….and maybe some skis????? Or maybe a ladder????

On another note, today is Monster Day so cleaning will be going on around here – with all the Christmas stuff all over the place it’s tough to clean.  I especially worry about the vacuum cleaner sucking up all the presents under the tree!   That would NOT be good…….so I’m going to be brave and keep an eye on the monster as it does its’ thing.   If I have to throw myself in front of the vacuum and sacrifice myself for the sake of the presents – well – a guy has to do what a guy has to do!!!!!!

Happy Frosty Friday



81 responses »

    • Oh good thinking Charles – manly yet warm is the REAL ME! This morning I not only went outside with Mom (it was 34) but we went down into the woods IN THE DARK (thankfully Mom carries a flashlight on our early morning walks) and I climbed on top of a downed old oak tree and had a blast – what a great “claw sharpener” it was!!

      Hugs, Sammy


  1. Goodness me Sammy..we are sweating here and seeing those sweaters makes us sweat more hahahahaah…I think polar fleece is the way to go…very dashing…a guy has to stay warm indeed…maybe mum can adjust Easy’s sweater it is a great colour 🙂 and as for the pressies…well best you keep them safe my friend!!! loves Fozziemum xxx


  2. guess what? we have the same bad storm, I thought there is a Banshee in my backyard :o) I’m also not really a “dress man” and I prefer to go nekked, butt if it feels like living on the northpole I wear a coat too. maybe your mom can adjust the sweater a little or Santa brings you a fleece coat, that’s easier to wear than a sweater :o)


    • Hi Easy! I’m a nudist at heart too…..but I admit that when it’s really SUPER cold and windy, a little “something” might be comfy. Mom had an idea about my blue sweater – you know how stuff shrinks when it’s washed? We’re gonna try doing that to see if we can get the blue sweater to fit me better!!!! I love that it’s from you….it means a lot to me. STAY WARM!

      Hugs, Sammy


      • Sammy that’s a great idea… in theory… because there is always a Mr. Murphy and his mean law… my mom has a sweater from black friday last year what should be shrinked via washer… guess what? it became bigger. 1:0 for Mr. Murphy… butt my mom is a hero and she put it in the dryer… it’s as big as always but totally “felted” now… think that means Mr. Murphy won 2:0 :o)


  3. Good luck finding just the right sweater, Sammy! I think you would benefit greatly from that….and maybe a pair (two pair) of snow boots for when the white stuff is on the ground…! Well, maybe not on the boots….!
    Love, Sundae


    • I’m thinking I should have a wardrobe of sweaters and hoodies…..maybe even some fleece “jammies” ???? I’m a guy of a certain age and I should be strutting my stuff in comfort right?

      Love, Sammy


  4. Good luck finding a sweater Sammy, but have you heard that wearing clothes makes your bones disappear so you lay in a heap on the floor and won’t move.
    I haven’t been out in the fields for a couple of weeks now, but I still go out in the garden. I have a very dense coat which keeps me warm, (it also helps to hide how skinny I am now).
    Maybe your mum could do what my dad does when they go on holiday and I can’t get onto the grass. He digs up a turf of grass and puts it in a seed tray so I have got good established grass indoors to chomp on.


    • That is an amazingly CLEVER idea your Dad had about giving you your own patch of grass to munch on when they’re away!!!! That’s fabulous! I’ll have to speak to my Dad about that……thanks Flynn! I’m sorry you’ve lost so much weight……..I have lost a total of 2 lbs. but the loss has tapered off thank heavens. I’m “stable” now that I’ve been on my meds for a while. Mom misses my chubby look though. I have to admit, I looked cuter as a little teletubby!!!!

      Hugs, Sammy


  5. Oh snorts cousin! Your mom too? What is up with the dressing of us anipals? Houdini has so many clothes now he has his own dresser? Shakes piggy head. Maybe your mom should get you a leather jacket that my mom bought Houdini. Stylish yet still says you’re a MAN cat. XOXO – Bacon


    • Oh a leather jacket would be so cool but then I’d want a motorcycle, want to join a gang, want to smoke cigarettes and look tough, want to hang out in bars, want to date wild cat women……I’m not seeing that happen. Know what I mean?????

      Hugs, Sammy


      • Snorts. Well there you go cousin. That’s where mommy went wrong last weekend buying Houdini one. You see what happened to *him* this week. Snorts and rolls around laughing. XOXO – Bacon


    • That’s a great idea…..I’ve seen a few of those online even but an old sweater of mine would be easy to cut up and sew some buttons on to work as a cape for Sammy – GREAT IDEA Layla! I also saw some cute little “indoors” t-shirts that actually are made for sphinx cats. I wonder if he’d like something like that too! I figured that many of the things that don’t fit “snugly” would be too confusing to wear – it needs to be snug but not tight.

      Hugs, Pam


  6. Sammy, sorry it’s so cold. We wouldn’t want to wear a sweater either. We’re not much on wearing clothes. After all, we have furs! Actually, we’re getting warmer weather here. It’s supposed to be close to 50 degrees here on Sunday. We’ll send some of this warmth your way.


  7. Because you DO look cute in everything, Sammy! I think your Mom will find the perfect sweater soon, and hopefully you’ll still move when she puts it on you. 🙂
    It’s actually been warm here lately, for December, but it seems to be cooling off now. We would just like to see some sunshine….it’s been snowing/raining/sleeting for days now!


  8. ALL of the clothes are precious. And the hoods or hats with ear holes..too cute for words. I love ALL of the clothes but I don’t want to wear any. YOU look precious in blue.


  9. It was monster day at our house too. So glad we didn’t have to give baths(crosses fingers and kitty paws). Still did deep cleaning. Trying not to do much this weekend.
    Sue B


  10. Oh Sammy I do like the blue sweater but it does seem large for you…I think something with some Sherpa lining would make you look rugged!! It has been around freezing here & no snow but down in Hamilton where I used to live they got a major storm; weird!
    Stay warm my friend.
    Love Sherri-Ellen x0x0


    • I like the way you think……….I’m not too crazy about the clothes idea BUT I love love LOVE walking in the yard and Mom thinks now that I’ve lost some of my fat (HAHAHA) I might need something to keep me warm. I’ve made my feelings known on the subject though so we’ll see who wins!

      Hugs, Sammy


  11. I’m enjoying the grass on my toes here in Sunny California. Back home it’s snow, snow and more snow. Hard to imagine this is only a short 4 hours by plane going 500 miles an hour, away. Gads, that’s spooky when you think about it. I don’t get it, how come my orange juice didn’t spill up there? Anyway, I think a fleece jacket would be the cats meow 😉 xoB


    • I do too Boomdee and I’m looking for some appropriate goodies online for Sammy. I don’t want to make him uncomfortable but I do think that when it’s super cold out and he insists on going outside he should have the protection of SOMETHING! Besides, it’s fun to shop (tee hee). So happy you’re enjoying Sunny Cali!!

      Hugs, Pam

      Liked by 1 person

  12. Every time Mom goes to the pet store, she looks at sweaters for us, as we like to be out on the catio even when it is cold. So far she has not returned home with anything. Super glad she is picky. We liked the purple riding hood look, but we think your ears would get cold. That one itty bitty kitten was wearing a sweater off a Boyd’s Bear stuffy. Not a bad idea. Try to stay warm buddy. We know it is hard to keep weight on with thyroid problems, but you need to try. Sending love and hugs. Ho, Ho, Ho, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


    • Hi KB Crew……Mom’s still looking around online and there are some nice things that seem to mostly be made for those bald guys – the Sphinx kiddies BUT we’ll find something suitable for a ginger dood!

      Hugs, Sammy


  13. Not sure what he thinks of snow…we have not had enough for him to actually see it! 😉
    I think a Sherpa kittycoat would be lovely….definitely!
    Love Sherri-Ellen & Purrince Siddhartha x0x0x0


    • Mom’s got her eye open – almost bought me a coat yesterday at WalMart….in the WOOFIE DEPARTMENT (yikes!). It was cute and for small dogs but had a Sherpa lining……Mom said it was pink though and she knew I wouldn’t want a “girlie” coat!

      Hugs, Sammy

      Liked by 1 person

  14. Now the ‘woofie’ department has alot of nice sweaters & coats Sammy & no one will know if it is a dog or cat coat…so do not worry about that.
    As for pink I can see your dilemna there…Soemthing in a Hunter Green or Royal Blue would be nice..or a red & green tartan plaid….
    I hope Mom finds one for you soon. It is ACTUALLY snowing here tonite…finally 😉
    Love Sherri-Ellen x0


    • Oh boy!!!!! Siddhartha will get to see snow! Mom says she remembers my first snow…..I thought it was fun to stick my toesies in – and if she went outside in the snow, I went outside and followed in the footsteps she made. I was young and silly then….now I’m old and like to be WARM!

      Hugs, Sammy

      Liked by 1 person

  15. This Winter has been so odd Sammy & pam. We had alot of snow in November & now rain in december & only a skiff of snow. Now the weather people are saying it is an El Nino year…*sighs*
    I so want a nice snow so Siddhartha can see it for real…
    Love you both, Sherri-Ellen x0x0


    • I agree about how odd the weather is……it’s going to be in the mid-50s next week….last year this time we had a lot of snow! CRAZY!

      Hoping Dharth gets some REAL snow soon, Love, Sammy and Pam


  16. Unless we have a Xmas miracle we are supposed to have rain & temps up to 45 F here…BLAH! Last year was so brutal with all the snow for 6 l-on-g months; now we can’t catch a snowflake!!! LOL.
    Love Sherri-Ellen & Siddhartha x0x0x0


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