Tuesday Teaser & Veterans Day


Happy Tuesday!!!    Well today’s Teaser is one that I’m SURE somebody will guess right – maybe more than one somebody in fact.   I didn’t want to make it SUPER DUPER easy but I also decided not to make it SUPER DUPER tough either!

So without further fanfare, I present today’s Teaser!


WHERE IN THE WORLD IS THIS???   What are we seeing in this photo and WHERE is it located?   If you’re the first to give me the right answer, you will be the lucky recipient of an award that NOBODY has won for several weeks – you know you wanna be first so go for it and get this!

For the FIRST to guess right!

For the FIRST to guess right!

If you are right but not first – you’re STILL a winner!

Right but not FIRST!

Right but not FIRST!

And of course there’s always Mr. Greenie if you’re just plain WRONG or Clueless!



What else do I have to say today?????????

Today is Veterans Day here in the US of A.


When Mom and I think about the day and honoring those who have served or are serving their country, first at the top of our minds is my Granddad – Mom’s Pop.   He was a Colonel in the Air Force and was in the Air Force until he retired.  He loved his work so much he went back to the same office after he retired from the military and continued to do work until his health made him FINALLY get some rest and enjoy the rest of his life.   He was VERY patriotic and that’s where my Mom gets her love of country from.   He died in 1992 just two years after he walked Mom down the aisle when she married my Dad.

Mom With Her Dad In His Uniform

I never knew him since I was born in 2000, well after he went to the Human Bridge but one day I hope Mom, me and Granddad can sit in a flower-filled field by a steam and have a picnic in the sun together on the other side of the Bridge……………..I would like that very much.   Maybe he’ll tell me tall tales of his long military career and he can be MY hero like he’s my Mom’s hero.

Mom has the flag that was on her Dad's coffin at his full military honors funeral......

Mom has the flag that was on her Dad’s coffin at his full military honors funeral……

But there are a LOT of heroes to celebrate today……………….and me and my family want to thank each and every one who is serving or has served their country.   Thank you for your sacrifices and dedication.

Honoring our Veterans,

Sammy and Mom




100 responses »

  1. Great post today for Veteran’s Day, Sammy! Sweet thoughts about spending a lovely day with your Mom and her dad on the other side of the Bridge one day in the FAR distant future…!
    Mom’s busy right now, and I don’t know about the Teaser. 😉
    Love, Sundae


  2. Good morning, Sammy,
    Now that’s one even I know: the Alamo – the Shrine of Texas – in San Antonio. Well, I should know as it’s not far from Fredericksburg, where I live. Btw, when I came to Texas the first time, in the summer of 1999, my wife [well, we married quite some time later only] took me there. Oh, one more question: how could you get the picture without tourists??!! 😉
    Re Veterans’ Day: I’d like to use the opportunity of this posting to convey my heartfelt gratitude to all those veterans who risked their lives to enable me – a native German born in 1947 – to grow up in freedom. And I”m also including in my thoughts those who gave their lives.
    Have a great day,


    • Hi Mr. Pit! Thanks for taking a guess on the Teaser today. Tomorrow I’ll let everyone know if you and some of the others are RIGHT about your guess!!!! As for why no tourists in the photo, it’s like any tourist attraction type place – you have to really be in the right spot at the right time – like SUPER early in the morning…………there is a guy coming in from the right side of that photo though!!1 HAHAHA

      Hugs, Sammy


  3. The Alamo in San Antonio Texas. I actually recognized the picture from learning about the Alamo in school.

    I also would like to thank all of the Veterans for their service to this country. The wedding picture is beautiful!


    • Hi Miss Judy! THanks for guessing on today’s Teaser….tomorrow I’ll let everybody know who’s a winner and who isn’t! Thanks too for the compliments on Mom’s wedding photo with her Dad.

      Hugs, Sammy


  4. It’s the Alamo in San Antonio, Texas, someplace I’ve actually been and seen in person! Darn it, I had a dentist appt. this morning so didn’t get on here soon enough!
    Happy Veteran’s Day to everyone who has served our country. My Dad served in the Navy and also instilled a great love of country in me.


    • Hi Miss Jan! Well, thanks for guessing today even if the dentist kept you from getting here earlier….tomorrow I’ll be telling everyone WHERE this photo was taken FOR SURE……….it sounds like your Dad and my Mom’s Dad were both great patriots who passed that along to their daughters.

      Hugs, Sammy


  5. Well, we are super late today ’cause Mau has been hogging the computer getting ready for the Jamboree. Mom says she has been to this Teaser location. It is The Alamo Mission in San Antonio, TX. It does appear that this has already been guessed by most participants. Good choice for today. Mau is going to talk about his Grandpa at Campfire later today for Veteran’s Day! XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


    • Hi KB! I’ve been working on stuff for the Jamboree too – I hope we have everything done that we can do (considering we don’t really know many details I think we’re ALL doing that!). Thanks for guessing on the Teaser – tomorrow I’ll be TELLING ALL !!!

      Hugs, Sammy


  6. conga rats two flynn !!! him did guess quik…itz coz heez buzzed on silvervine !! 🙂

    N way awesum post bout yur gram paw sammy….de food serviss gurl haz a lot of vetz in her familee; even a war dawg…Pete, who served aza messenger in WW2


  7. Lovely hearing about you and your dad…yes, my mom has plans on meeting her mom and dad when she crosses the human bridge too…a picnic on your for real lawn would be gorgeous. I was going to say the Vatican but changed my mind and will go with Flynn in saying The Alamo.



  8. Hey Sammy!! My mum’s been there!!!! She’s actually been there MOL. Far too late to guess, but if it isn’t The Alamo, San Antonio, she’s says she’ll eat her hat!!! Quite frankly, I would quite like to see that, so please can it be wrong!! MOL Have a great day xox


  9. What a pawsum posty Sammy. And weez fink dat looks a lot like da Alamo in San Antone (Antonio). But alas weez nevew know where yous teasin’, so weez’ll say Happy Veterans day, and Salute all those hoo served.

    Luv ya’

    Dezi and Lexi


  10. Paws up for your human’s dad’s dedicated service! My human said, “The Alamo” before the photo even stopped downloading… how she figured that, I have no idea because she has never been there. Maybe she remembered from watching a Pee Wee Herman movie.


  11. Wow! Your Grampa was somebody special! And furry handsome!
    Once again Sammy, mes never has any idea of where the teaser is and today is no exception…sigh…its a good thing mes pretty….


  12. We don’t know if we’ll ever get a Teaser right, Sammy. Our mom is just so uncultured.
    Your grandpa sounds like an awesome guy. Very brave. And how sweet that he was able to walk your mom down the aisle. Salutes to our veterans and soldiers!


    • We salute ALL veterans – human and animal. Learning about dogs AND cats who served in the military has been super interesting the past couple of days in posts. As for the Teaser – one of these days you’ll get it!!!! Flynn got it this time but next week – maybe you!!

      Hugs, Sammy


  13. Goodness me Sammy…well seems I am later than late due to a little nana nap hahahahaa…I would never have know anyway bit what a lovely building…looks to made so beautifully and respectfully…we had Rememberance day here too and thought of our relatives past and present who serve our country..what a lovely tribute to your mums dad and such a proud mum too…we all are grateful to our vets! loves and hugs Fozziemum xx


  14. Yow we salute yer Gran Paw…he waz a hero fer shure!
    As fer da Teezer…oh Sammy me iz so-o embarrassed. Mum doez not have a clue! Nuffin, zilch, zero…apparentlee easy doez not werk here either….*sighz deeplee*
    Lub ❤ Nylablue ❤


  15. I know we are a zillion hours late but that is the alamo in texas and I LOVE that Flynn and his Mom were FIRST WOOHOO!!!! Wonderful wonderful post today Sammy. Your Gramps is someone to be very proud of!


    • Hi Marty! You’re right that it’s the Alamo! WOO HOO! Yes, my Gramps was someone to be proud of but at Scouts I read some really pawsome stories about other family members who were heroes as well……….we all have so much to be happy for in our country.

      Hugs, Sammy

      Liked by 1 person

  16. I attended my first Remembrance service this year! Our boating group puts one together in the marine park at the dock. We have a pilot in our group that does synchronised flying and his flying team flew over us in formation. I wasn’t sure I liked the bagpipes, but maybe it was the wind…it was very windy. Your human grandpa seemed like a very remarkable human indeed.=^,,^=


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