Are You Ready?

Tomorrow I'll be waiting for you in the Haunted House!

Tomorrow I’ll be waiting for you in the Haunted House!

Hello Friends!!!   I hope you had fun seeing all the amazing costumes everyone did for the Funniest Costume Contest – I know I sure did……….I also had fun watching the poll……….there were almost 500 votes cast – isn’t that AMAZING?   It was also a VERY close race and that’s all I’m saying……………….tomorrow you’ll find out who the THREE winners are and see their trophies.     Everyone who entered my costume contest will have a little “souvenir” in fact – a blog badge declaring to the world that you entered my 2014 Sam-o-Ween Costume Contest so don’t forget, if you were in the contest, please copy the badge for yourself tomorrow.

Thanks to everyone who voted………….and especially thanks to everyone who entered.  You all ROCK……you did a wonderful job with this year’s theme of FUNNIEST COSTUME – we had some real doozies and from the comments, I was NOT the only one who thought that!   I hope even more of you will participate in my party next year…………

The party will last ALL DAY LONG too so no worries about when you arrive – everything will be waiting for you –  including all the spooks and goblins and even the SNACKS!    ARE YOU READY FOR SOME SAM-O-WEEN FUN???   I hope so!!!    

I’ll See You When You Get Here…..

(insert evil giggle)

SAM-O-WEEN will be a SCREAM.....

SAM-O-WEEN will be a SCREAM…..

Thank you darling Nellie for my special 'punkin!

Thank you darling Nellie for my special ‘punkin!

60 responses »

  1. Sammy 500! that’s fab! what a hoot it was..some of those costumes are classics! we should have a blogville book of shame fame and hilarity….what a best seller with winning pics in it hahaahah 🙂 we look forward to you hosting a haunted house again it was great fun last year…great job Sammy and mum on the contest 🙂 loves Fozziemum xxx


    • Thanks Cupcake…….it really was great and I appreciate that you came along for all the fun!! I promise not to let you get too spooked out if you come by my Haunted House tomorrow too!

      Love, Sam


  2. Wow, you and your Mommy have sure worked hard on this contest! (I hear she’s been burning the midnight oil…..)
    Your fans are so excited, though, and look forward to your pawty!
    Love, Sundae


    • It was so much work……….I’m not sure people realize that but it really is and it was my job to keep her going – I’d come in to check on her and give her a few meows and leg bumps during the last week or two with all that’s been going on……….!! Tomorrow will be PAWSOME with the Haunted House!

      Hugs, sammy


  3. Oh boy Sammy! Mes ccan’t wait! And wes sure knows about work! Mes will be dreaming about pumpkins forever!
    Can’t wait for the pawties!


    • Nellie that was a CUTE post today about the punkin making process…..looks like tons of work for you and your Mommy but just know dear girl that all of us REALLY LOVE our special punkins!!!!

      Love and Hugs, Sammy


  4. We are excited to find out the winners and visit the haunted house tomorrow. It know it will be lots of fun. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


  5. Wow, the contest was so much fun, regardless of who the winners are. I think everybody that entered is a winner. It must have been a pile of work Sammy but you and your mom don’t seem to mind hard work…not all the time but occasionally.

    Have a good day my friend,



  6. Flop, your Halloween photo scared me for sure! Phew.
    Having such a fun time at your Halloween celebration. Thanks for hosting.
    I can hardly wait to see who the winners are.


  7. Yow Sammy dere are sum REEL funny costumez! iz a guud fing dere will bee 3 purrizez! 😉
    Mum haz da Flu so she will bee home so soon as me can drag her outt bed we will come over….
    Happy Howl-e-ween!!!!!!!! A Roooooooo Woooo ooooo…. (hehehe)
    Lub ❤ Nylablue ❤


    • HAHAHAHA… is a lot of votes and when you consider people couldn’t vote more than once for their favorites, it’s AMAZING! Thanks for coming by Nissy…..I hope you all have a FAB Halloween!

      Love, Sammy


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