Tuesday Teaser


Sound the trumpets………..blast the horns………….scream at the top of your lungs………….It’s TEASER TIME!!!

It’s that day of the week you love to hate…………….time to put on your thinking caps kids because today just might be a toughie for you……..it would be for me and I know where it was taken!  HAHAHA    This is a GUEST TEASER – my parents did NOT take this somewhere……..someone ELSE snapped it and your mission is to tell me WHERE they were when they took the photo………….what town/city and what country/state!   Got it?  GOT IT??  Good!    Here we go.


Be the first to comment and guess RIGHT and you get the FIRST RIGHT GUESSER badge!

For the FIRST to guess right!

For the FIRST to guess right!

Be RIGHT but not first and you get the RIGHT GUESSER badge!

Right but not FIRST!

Right but not FIRST!

Be wrong or clueless and you STILL get something – THE BIG GREENIE!

For the clueless or wrong guesses!

For the clueless or wrong guesses!

Now don’t wait too long – you know you want to be FIRST………………..right?  Everybody does………….!!!   This is the “HAPPENING PLACE” on Tuesdays that’s for sure.

TuesdayTeaserBadge Are you a fan of my Teasers?  Feel free to post this badge on your blog and declare yourself a TEASER-HOLIC!!!

Hugs, Sammy the Tease


Something BIG is happening on Savannah's Blog Oct 1st!

Something BIG is happening on Savannah’s Blog Oct 1st!


103 responses »

  1. Gosh Sammy, haven’t got a clue. Looks like a canal but I’m thinkin’ the buildings might be too modern for Venice. Amsterdam? Could be.

    How ’bout England? They have canals in England. At least they do on Coronation Street! I’m gonna take a wild stab at this thing and guess, the north of Enlgland somewhere near where Corrie is taped.



    • Hi Nissy!!! Thanks for taking a peek at today’s TOUGH Teaser! Tomorrow I’ll let you and the rest of the universe know where this photo was snapped by my Guest Teaser…….sorry to be a tease but you know I can’t help it!

      Hugs, Sammy


  2. Oh my goodness, I’m here quite early and my initial thought was Holland. My mum has been to Amsterdam and she says it could be that… THEN I saw that some of the others think that too….. OH MY is this it? the fist time I get it right… maybe maybe! I’m going with Amsterdam and have my paws crossed for tomorrow! Have a great day buddy!


  3. Sammy I am going to say Midsomer..and I am sure I can see Inspector Barnaby….I really have no clue 😦 dang…and I waited special after my bedtime and all hahahaha 🙂 hugs and loves Fozziemum xxx


  4. I don’t know. It looks like it should be one of the small canals that run past the hotels and cafes in London, but I haven’t got a clue really.


  5. Darn…late to the party today. Mom says the only place she knows with canals through town is Amsterdam; though, she doesn’t remember anything so narrow. So that isn’t very specific even if it is right. Best we can do. Going to take a look at the other answers now! XO, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


  6. Okay…we had no idea how many cities have canals. (We discounted Venice right off ’cause that would be too obvious and the buildings didn’t look right.) After a quick look at Google, we are sticking with our first answer based on the look of the buildings. XO, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


  7. Sammy my friend…we don’t have a positive guess but we are purrty darn sure it was not taken at or during the Cat Scout Carnival
    Hugs madi your bfff


    • Oh Tabbies you guessed well my friends BUT you were WRONG! Miss Michelle from My Three Moggies was doing a half marathon run in Nottingham, England when she did the Teaser for us!!

      Bacon Hugs,


  8. SO late again! I think it is definitely UK, possibly Nottingham, but not sure. Just googled Nottingham canal after Caren said it! …. well at least I’m honest mol. Have a great rest of the day Sammy xxx


  9. Hmmmmmmm, how about Florida…….the lady that Mommmy used to works with online had a canal behind her house there….
    Well, that’s the best mes can do as Mommy your website is banned at Mommy’s new job.


    • Hi Nellie – Mom and I want to write a nasty letter to your Mommy’s work about banning MY fabulous blog!!!!!! Sniff Sniff……….but your Mom’s guess was appreciated even though it was on the wrong continent!!!!! SHE TRIED and that’s the important thing.

      Love and kisses, Sammy


    • Hi Texas!!!!! I’m just fine and I hope you are too…….I’ve missed you a ton but somehow we got disconnected with this crazy blogosphere. I got your comment too which is good since I know you’ve had some problems. It went to the Spam folder but I rescued it and hopefully it won’t happen again………..

      Tons of hugs,


  10. Mmmmmm, canals hey? But thru what seems an industrial area…mmmmmm could be Panama Canal or Amsterdam. I also know there are canals in New York state too. Ugg, so hard. I’m going out on the limb and saying it’s The Eerie Canal, thru Rochester NY Final Answer and fingers crossed. BTW, you’re so cute tonight xoxox


    • Hi Miss Boomdee!!!!! Well, your thinking process was excellent (you get points for that) but you landed in the wrong country for your final guess! It was a very tough Teaser…………make sure and take a peek at the Tell All today!

      Love, Sam and Mom


  11. if you remove the picnic benches and just change the buildings slightly then it could be passed off as the leeds canal (yes I am actually here,and allowing typist to guess!)


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