Bonkers for Bacon!


Oh boy – yesterday was every so much fun in the blogosphere – I never EVER saw so many pirates and fun posts for International Talk Like A Pirate Day!   We had fun on Cat Scouts too with everyone joining in the fun.

But today it’s back to the business of enjoying the weekend……………..ESPECIALLY today because it’s the day I get to enjoy bacon.  I will have my bacon fix AFTER I have my medication which lately has been hidden in STRAWBERRY yogurt.  That’s right – Mom switched from raspberry to strawberry just to change things up.  Change is sometimes a VERY good thing and believe me – strawberry yogurt is indeed good.

I got this cute graphic from my friend Nylablue this past week……….everyone knows I’m a BACON BOY…………..this guy obviously is too!!


The driveway project I told you I’d be snoopervising (resurfacing our driveway) was done and if not for my watching carefully, I’m sure it wouldn’t have turned out to be as marvelous looking as it is.   That was the highlight of my week though being responsible for keeping an eagle eye on the guys…………….I was watching closely as they spread the black GOO………..yet another project that I’ve successfully directed to completion.  What WOULD they do without me here?????  (**NOTE TO SELF: ADD THAT TO MY RESUME**)

Hope you have a fabulous Saturday – with or without bacon………..

Sammy The Baconator!


Are you a member of the Bacon Club?  You should be!!!!!

60 responses »

    • I bet Sparkle left EXPLICIT instructions for those guys on how that wall was to turn out……….she wanted to make sure all was perfect for you when you arrived on the scene Summer! Happy Weekend!

      Hugs, Sammy


    • Hi Easy! Sure enjoyed seeing the recipe your Mom used for that YUMMY Oktoberfest feast you all had……YUM! Mom made notes…..I’ll report back if she actually DOES try this. As for the driveway project – chalk another victory up for the “SPY IN THE WINDOW” (me) keeping an eye on those guys. My reward is EXTRA bacon this morning…..YAY!

      Hugs, Sammy


  1. Oh, Sammy, that little picture from Nyla Blue made my Motor Mommy chuckle right out loud! It’s so cute!!
    Glad you’re still taking your meds like a good boycat. Have a good Saturday/Bacon day!
    Love, Sundae


    • It was a cute little graphic wasn’t it? I’m still being a good boy with my meds….I’m hoping I get a good report like my buddy and friend Flynn from England got when he had his follow-up blood work…..we started meds about the same time and are comparing notes! It’s nice to have someone else to talk to who’s going through it.

      Love, Sam


    • Well that’s a lot nicer than black goo every couple of years that’s for sure!!! Although this year, for the first time, it didn’t STINK! They must have changed the formula…..thank heavens……sure looks FAB though!!

      Hugs, Sammy


  2. Bacon Bacon bacon! Too bad they did not make a bacon cream cheese and your Mommy could hide your thyroid mes in that! Wait! Is there not bacon creamcheese chip dip?


  3. Dat’s gweat Sammy, yous a gweat supervisor. Weez wish weez kulda been home to supervise ow mad house purroject too. Oh well, weez here now and heads awe gunna roll. Hav a pawsum bacon eatin’ day.

    Luv ya/’



  4. Hey Sammy…OMCs I heard THEY are having bacon tomorrow. Mom bought these egg forms to cook a sunny side up egg in then she will make her version of an egg and bacon sandwich. Sighs I will undoubtedly be denied a taste but I’ll whine anyway
    Hugs madi your bfff


    • Oh that sounds just plain DELISH Madi!! We’re having bacon here AGAIN this morning – two days in a row….almost more joy than I can bear! HAHAHAHAHA I hope you can at least SNEAK a taste of that bacon there! Give it an extra loud WHINE….sometimes it works!

      Hugs, Sammy


  5. You my dear friend are not a member of the Bacon Club but you are the founder and president of that club.! I know the driveway turned out so well because of your snoopervising.


    • He looks a tiny bit like me AND you too – and ANYCAT who likes bacon just has to be on my list of most discriminating kitties!!!! Happy Sunday Flynn…..we’re over the moon that your meds are working – hoping to find the same thing out when I visit the vet soon!

      Hugs, Sammy


  6. Moms are most especially beautiful when they are cooking bacon at the stove. We don’t know why this is….
    Good thing you were there to snoopervise the drive way. Perhaps you should request payment be made in bacon slices?
    the kitty brats


  7. Yow Sammy Talk Like A Pie-rat Day waz a huge suck-sess n me had so much fun at Speedy’z pawty!
    So glad yer driveway waz dun rite!! Apawz Apawz!
    So ya like da kitteh lubz bacon piccie?? When Mum n me saw diz we just had to send to ya. Da kitt eben lookz alot like ya.
    So glad yer takin yer med n strawberry yoghurt IZ nommie izn’t it??
    N hurrah fer Caturday n fer bacon….
    Haz bin rainin here butt me went out under da balconee in me Condo in watched sum bird TV. 😉
    N me played toyz wif Mum too. Hid me Softie ball….guud luck Mum findin it, MOL..
    Haz a grrreat weekend Sammy n Miss Pam.
    Lub Nylablue n Mum too ❤ ❤ ,3


  8. Hope that snoopervising got you some extra bacon, Sammy. That had to be a whole lot of hard work. Hope you will join us for our Sunday Selfies Blog Hop. XO, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth ad Calista Jo


    • Hi KB!!! Yes I did get a bit of extra bacon for my snoopervising job. It wasn’t easy keeping those guys in line but they did a great job with my help….ahem…..I’ve hooked up to you for Selfies today!!!!

      Hugs, Sammy


  9. AAWWW Sammy ya say da sweetest fingz! Me asked Mum n she said, “Sammy iz rite Nylablue; yer me little Angel-Furgurl..” Me got a bit leeky eyed…
    Iz so bunderfull to bee lubbed so much…. 🙂
    Lub Nylablue ❤ ❤


    • I’m not sure I can even remember how we discovered I loved bacon so much but I’m glad I did! I only get a teensy weensy piece of it but Mom gets a kick out of how I take it and shake it (like I’m killing it!) before I eat it. Once I have it, I’m off and let my parents enjoy the rest of it for themselves!

      Hugs, Sammy

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