Bacon and More!


Hi Everybody!   Yep – bacon is on the menu as always………after I have my yogurt of course with my “not so hidden pill” (does Mom really think I don’t know she’s spiked my yogurt with that stuff??!!!).  Anyway,  I wanted to show you my latest bacon treat suggestion from my good friend Nylablue…..check this out!


Mom said she would have made these for me but can’t figure out how to make them curl FAST enough after she takes them out of the frying pan before they harden up!  We’ll have to work on that.

I promised you some updated garden shots.  I’ve done an exceptional job keeping Mom’s garden going – it’s just some boxes on the deck after all – how hard can it be???   Mom took all of these yesterday morning.  I tried to find the photos I shared when Mom first planted all this stuff but couldn’t…….trust me – all the plants were TEENSY TINY and just look at them now!

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SEE?  I’m a gardener with a green thumb (my extra toes come in handy when I have to have a green thumb you know!).

Hope everyone has a fab weekend…………I’m keeping Mom busy working on my duties as Travel Director of the trip on the riverboat on Cat Scouts……….this morning we get off the riverboat and head into the swamp………don’t worry – I’ll share some photos AFTER this trip is over with – I know you wanna see them!



67 responses »

  1. Great gardening work, Sammy! My human is envious of anyone who can make a garden look pretty. She just doesn’t have that kind of touch. (She is a wiz in Photoshop, though! She keeps saying that as if it makes up for all her other faults.)


    • Your Mom is right – photoshopping is a lot harder than gardening (my Mom says)……..she used to have a LOT of garden space but it was just too much work so we’re down to deck boxes and a few in front of the house PERIOD!

      Hugs, Sammy


    • HAHAHAHA…..Cupcake that’s what Mom does some years when things just plain won’t cooperate. This year she’s concentrating on the stuff on the deck – why? Because she just has to walk out on the deck from the kitchen and water instead of going OUT into the yard – that means she can do it in her PJs I the early morning (shhhhh don’t tell).

      Hugs, Sam


    • Yes – it’s hot as heck here but not as hot as there I’m sure. Mom has to water those deck plants SOMETIMES twice a day because of the sun – we leave the umbrella open and it helps a bit with the sun cover but everything else just FRIES!

      Hugs, Sam


  2. Sammy! Your yard is beautiful!!!! You & your pawrents have done an exceptional job this summer. Motor Mommy needs to take some pictures, too, before everything starts “fading into the fall”….
    Love, Sundae


  3. I love your petunias! Ours were a total mispurchase this year, they look like raised on a nuclear test side :o( Your porch is great, it’s a place what says, welcome, take a place and grab a book and a cool drink :o) Have a super caturday and enjoy the bacon fries ( mom’s cousin made them once, it was a donkey work to wrap the bacon around the potatoes)


    • Hi Easy….yeah Mom said she figured it might not be worth putting the bacon around the fries – why not just have them both and take a bite out of one then a bite out of the other??!!! HAHAHA….anyway, our petunias are looking a bit “leggy” – Mom needs to cut them back….but will she? Probably not! Mom and Dad have “happy hour” every night before dinner on the front porch – they have a little wine or beer and GET HAPPY….HAHAHA

      Hugs, Sam


  4. Mmm thoose bacon snack´s looks really jummy say´s my mom-person.
    She think´s you have to roll the “raw” bacon around the fries and then make them in the owen.
    It looks really really nice in your garden !
    My humans wish thay had a garden like that and me too 🙂
    HAppy CATurday !



    • That’s a good idea on those bacon fries……they sure sound good – Mom promised me she’d make them for me (and her!). Our garden used to be a lot bigger and most of it was down in the yard – now Mom finds it easier to take care of it up on the deck in the boxes!!!!

      Hugs and Happy Caturday


    • I’m a sucker for lantana – especially purple/durple (haha)…..and those new “Wave” tunias are fabulous aren’t they? Mine are punking out a little due to drought but I TRY to remember to keep them watered.

      Hugs, Pam


  5. Yow Sammy so glad ya gott to use da bacon friez piccie 😉
    Mum sayz eben tho we Jewish/Mewish she wuud try dem friez 😉 MOL!!
    Yer gardenin haz paid off in spadez…get it?? SPADEZ!!!!!
    Mum sayz she lubz yer Mum’z umbrelly n she saw a free standin one at da Cafe down da street; so she haz sum reesearch to do diz weekend.
    Haz a blast ond a riverboat trip n try nott to bring back any gaturz okayz??
    Much lub Nylablue n Mum too ❤ ❤


    • Hi Nylablue! We’ve seen some gators on the riverboat trip but nobody has felt THAT friendly toward them to bring them back (although I am bringing back a toy gator stuffie for my Mom).

      Hugs, Sammy


  6. What beautiful flowers and plants, Sammy! You definitely have a green thumb (or toes)! I can’t believe how huge that tomato plant is….ours didn’t do very well this year, though we are getting a few tomatoes.


  7. Great suggestion for bacon and fries – we won’t even need the ketchup:) The flowers are all gorgeous – Mom loves the lantana too.

    Woos – Phantom, Ciara, and Lightning


  8. Wowwee….your container plants are beautiful. I have never heard of lantana….don’t sell it around her….is it perennial or annual? Even your tomato plant is beautiful. My patio tomatoes are drying out quickly now and the tomatoes seem to turn red quicker when they dry out. Found out by accident.

    Kitty Kisses Kali


    • Lantana is an annual but Mom has cut it WAY back in late Fall and it’s popped up again in Spring in some of the sheltered areas of the garden up by the house! Cool huh??? We have to water that tomato in a pot TWICE a day!!!

      Hugs, Sam


  9. Oh Sammy those fwies look gweat. Yummy. Weez like bacon and cheese on ow fwies. As fur curlin da bacon, yous du it afur da bacon is fully cooked and finish off in da oven or fwyer. Weez guess yous kuld use da micwowave, but da fwies wuld be soggy then. Good luck.

    Luv ya’



        • Mom says she’s definitely going to try cheese fries – they are on a few menus around here but she’s not made them at home…….they do sound delish – some people also said chili AND cheese on fries is good!

          Hugs, Sam

          Liked by 1 person

          • OMC Sammy da cheese fwies be so good. Just a heap of fwies on a plate smuddered in cheese and bacon bites. Yummmmmmy. It’s makin’ us hungwy just finkin’ ’bout it. Weez not like da chili on them cuz mommy sez hers still likes to taste da fwy, and da chili be all yous can taste. But yous might like ’em, yous nevew know. 🙂

            Luv ya’



  10. Sammy, we think if you want to make those fries, you need a deep fryer so you can wrap the uncooked bacon around the fry and then plop it into the deep fryer. They sure look meowvolous. Your garden is exquisite. Purple lantana is one of our mom’s favorites as well. She couldn’t find any this year. Phooey! XO, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


    • This was the first year we could find purple lantana too – I guess EVERYBODY likes that one!!! Someone else suggested making the bacon fries in the oven……cook the fries first, wrap the bacon around and put in a hot oven until bacon is cooked. We’re gonna try one way or another – Mom thinks they’d be DELISH!!

      Hugs, Sammy


  11. What a good helper you must be Sammykins, moms garden is looking like a resort. Maybe you need a sign on the driveway, the ‘Sammy-Double-Whammy Resort and Bacon Ranch”. xoxo Boomdee


  12. Oh Sammy,
    Me so misses my garden! This year it does not has many flowers as Mommy is not there, and we does not has any at the condo. Me is a tad jealous that yous has such a beautiful one, purrhaps mes should comes and visits yous…
    We has been reading blogs and visiting furrends, but wes reads in bed on the nook and it is so furry hard to write comments on that thing,


    • You are welcome here ANY TIME Nellie……I think about you so often and hope that you’re happy and well and snuggled in and it seems that you are! That’s a GOOD thing!!

      Love and hugs, Sam


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