Memorial Day Remembrances



We Remember……………

Welcome to our Memorial Day Cookout…………….my friends Gracie and Raz and I hope you enjoy yourself while you’re here!   While we remember the reason for this holiday and what it really means, we also find that we just naturally want to be with our family and friends to enjoy each other’s company for time moves so quickly, and we should enjoy the moments we are lucky enough to spend together!    That’s why we’re having this cookout – so we can have food, fun and share memories as well as MAKE new memories!

Me, Allie, Gracie and Raz welcome you to our Memorial Day Cookout!

Me, Allie, Gracie and Raz welcome you to our Memorial Day Cookout!

First of all I do hope you like the location we picked for us to have our cookout…………….we have a beautiful spot along the water in a nice park where they have all kinds of things to do and see……….but mostly it’s just peaceful by the river.  Let’s start off our day together with some yummy breakfast – what do you say??

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Now we can do whatever we wish – play volleyball anyone?   How about a dip in the pool?   Work up a bit of an appetite because before you know it the BBQ grills will be hot and we’ll be putting goodies on to cook – BBQ, burgers, hot dogs, sausage and there’s baked beans and all kinds of desserts!    The BIGGEST surprise I have for you though in the food department is that my buddy Raz and our mutual friend Pete have brought their famous (to Cat Scouts!) FISH FRY TRUCK to the park and anyone who wants the very BEST of fresh seafood, make sure and visit them because they’ve got it all!!!!!

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THE FABULOUS FISH FRY TRUCK !!!!!!  Step right up and place your order now!!


If you get tired and just want to relax in the shade………………

All work and no naps makes for a LONG day!

All work and no naps makes for a LONG day!

AND – don’t forget to stop over at Gracie’s place HERE and Raz’s place HERE for more Memorial Day memory-making!

We hope all of you had a fabulous time with us today and tonight when you get home, light a candle of remembrance for all those who gave their lives for their country.

Make New Memories…..With Love……Sammy, Raz and Gracie

72 responses »

    • Cupcake who would dare question your nudges in line…..not me…’re too cute to nudge back! Go for it !!!! Have fun and lots of food….chase a ball or two but don’t fall in the river!!

      Hugs, Sammy


  1. Hey Sammy!
    What a weekend my furend. Furst we have a great time over at the big race with the TCC and now we can picnic with all our pals with noms and drinks to our hearts content. I am going to have some of those noms with Bacon, have a nice nap in a hammock and then mosey over to the other picnics.
    Thanks fur everything Sammy. You are one great furend


    • Hi Timmy! See? Even without the Scouts activities, we can still have the time of our lives! So glad you came………what’s better than having our friends all around?!?!?!

      Hugs, Sammy


  2. Thanks for inviting us. It is so PRETTY here and PEACEFUL. The food is delicious and I got our order in at the Fish Fry Truck. Now I am grabbing a hammock and relaxing. Happy Memorial Day Everyone! ~Socks & Family


    • So glad you came by for some food and fun! Raz’s Fish Fry Truck is fabulous and there’s enough food around here for everybody to get to the “gotta rest up in a hammock” stage! ENJOY YOURSELF and Happy Memorial Day!

      Hugs, Sammy


  3. Hope you are your family are having a nice Memorial Day. It is the purrrfect day for a cookout and to be with friends while remember our men and women who gave their lives to make our country the land of the free.


    • Thanks for coming over Gracie – I’ve been slipping around between HERE and YOUR PLACE and Raz’s place and one thing is FOR SURE – we’re all getting our “Easy” on today even though it’s not a Sunday…’s just a nice, quiet, day – perfect to think about all the heroes we have had in our lives and throughout time. We are SO blessed!

      Hugs, Sammy


  4. Sammy this is fantastic! Ralphie and I are having a wonderful time! Sorry I brought the Girls, they refused to be left out this time. Happy Memorial Day! Tell your Mom thanks for helping make this another great Special Event!’


    • Hi Cody! Thanks for coming to the cookout……….we salute everyone who made this day one of freedom and memories……some sad and some happy…..but all WORTH remembering.

      Love and Hugs, Sammy


  5. What a wunnewful pawty Sammy. And da fish twuck tu. Wees had a bit of evewfin’. Fank yous fuw hostin’ such a gweat pawty. Hav a safe and happy Memowial Day!!!!

    Luv and Hugs and Kitty kisses ♥♥♥

    Dezi and Lexi


      • Yep Sammy wees had sum fishys tu. Gllad Raz and Pete bwawt da fish twuck. Dat wus pawsum of dem. 🙂 And mommy sez fank yous wees will fuw suwe keep an eye out. 😀

        Luv and Hugs and Kitty Kisses ♥♥♥



  6. That was a very nice Memorial Day celebration, Sammy! I love the location by the river, and the food was just awesome! I am so stuffed I am going to go take a nap in that hammock now! 🙂


  7. Happy Memorial Day Sammy & Miss Pam! We hope your cookout went well. Such tasty food & so much to do,
    Nylablue sends her regards & says she is sorry she missed this event. She is busy sleeping & resting & hopefully getting better.
    Much love, Sherri-Ellen & Nylablue ❤ ❤


    • I’m just happy that Nylablue is resting comfortably and feeling better…..there will be plenty of time for cookouts when she’s over this last bout of being really sick.

      Hugs, Sammy


    • Oh nom! Fish and eggs – I believe you whipped some of those up for us on the Wildcats campout too – VERY nommy! Thanks so much for bring the truck to the party Raz. Everyone (especially Easy!) really loved the fresh seafood!

      Hugs, Sammy


  8. What a great cookout and outing Sammy. You always throw a purrfect pawty Sammy, and we know we will have a great time with delicious noms…and you didn’t disappoint us. Thank you so much. XO, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


  9. Somehow I thought the donuts must be bacon infused too, LOL Are they ever cute. Kitty Cat donuts…….well I never. Looked like a nice table by the lake to enjoy good friends, good food and good grief I’d be so full! xoK


    • Hi Boomdee!!!! I tried to find a nice location for the picnic – Mom says she wishes that was our back yard…….but it did turn out nice with lots of friends and good food and fun. Thanks for taking a peek!

      Hugs, Sammy


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