Tuesday Teaser


Actually, the title of today’s blog SHOULD be:

Tough Tuesday Teaser!

Yep – I know I’ve said it before and you’ve found it EASY instead but I’m thinking maybe – just maybe – this is a tough one.   For that reason I’m showing you THREE photos – they look a lot alike but they show different views and maybe it will help you figure it out!

Remember, if you guess right FIRST in comments, you get the award EVERYBODY wants – and we all know this to be true right?   The world goes wacky when they’re the FIRST at something – that’s why I just know you’ll want to send in your guess quickly – and you need the right location – where is this and what is this?????  I need to know where on the globe the photographer snapped these photos – what country?  Do you know?  Hmmmmm???    Ready???   OF COURSE YOU ARE!    Oh – and before I forget – this is a GUEST TEASER – you’ll find out WHO tomorrow along with WHERE!


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See?   Not so easy huh?   Well, you search your little hearts out and see if you can find where this is then zip off your guess to me and if you’re right you get this:


First Right Guesser!!

First Right Guesser!!

If you’re RIGHT but not first you get this:


Right but not FIRST!

Right but not FIRST!

And of course if you’re WAY WAY WAY WAY WAY out of sight wrong (or even just a little bit wrong 🙂 ), then you STILL get to display this on your blog:


Uhoh...you blew it!

Uhoh…you blew it!

Not a bad deal I’d say wouldn’t you????

Thanks to everyone who had fun with us over our long Memorial Day Weekend – not only was the Indy 500 race a BIG success at the Tabby Cat Club, but my Memorial Day cookout was wonderful as well.  Even though many people are knee-deep in their own family activities on Memorial Day, many of you still came by to visit the cookout, stay a while, maybe take a nap in a hammock and in general make some NEW memories with friends.

I’ll see you tomorrow and remember if you guessed right first, I just might whip off an email to tell you so……….but then you’re not allowed to say word – you have to CELEBRATE in silence until Wednesday rolls around and you can tell the universe that you were the FIRST RIGHT GUESSER!

One last thing before we go………………..our little friend Dezi who lives with her Mom Miss Audra and her sister Lexi mentioned on her blog that TODAY is her Mom’s birthday……….we’d like to wish Dezi’s Mom a VERY Happy Birthday today – please stop by to tell her yourself – she would appreciate it I’m sure.




92 responses »

  1. Goodness Sammy..i missed the cookout courtesy of my pink eye bwahahaah so it makes it even harder for me to guess the Teaser…I say Mikonos…see told you I had pink eye 😉 hugs and loves Fozziemum xxx pee ess we will pop over to Dezi and Lexi’s mum soon 🙂 xxx


    • Hey Raz – you’re right – it is WET! HAHAHAHA Someone has guessed Loch Ness Monster and it kind of looks like that with the three humps in the water! HAHAHAHA I had so much fun this weekend between the race and the cookout and I’m SO happy you, me and Gracie did it all together!

      Hugs, Sammy


  2. Crap I late BOL The Virgin Islands are the western island group of the Leeward Islands, which are the northern part of the Lesser Antilles, and form the border between the Caribbean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean
    Hope you had a super Holiday weekend Sammy. Will mail laters xxxxxooxxx

    Mollie and Alfie


    • Hi Mollie! So you think it’s the Virgin Islands huh? Well maybe it is and maybe it “ain’t” and tomorrow everybody will find out WHERE and WHO sent me these photos!!

      Hugs, Sammy


    • Hi Miss Kathryn….welcome to my Teaser! THanks for taking a guess too but as always, I don’t “TELL” until tomorrow who was right and who was wrong! Tune in tomorrow and find out!

      Hugs, Sammy


    • Hi Miss Lorna…..welcome to my Tuesday Teaser fun……….thanks for taking a guess too but the tradition is that everyone has all day to guess then tomorrow I do a “Teaser Tell All” to let everyone know the “real deal” on the photos so please tune in tomorrow and see if you’re right!!

      Hugs, Sammy


    • Hi Sundae! Dezi’s Mom is a most special lady as are Dezi and her sister Lexi…..glad you like the card we did for her! The Teaser is particularly tough today isn’t it…..well that’s what makes it FUN! Have a super day dear girl!

      Love, Sammy


  3. Hmmm Martinique?! It also looks like a nearby spot but I’m doubting that one and think I’d have a better chance guessing somewhere a bit more exotic 😉 Happy Birthday to Dezi’s mom!


  4. Because I haven’t got a clue I am going to say The Scilly Isles off the bottom bit of Cornwall in the UK! Sorry I missed the Indy thing. I was busy being UTB because of fireworks!!! Have a great day, Sammy xxx


    • Hi Austin! Thank heavens we didn’t have any of those noisy firework thingies around here or I too would have been UTB and unable to enjoy the fun this weekend! Thanks for taking a guess at my Teaser today – – – good guessing but tomorrow I’ll be spreading the word on WHO/WHAT and WHERE!!

      Hugs, Sammy


  5. We saw your card for Mom Audra on Dezi’s blog. It is so lovely. So we are well early today; though, we should have looked in as soon as you posted since Mom has been up since 4 a.m., but it wouldn’t have mattered. What you have for today’s teaser is an ocean and some islands as seen from an airplane. Now we decided to guess ’cause Mom said we can’t make any bigger fools of ourselves than we already have. So we say, the British Virgin Islands. Thanks for the great party and scrumptious noms yesterday. XO, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


    • That’s right about the Teaser – it’s not posted at my usual post time of 3AM – it goes “live” at 6AM EST…..gives my Mom a chance to relax a little before we start the day and try to catch up on email and comments too!! HAHA My Mom gets up at 4:30 but that’s her choice – your Mom is getting up early because she hurts and can’t sleep…..I sure hope soon she can get back to her regular routine and not have the residual effects of that bite. So glad you made the cookout yesterday! It was great wasn’t it?

      Hugs, Sammy


  6. Wow, you know we always look at the other answers after we guess, and some others actually said the Virgin Islands and even the BVI and got rather specific. If we and the others are correct, we think the single Island is Jost Van Dyke. That is what that island looks like from the condo where our humans stay on Tortola. XO, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


    • Oh wowzers…..your humans must feel like they’re in Paradise there…..my Mom and Dad have never been there but it must be gorgeous! Everyone will find out tomorrow where these photos were taken AND who took them too!! Hope you will “stay tuned” ! Scouts is back up but it’s the OLD site and time has stood still since about Easter it looks like….all the new Scouts can’t get in as their log-in names aren’t recognized….oh well – something is way better than nothing!

      Hugs, Sammy


      • Hmm. We lived at the Lake of the Ozarks(not on Hawaiian Island thank heavens)and it is a crazeee place to live full time. Too many tourists being crazy. I don’t think it would make your Mom HAPPY Sam. It is a beautiful lake but too many crazeeeies trying to kill each other in boats and on waverunners! Come to think of it.. I never had a good cheeseburger there!


        • SEE??? The REAL, TRUE indicator of what’s a good place to be HAPPY is whether or not cheeseburgers are available…..and not just ANY old cheeseburgers, but a GOOD one. I guess you’re glad you don’t live there anymore eh???

          Hugs, Sam


    • Hi Marty – My Mom would say the same thing I think….no, FOR SURE she would say the same thing! HAHAHA Glad you made all the fun pawties this weekend – we are just a bunch of pawty animals huh?????

      Hugs, Sam


  7. Wowwzers!
    Yous don’t likes to makes it easy does yous…mes is going to guess the Seychelles…Only because mes likes how the word sounds. And Sammy my Mommy wants to goes there right now if there is no computers and Cabana boys!
    Mes would go if YOUS was there!


    • Oh Nellie, that warms my old heart!! I’d go anywhere if you were there believe me……….I like that word Seychelles too – my Mom has some of those in a jar from her beach trips (hahahahaha….just kidding) but when I hear the name of those islands I always think of seashells and how you can hear the ocean in some of them. I hope you have a very happy day – it looked like your eye was lots better and that made me happy.

      Hugs and kisses, Sammy


    • HA! No that’s the truth…….I usually don’t give anything away until the Tell All but I will right here and now definitely commit to saying it is NOT New Jersey! 🙂 🙂 🙂



    • Hi Flynn!!! Say – that’s a great guess BUTTTTTTTT I am under strict rules of Teaser-hood to keep my big mouth shut until tomorrow’s Tell All……..so come back and see how you did!!

      Hugs, Sammy


    • HAHAHAHAHA……….WELL……….you’re right of course along with everyone else who guessed “ISLAND”…HAHAHA……thanks again to you and your Mom Camilla for the FABULOUS photos. What fun it was seeing everyone’s answers this week…….and I got an award out of it because nobody got it right! WOO WOO WOO!!!!

      Hugs, Sammy


  8. Mom does not have any idea but she is going to guess the Bahama’s. She is using her “method” of guessing the first thing that pop’s into her head.


  9. Mommy sez fank yous so much fuw da bootyful cawd Sammy and Pam. Sowwy wees so lte gettin’ by but since mommy didn’t sleep last nite wees took a weally long catnap tuday. And den wees just took it easy. 🙂 but wees fink yous and yous mommy awe da Bestest!!! Meez so glad tu be yous furiends.

    Luv and Hugs and Kitty kisses ♥♥♥



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