

HA!  Gotcha with that title didn’t I?   FRYday…..get it?  Oh never mind!  It was a horrible joke……….

However it is a lead in to the fact that Mom’s treating me extra special today because we’re having bacon.   So there is a “FRY” in my Friday.

Check out this cool flowchart Misaki sent to me!!!

Check out this cool flowchart Misaki sent to me!!!

Yesterday was May Day and did I say anything about that?  No – I totally forgot to post this photo and I thought it was so cool when I found it then WHAMMO forgot to post it.  DUH.



Hope you had a great start to the merry month of May.  I sure did.  Yesterday was incredible after all that rain we had – it was EIGHTY ONE at 3PM and the sun was out and shining its’ heart out.  Did I like that?  You betcha!  Did I go outside and roll around on the front porch in the sun?  Oh definitely!   Did I munch on the greenables out there?  DONE!   It was just a nice day.

Sam grazing on the grass



I’m working on my plans for my blogaversary and will announce “all” on Monday so stay tuned…………I know there are a lot of things going on right now – BlogPaws Conference is coming up for one and many of my buds go to that….don’t worry if you can’t make the pawty on May 10 or even if you’re just too busy getting ready to pay attention – WHATEVA!   OK?  I’m a “no pressure” kinda guy!

Sammy looking soft and sweet (asleep!)

I look rather “no pressure” here wouldn’t you say???????

Hope you have a super FRYday even if there’s nothing FRIED in your immediate future.  After all, rain or shine we’re buddies – right?



83 responses »

  1. Whee know Mummy is craving some fried bacon now! Shame she has to go to work, but tomorrow is the wheekend and it’s time to have some fun!

    Happy FRYday!!!

    Nacho, Noah, Buddy & Basil


    • HAHAHA Miss Annie…that’s right – Splatterday normally IS my bacon day but Mom is trying to make me feel better this morning by letting me have some bacon – why feel better? Last night there was a big promotion ceremony on Cat Scouts and I didn’t get promoted….sniff sniff….I’m pouting this morning……!!! Bacon helps.

      Hugs, Sammy


  2. I find it interesting that you love bacon so much Sammy. My cat is not fussed on it, however we did have a little sun yesterday too and so she joined you in the rolling around on the patio event. 🙂


    • It’s kind of funny about bacon – some cats do and some don’t like it – but then again I absolutely have NO reaction to catnip and that’s rather weird for a cat!!!!

      Hugs and Sunshine, Sammy


  3. Aaaaw Sammy meez so glad yous had sunshine and wus able tu enjoy da gweat outdoows. And dat bootyful gween lawn. WOW!! Enjoy yous bacon. MOL And meez will be hewe fuw yous blogavewsawy. Meez not suwe what dat is, but meez didn’t know what Mayday wus eevew and it wus fun. You’s lookin’ kwite handsum in yous fotos tuday. Hav a Pawsum Furiday!! 😀

    Luv and Hugs and Kitty Kisses ♥♥♥



    • Hi Dezi! Yesterday was a beautiful day and today should be as well……maybe not QUITE as warm but sunny. So happy you made it to the investiture ceremony at Scouts last night so you could see what it’s like…one day you’ll be purrrmoted and now you know what that’s like! See you at the lake later this morning…….

      Hugs, Sammy


      • So glad yous havin’ good weddew again tuday Sammy. Meez wus glad tu go last nite, but it wus vewy confusin’. Meez kep gettin’ knocked off and fuw ’bout 10-15 minutes da only page meez kuld get intu wus da wildcats at meez tent. I guess cuz I had ben weplyin’ tu comments afuw da cewemony. but dat’s okay, last nite wusn’t ’bout meez.
        Meez lookin’ fowwawd tu da campin’ twip. Mommy has a doctows pointment tuday dat meez has tu be hewe fuw, but den meez can hike up and hav fun, fun, fun. 🙂 See ya’ der. 😀

        Luv and hugs and Kitty kisses ♥♥♥



        • Hi Dezi! The new site and server let all of us down last night – I know there were tons of problems – I got kicked off the site three times and couldn’t even comment for a while so not sure WHAT was going on! Anyway, the ceremonies are nice and it was great that three Scouts were promoted up to Lion…..I hope one day I can make it there myself! I’ll see you at the lake……take your time – we’ll be there ALL night!!!

          Hugs, sammy


          • Yous will make it tu Lion Sammy der’s no doubt ’bout dat. You’s a pawsum Scout and wees vewy lucky tu hav yous.
            See yous at da lake. 🙂

            Luv and Hugs and Kitty Kisses ♥♥♥



          • Thanks Dezi…..I appreciate the vote of confidence. I hope to make it to Lion one day soon. I try to be a good Scout…..I’ll just try harder!

            Hugs, Sammy


          • You’s a vewy good Scout Sammy. Meez don’t fink yous kuld du anyfin’ diffewent and be any bettew. See ya’ tunite.

            Luv and Hugs and Kitty Kisses ♥♥♥



  4. TeHe I love the flowchart and the maypole is pawesome too. It’s raining and shining here Sammy every other day! It seems the weather just can’t make up it’s mind! Enjoy your bacon my furiend! Bisous Bailey


    • Hi Bailey! Our weather was like that for DAYS but yesterday it was sunny ALL DAY LONG…..Spring is having a very tough time this year!! Hope you get some sun today…….

      Hugs, Sammy


    • Good for you Easy……I think it’s definitely time they listen to your demands (that sit-in you’re doing today should get your message across!)…..bacon is one of those “necessities of life” if you ask me!!! Happy FRYday to you too my friend.

      Hugs, Sammy


  5. Happy Fryday Sammy and that chart is great hahaaha 🙂 I am so glad you had sun and so glad we had rain..we are yin and yang aren’t we 😉 and I saw in your comments you are pouting….I might try that and see if I get some bacon 🙂 hugs and loves Fozziemum xx


  6. Snorts – let’s hope there’s no “fried bacon” in this oinkers future – double snorts. Although dad does look at me sometimes with a look in his eyes… kind of the same look he gives glazed donuts. It’s weird. PLOL (piggy laughing out loud) Have a great Friday and weekend cousin! XOXO – Bacon


  7. dood…we say fryday all de time….tho trooth full lee we haz never fried bacon…sum thinz gotta be down bout that…we think we will wrap sum bacon round sum perch & bloo gill N seer em up two day for lunch…..stop by coz we may haz left overz !!! heerz two a wild whitefish week oh end ♥


    • I bet bacon wrapped around fish would be NOMMY……I know it’s good wrapped around shrimp because last time my Mom grilled some I ACCIDENTALLY (ahem) ate one from the plate when she wasn’t lookin’ !

      Hugs, Sammy


  8. FRYday I love it. Your weather sounds wonderful. Still cold and somewhat rainy here. Posted on FB I was going to have to build an ark soon. Ha, ha. Have a lovely weekend.
    Sue B


  9. Glad you are enjoying some nice weather, Sammy. Sounds like you’re enjoying your Fryday with that bacon! Yum! Can’t wait for your blogoversary party!


  10. We are all dreaming of bacon now that you had some! We also had a beautiful day here today. Going to be a warm weekend, but we will find that a/c on, or at leas t we hope so.

    Woos – Phantom, Ciara, and Lightning


    • Hi Gang! How’s everything in the World of Woos? Happy Saturday….bacon is frying downstairs and I’m thinking it’s going to be another beautiful day here too – although not so warm we’ll need A/C (quite yet)!!!

      Hugs, Sammy


  11. That Misaki! She’s really sumfing, even if she *is* a woofie! Sam, you look pawsitively SCRUMPTIOUS all a-seeping like that. The Human is getting a little melty over you. Phfft, say I. He’s a CAT. He’s sleeping. *I’M* a CAT. I sleep too, and I don;t notice her getting all goopy about it.


    • Well Spitty humans are FICKLE….they see cat floof or kitties with paws over their eyes or some goopy stuff like that and they fall apart…..they forget they have floof at their fingertips RIGHT AT HOME WITH US! You have to forgive these temporary lapses of insanity. It’s part of the wonderful world of living with humans!

      Hugs, Sam


  12. You got bacon today? I’m so jealous! I tried to tell momma I needed some, but she said we were all out. She did come back from the store with 3 packs of thick cut maple bacon though . . .


  13. 😉 We gott da ‘Rain’ n ya gott da ‘Shine’ Sammy n we iz furendz thru it all 🙂
    me wundered if dere waz a bit of bacon on Fryday, MOL!
    We iz so happy ya gott to go out n feel da grass tween yer toesiez n nomz sum too n enjoy da Sunshine….we haz rain…n more rain…
    Butt we haz ya fer furendz so dat makez fingz A-okayz! 😉
    Lub Nylablue n Mum too ❤ ❤ ❤


  14. LOL, I’ll have to show Mr B that flowchart. He is the bacon lover in this family. Good one! I love your nappy photo, you look like a little angel. I’m also drooling over all that green grass. My morning news man just told me it was 30 C this day last year (86 F), right now……… zero C…….dang, that’s only 32 F. I’m ordering up a side of sunshine to go with Mr B’s Bacon this weekend xoK


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