April Showers Bring…….


What do they bring?  They bring WET, that’s what they bring…………but in a nice, soft, good for the little budding plants and trees kind of way.  We’ve had one of those days – off and on gentle showers.   So will we see those “May flowers”  I hope so…………last year about this time Mom was already putting stuff in her planting boxes on the deck – we’re WAY behind this year…….I think she even had her little tomato plant all tucked into its’ pot on our deck.  The stores have all that stuff OUT for sale, but we’re holding off until another week or so this year – Mom Nature has been in a FUNNY frame of mind!

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Here’s one sight we might not get to see this year……………our azaleas in bloom.  Why?  Well, a combination of two things…………………


  1. Lots of snow that stayed on ALL the trees and shrubs and grass for WEEKS and turned to ICE.
  2. Lots of very hungry deer who weren’t even too shy to come up close to the house to eat……the first time in 18 years the deer raided the azaleas at night leaving us with VERY FEW buds for Spring.

SO, Mom still plans on decorating the porch with pots of plants and of course populating her gardens with annuals – love all that color in Spring and Summer………….makes me SMILE……………

Potted plants on Sam's front porch.

Yep – front porch garden works for me!

Has Spring arrived where you are???   How do you know it has FOR SURE????

Spring Is Springing!  

Hugs, Sammy


80 responses »

  1. I’m sorry but i love that you get deer that close to your house, but perhaps you need to look into putting out some deer food so they leave your plants alone – perhaps you could share some of your bacon? BOL


    • HA! When we first moved here and had more woods (before other people built homes around us) we used to get big bags of corn cobs for the deer and salt licks, etc. because it was something NEW for us to see them so close. Now that the community is built up, the deer still come but their tastes have become more tuned into tender greens like everybody’s gardens/shrubs and trees!!!! Mom calls her flower garden the “all you can eat buffet for deer” !!

      Hugs, Sam


  2. I just love Spring flowers. Fank youz for coming to my pawty and making my birthday so special. Wez away’z the weekend’z
    so catch up’z wiff you Monday’z xxxxxx

    Load’z of Hug’z

    Mollie and Alfie


  3. Good morning, Sammy! Motor Mommy hasn’t bought any plants yet….but I know it’s just a matter of time….very little time. I’ve heard her talking….. Your porch and deck are beautiful; too bad about those deer. They’ll eat almost anything…unlike us finicky felines!
    Love, Sundae


  4. Oh how I love a porch! Beautiful Sammy! Stinks about the deer eating your pretty pinks!!! The deer were hard on plants and trees at the Tiny Ten this winter too. I see you cruising the back deck Sam, bet you love it back there. I don’t think we will do any planting till May cause like you we are not trusting Mother Nature!


    • Yeah Mom Nature has been playing lots of dirty tricks all over the place this past year so we shouldn’t TRUST her quite yet…….let her get her jollies then kick her to the curb and enjoy some SUN!

      Hugs, Sammy


  5. Mom misses azaleas from when she lived up north….and forsythia! All great signs of Spring. Right now our backyard smells wonderful (or so she tells us) because our orange tree is loaded with blossoms!! Your gardens are beautiful.

    The Florida Furkids


    • Our forsythia is JUST JUST JUST barely approaching bud….the azaleas are depressing….and it’s cloudy today which doesn’t help! Hopefully soon we’ll have some REAL signs of Spring (by the way that photo of our front garden is from LAST year when we had a normal Spring….everything is just barely poking out of the ground now!!!).

      Hugs, Sam


  6. Sprinter needs to be over ASAP. I am *so* ready for the Spring to be here. Of course that means mom walks around sneezing, coughing and with a runny nose – but *I* enjoy it – snorts. XOXO – Bacon


  7. Irish Spring soap! That’s what we uses to keeps the deers away!
    Wes was talking to Daddy via Skpye last night and he tooked us on a tour of our yard! The grass was green and it looked like it needed to be cut, and the garlic is coming up in the garden and the tulips and the daffydowndillies is really growing (so is the weeds) but here in Calgary….all there is is snow.


    • Oh Nellie I forgot about Irish Spring soap…..hang it on a string and the deers stay away! I’ll have to remind my Mom about that…….How nice that your Daddy shared what’s going on back home with you and your Mommy – it sounds like Spring is definitely there while you have to be in the SNOW still. Bet you wish you were home!!

      Hugs and Kisses, Sam


  8. our azaleas look humble too this year, probably it was a to wet. It looks a little like Spring, but there are dark clouds, so I think it looks more like April Shower too :o) Have a super friday :o)


      • They make a lot of exotic food, but mom said we first try something what’s nearly “normal”, because she still has the spurned buck-steaks for a lot of bucks in her mind :o) I like the collar too, hope it’s strong enough to lift my dad in the air :o)


  9. Sammy thank you for sharing those gorgeous photos!!!! Your flowers are beautiful! The past 2 yrs Mom didn’t have plants on the balcony (due to bees), but this year, she is thinking she might have to do another balcony garden. We can’t start ours til May because the weather in Michigan is still too questionable. Have a great day Sammy! xoxo


    • We’ll probably wait until May too – especially for the tender annuals AND my favorite thing – the deck pot with MY (yes MY) tomato plant in it! Farmer Sam…..I love keeping an eye on my tomato plant every year!

      Hugs, Sam


  10. Mom never plants anything this early; though, she always has the desire to do so. Instead she has to use this time to get the gardens cleaned up from winter. We do have lots and lots of daffodils blooming and a few tulips starting. We had a huge storm last night with lots of hard, hard rain. More today, we think. Mau says that he’ll see you at Scouts. Again, concats on getting to stay in your home. XO, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


    • WOW – no storm here but it’s cloudy and only low 50s…..Spring is TRYING to spring….just having a tough time with it!! Mom’s been working on clearing out the gardens too and seeing if there’s any hope for the poor deer-eaten azaleas!

      Hugs, Sammy


  11. Wow, your house has such beautiful flowers and plants, Sammy! The house we just moved into is the first house we’ve ever lived in (we lived in an apartment before), so this is the first opportunity Mom has had to have a garden. We are excited for her to start planting because we are hoping that the plants and flowers will bring bugs and cool things to watch on the Kitty TV! You must be so entertained by all of that!


  12. dood…april showers all sew brings lotz N lotz oh werms…grab a pail, fill it up N ewe got fishin fishin N mor fishin….yur gardenz looked grate last yeer …we hope yur stuffz come bak…..heerz two a bacon filled week oh end…purrhaps yur mom will plant a bacon bush !!!


    • I love all the worms – they gather in the puddles after a rain here and I like to give them a shove and a poke! I’ll have to ask Mom to buy a bacon bush at the nursery – I had NO IDEA there was such a thing but it sounds delicious to me! As long as the deer don’t eat everything before I have a chance to “harvest” !!

      Hugs, sammy


  13. We’ve had awesome spring weather here, Sammy, with rain and sun and fluffy clouds and some very obnoxious Squirrel TV! Next week it’s supposed to go up to 90 degrees here – can you believe that?!


  14. We can’t wait for spring! We’re saying little prayers for our rose bush to come back from this awful winter. It belonged to our grandma and would be so sad if it didn’t bloom again. – Crepes.


    • Oh dear….I hope your rose bush makes it…..with all this icky ice and snow it’s hard to know WHAT made it and what’s a distant memory. We lost a lot of stuff – some holly trees and shrubs. The landscaping people say it was SO cold, the roots froze on many things that normally are fine through the winter. YUCK….makes me sad!

      Hugs, Sammy


    • That’s what we USUALLY have here Brian but not sure what’s going on this year – Winter was weird and Spring is having a tough time arriving so who knows what’s up?!?!?! I guess Mother Nature knows but she “ain’t telling” !

      Hugs, Sam


    • Cupcake I sure do hope that the rain stops EVENTUALLY…..not long ago I was hoping the SNOW would stop…..are we EVER EVER EVER really satisfied with the weather?? Something tells me the answer is YES if it’s warm. When it’s cold we hate it period. Happy Weekend!

      Hugs, Sammy


  15. **shakez furry head** NO Spring yet here Sammy; wet snow!
    It iz pawfull 😦
    Da wee garden iz a deesaster! Eberyfing iz broken n we mite lose da Ivy n da mini rosez…Mum n me bery sad cause dey 2 of da bushez were Aunti Mary’z n 2 were frum da lady who lived here befur us n we bin tended da garden in Alberta’z memoree…
    So Mum mite hab to plant new flowerz n stuff sumtime…if Spring eber Arrivez here!!!
    Much lub Nylalbue n Sherriellen Mum xoxoxo


    • I’m sorry Spring is refusing to come to your house Nylablue…..I’m sorry you lost your rose bushes – your Mum will have to replace them once the snow goes AWAY for good and it begins to get warm again….I think Spring is just around the corner for ALL of us! Hang in there!!

      Hugs, Sammy


  16. It is so easy to see why your Dad didn’t want to leave the old homestead, Sammy – it is so pretty inside and outside. We have had lots of rain this week too and it is amazing how green the grass has become so quickly! Mom is hoping some of the trees will soon be in bloom – Spring is her favorite season.

    Happy weekend.

    Woos – Phantom, Ciara, and Lightning


    • EEEK on the tornado…….NICE! on the 85 although that’s a bit hottish for this early – or is it really “early” where you are?? We’re still mostly cool here……hoping we don’t have a “sneaky frost” too!

      Hugs, Sam


  17. We had 9 C today or 50 F, elated, everyone was saying thank goodness a warm day. I wouldn’t dare put out any plants until the last weekend in May or first weekend in June. Some risk it, but they don’t get any farther ahead and risk frost.
    I loved your slide show, especially Sammy out on the deck. xoK


    • I always feel bad when I start talking about how I’m tired of the cold – because it won’t be long before I’m complaining about being tired of the HEAT……humans (and some cats!) are never QUITE satisfied!!!!!

      Hugs, Sammy


  18. Autumn has arrived of sort of here Sammy….cooler nights and slightly cooler days..leaves stating to fall off and the color arriving..your garden is so lovely Sammy did I see Impatiens ???? hugs Fozziemum xxx


    • Impatiens no – not yet – they are so darn tender – one late frost (which we’ll probably get) would “melt” them. Anyway, lots of other little things peeping up and Mom’s getting excited…..the deer, skunk, possum and squirrels LOVE those nice tender flowers so we’re keeping an eye on things!!

      Hugs, sam


      • They sure are tender little plants Sammy…I don’t even try here the heat would knock them on their socks 😉 it is exciting to see new life coming up 🙂 and mum I am sure will be vigilant hahahaha 🙂 Hugs Fozziemum xx


  19. I guess we just have to enjoy photos of last year’s pretty photos for now, right, Sammy? I’m sure it was a rough winter for the deer also, but it’s too bad you won’t get your beautiful azaleas. Most of my bushes were buried under so much snow, the deer couldn’t even find them.


  20. EEoww Sammy we nott shure we can afford to buy new rosez…Mum iz gonna ask da neighbur fer sum sage n she will take it frum dere…we do not fink ANYFING can bee saved! Dere iz still 2 feet of snow on da ground….plus big 4 feet pilez all over da place; it iz like we iz susspended in time here….weerd!!!!
    Lub Nylablue ❤ ❤


    • Gosh Nylablue…..all that snow is still there….it does sound like everything will be dead underneath all that snow. That’s a shame….sage will be nice though – it’s pretty hardy!

      Hugs, Sammy


  21. Yow sammy me jsut gott Mum to post me new bloggie fer today (Sunday) n ya can see da snow…)we iz shure eberyfing iz dead…Mum sayz she will plant herbz if Spring eber arrivez: Thyme n Sage n dat sort of fing…stuff dat will come back ebery year….
    *paw patz* Nylablue ❤


  22. Dat is what Mum finkz toonow she iz NO gardener me can tell ya…butt she doez like flowerz n plantz so we shall see what happenz….she DID mange to cut da broken branchez off n we just mite save dem mini rosez….pawz crossed here…
    Me likez da herb idea cause she cuud grow catnip 😉
    Lub Nylablue ❤ ❤


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