A Pause for Paws


HAPPY FRIDAY!!   I thought today I’d bore you with some information about me and my extra toes.  Well not EXACTLY that, but sort of because as you know, I’m a polydactyl kitty with extra toes on my front paws.  I have SIX toes so that means one extra.  My back paws are normal (whatever NORMAL is).

Lots of people call polydactyls “Hemingway cats”……that’s because as you probably know the incredibly fabulous writer Ernest Hemingway had a home in the Florida Keys and there he had a crew of polydactyl cats – bunches of them……and although he himself is long gone, the descendants of his cats still live in the lap of luxury, well taken care of, in his old home which is now a museum!

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When my Mom and Dad came to the shelter to adopt a cat 14+ years ago, I was the only kitten they had in the shelter.  Smarty pants ME saw them coming into the cat room and in my tiny jail cell I spied them and knew that if I wanted to go home with them I could.  So I came right up to the bars and poked my six-toed paw through the bars and meowed.   YAY!!!!   That did it – Mom said “oh he’s a polydactyl – isn’t he adorable” and THAT my friends was THAT.   They took me home that very day (Mom says I screamed at the top of my lungs for the entire trip home in the car).

Awww...My Baby Picture!

That was just over 14 years ago…..my time flies when you’re having FUN!!

My toes seem to show up in a lot of my photos – not that I’m thinking about my poses of course but if Mom’s snapping my photo and my feet are anywhere near, you can’t HELP but notice I have extra toesies!!!!

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Now that I’ve talked about my toes which I’m sure you have found OH SO INTERESTING, I do believe that I’ll retire to the living room where I can see when Mom takes the monster out of the closet for that once weekly VERY irritating and noisy “house cleaning” thing she does.   Even putting my extra-toed front paws over my ears doesn’t totally shut out all that noise……..!!!!   So they don’t ALWAYS come in handy you  know!!

Hope your Friday is more quiet than mine will be………..yep – I sure do…………………

Hugs from Mr. Toes! 



87 responses »

    • Mom says the lady in the shelter said “good luck – he’ll be a handful because he’s a polydactyl” when I was adopted but Mom says I’ve always been a perfect gentleman….well….almost! My Mom would love to visit Hemingway’s home and see all the kitties – there are some GREAT photos of cats there who have WAY WAY more toesies than I do!

      Hugs, Sammy


  1. I have always wanted to visit Hemingway’s home and see the infamous polydactyl cats he adored so much. Some day it will happen- it is on my list of must sees. I can see why your Mom and Dad couldn’t pass you by, what an ADORABLE baby kit you were Sammy, who has grown in to an equally HANDSOME mancat. I have no doubt you knew what you were doing when you saw them, as I believe our cats choose us as much as we choose them. When I entered the cattery at our local humane society almost 14 years ago, I met several wonderful kitties but there was one three year old dilute tortie who had eyed me. She approached where I was sitting and petting a few other cats, and before I could blink or knew what was happening I felt a PLOP! on my lap and looked down to see a determined tortie face looking up at me, and then curl up in my lap while purring and cooing.
    The ladycat who chose me was of course Ms. Phoebe, and she would go on to be my Queen for the next 13 1/2 years until she sadly made her journey to the Bridge in January. I never once doubted or questioned my choice over our many years together, and I knew she did not either. Just like the special bond you share with each of your parents, Phoebe and I had a bond that I have had with even few humans– it was meant to be. Your Mom and Dad are so lucky to have such a loving, smart, and funny fur son to complete your family– a family that was obviously meant to be too. 💜😽💙🐾


    • What a most sweet comment from you on my post today! It sounds like your Ms. Phoebe was a “cat of a lifetime” just like my Mom says I am to her! I think you’re right about cats choosing their humans as much as the other way around…..maybe even moreso. I’m loving life every single day and wouldn’t change a THING about it – even being an only cat, I’ve had my humans’ undivided attention! YAY! I know you must really miss Ms. Phoebe – my Mom misses every other cat she ever had before as they were all special and occupied a bit of her heart and always will. BUT I love it when she tells me (often!) that I am her “soul cat” always and forever. Long after I’m gone, I will be with her and she with me. Special hugs from me to you!!

      Hugs, Sammy


    • Oh aren’t you just plain SWEET to say that??!!! Well you know how I feel about you Cuppycake…you’re my gal pal…we have that “no snow on the tummy” thing in common!!! Hope your snow is about gone????

      Hugs, Sammy


  2. Sammy, I just love your extra toesies! Your baby pictures are so cute! Motor Mommy and I loved the comment by “msphoebecat”. Mommy loves me to bits, but I know that her Beezy cat was her kitty soulmate. And that’s okay; I have a wonderful, loving, safe, warm home and family: what more could a kitty want??


  3. Mom always SQUEEES when she sees your toesies. When Mom moved here, Dad had a polydactyl cat named Fooz. Fooz was a sweetie and lived to be over 20 years old!! Her name was really Footies but somehow it morphed to Fooz.

    Mom and Dad have been to the Hemingway House. There are kitties snoozing, sunning and playing everywhere you look!!!

    Happy Friday – keep those toesies clean!!

    The Florida Furkids


    • Oh I love the name FOOZ! I love hearing about kitties who live to a ripe old age….I hope to do that very thing. Mom says if being ornery keeps you young, then I’m gonna love to be VERY old! (don’t tell them I told you but I think it works for humans too….HAHAHA) I’d love to visit my distant cousins in the Hemingway house….it looks like a beautiful place to hang out too – all that porch space – I’d LOVE that! I work very hard to keep my toes clean and with our red Virginia clay soil, it’s not always easy!

      Hugs, Sammy


    • Oh wow! Well, I don’t look like Hemingway like your Mom’s Dad did but I know some Hemingways (people name their polys Hemi or Hemingway often as you know!) and that’s as close as I’ll get to “THE MAN” himself I suppose!

      Hugs, Sam


  4. You were certainly a very cute kitten and your paws are great! You must be extra smart to have extra toes because you’ll be able to count higher than all your friends.
    Whee can only count up to eight because whee only have four toes on our front paws. I bet you’ll be able to count all the way up to 12, what a big number! So basically, whee love your pretty polydactyl paws!
    Love from,
    Mop, Dusty, Billy, Pip and Cupcake xx


  5. Sammy, you need to get Mom Pam an iPhone with your allowance. There is now an app that makes the sound of sizzling bacon and a plug-in that gives off the aroma of cooking bacon. MOL! The humans were supposed to be in Key West right now, but they cancelled the trip when Dad got mono. They have been to the Hemingway house, and Mom has a watercolor of some of the kitties. We think you toes are the greatest. Have a great weekend. Purrs and paw-pats, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


    • Oh Kitties I’m so sorry your Dad got mono!!! That’s just awful – I hope he’s feeling better? I know your Mom and Dad were so sad to have to cancel their trip to the sunny South though. It’s been so icky cold here hasn’t it?! I’m so sad about that. Will they reschedule and go when he’s all better? My Mom would love to go to Hemingway’s house and see the kitties but my Dad’s a real poop when it comes to traveling to Florida – go figure – he’ll fly to Paris in a heartbeat but Florida? Nope!

      Hugs to you all but a SPECIAL one for your Dad!


  6. I’m so glad they brought you home. I can’t imagine a world or a blogville without you, buddy. Maybe your mom wrote the fabulous story of Davids Bridge, because she had a Hemingway cat on her side? I hope the monster is back in the closet and you can take a nap now. Have a fabulous friday!


    • Hi Easy! You’re a good friend to say that Easy….I feel that way about you too – blogville would NOT be near as much fun without hearing about all the FUN stuff that happens in your crib with your pawsome Mom and Dad…..you keep us wondering from day to day what disaster (haha) will be happening there and it’s always FUN. We’re here for such a short time, we should definitely have as much FUN as we can right????? Happy Weekend my buddy my pal.

      Hugs, Sammy


  7. dood…ewe noe ya haz it goin on N ewe iz de man bout towne….with yur extree toe ore knot….hope yur caturday iza bunch oh bacon waitin ta happen…heerz two a fun filled flounder week oh end az well 🙂


    • Hi Tabbies! Mom has promised bacon on the menu tomorrow…I’m counting on it….I think it’s gonna happen FOR SURE because I overheard her and Dad talking about it. YAY! I WIN!

      Hugs, Sam


  8. We love your toes, Sammy! And we love the fact that YOU chose your peeps. Isn’t that the way it always is? We think we choose our doggies and kitties but you are the ones choosing US!


  9. Oh dear. I’ve been *telling* you that we are related – we are most definitely cousins. Hemi, the purr thing here, is exactly as you are. He has the extra ‘toes’. That’s what makes his hands so huge when he slaps my fanny – snorts. And I’ll tell you something else. His name is Hemi for short. His full name is Hemingway. How original huh? Snorts. XOXO – Bacon


  10. My Hemingway is blind and polydactyl. He was given his name because it meets his personality. He is beyond belief smart and can do anything. His sister has normal feet.


    • You ARE extra special Ernie and that’s what my Mom almost named me because of my extra toes! I didn’t know you had SEVEN on your front and an extra on the back ones too! You really DO have “extra equipment” my good friend!

      Hugs, Sammy


  11. Sammy I love your toesies. I used to have a kitty with extra toes. He was gentle giant. Called him butterball. He was a bit lighter coloring than you. Enjoy your weekend.
    Sue B


  12. Sammy how could we ever bore of the Squeeeeable toesies??!!! Love the pics, hope you avoided the closet monster and are having mom cuddles right now with your beautiful toesies!
    Marty’s Mom


    • I did have to hide from the monster but took advantage of hide time by having an extra good nap. My Mom says it’s all about making the best of a bad situation – so I did……EXTRA NAPS!!

      Hugs, Sammy


    • Oh Socks I heard you were having problems. I can’t believe Denmaster can’t fix that for you somehow – that’s happened to some other cats and EVENTUALLY she fixed it. I hope you can get to the Campfire….YOU ARE MISSED!!!!

      Hugs, Sammy


  13. Well, Sammy, we DID find your story very interesting – we didn’t know that about Mr. Hemingway and his cats. We hope you and your special Mom have a very nice weekend.

    Woos – Phantom, Ciara, and Lightning


    • Hi Woos! I hope you all have a super weekend too…..I was sorry to hear Ciara had another episode but let’s hope she can stay in the study….AND that bald spot does look a lot like a poodle cut!!! Sending lots of hugs to all of you beautiful pups and your Mom too…

      Hugs, Sam


    • It does CK…..for lotsa stuff…..when I dip into my water bowl like a lot of us do to get a drink I can make a real CUP with my paw – I can get a good slurp of water one dip at a time!

      Hugs, Sammy


  14. Wow, your Mom uses the Sucky Monster once a week? My Human is lucky if she drags it out once a MONTH! Mostly, she vacuums with Photoshop.


    • HAHAHA…..Photoshop is a good idea and much quieter than the sucky monster that’s for sure Spitty! I’ll suggest that next time I have to go hide to get away from the noise!!

      Hugs, Sam


  15. I LOVE those toes of yours sweetness Sammykins. How lucky that you were a smart little duffer and ran to reach out for mom and dad at the shelter. 14 plus years of love and bacon and lap snuggles, thats awesome and I’m so happy for all of you xoK


  16. You have very cute toes, Sammy! Mom has been to Key West and she thinks the Hemingway cats are really cool. Mom was wishing you would post the Hemingway House as a Tuesday Teaser. She would actually get it right! Love, Cali, Andy, Tater and Shelly (C.A.T.S)


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