Teaser Tuesday


Yes, it’s that time again BUT FIRST………..before I give you your challenge – how about a bit of entertainment?  Sure – why not – you’re already HERE so why not see me in an unguarded moment while I allowed Mom to use the flashy box to capture me in some Christmas Cheer Gear???  Ready?


OK – OK – no more giggling!  What can I say?  I’d do anything for my Mom including allow myself the indignity of wearing CLOTHING just for her…….LOVE YA MOM!

Now onward to the reason you’re here today – to take a peek at this week’s Teaser photo and give it your best shot.  This is (I think) another “toughie”….yep…..I do.   You know the rules…..city/town and country/state.   You’ll get credit if you just get PART of the answer right but give it your best shot because you know you want that “First Right Guesser” award right???


Ta Da!   Get those keyboard clicking or those buttons on the phone pushed because I’m waiting………yep – here I am – waiting for the FIRST RIGHT GUESSER…….cuz you know I will be sending you a note to tell you that you are in fact FIRST, then we can sit back and watch the other guesses coming in!  Cool?  Good!

This is what the First Guesser gets…………………(you already know this!!)

The Much Coveted "First Right Guesser" Award

The Much Coveted “First Right Guesser” Award

AND remember nobody is a LOSER here….there will be other awards as you know for winners AND almost winners!

So we had our ice event Sunday and yesterday and it wasn’t pretty.  I mean it was pretty in one sense – but it was BAD on the roads.  Everything shut down – including power in some places (not here though!!)……and the icy coating was on the trees almost all day.  The weather guy lied as usual yesterday morning and said the sun might come out…..UH HUH…..YEAH SURE….well it did NOT come out although the temperature rose to 36 big fat degrees so some of the ice melted.  Overnight of course it re-froze.  Swell……ice-skating rink day two for today I suppose.   We did have a bit of a casualty – well two actually.  One BIG branch came crashing down just at the edge of the woods (a big oak) and crashed onto one of Mom’s shrubs.  Also at the bottom of our driveway one of the super tall, skinny river birch trees bent WAY down to the driveway because it’s weighed down by the ice.  It hasn’t snapped but it’s just sitting there – Dad tried to knock the iced off but NO WAY.  SO, we’ll just hope that later today MAYBE we’ll get a break and the temps will rise and more ice will melt.  Keep your fingers crossed – I get upset when my trees get hurt !!  Here’s the yard – lotsa ice on branches……

In other news, I received my FOURTH STAR for my Blog of the Year 2013 from Purrfect Kitties YAY……..thank you so much!!!   Then this morning I see

my friend Misaki gave me ANOTHER one (THANK YOU!!!!) – so that means I’m up to five stars!   One more to go!!! 

Blog of the Year Award 5 star jpeg

If you’re in the hunt for stars – please feel free to consider that you’ve added ANOTHER one to your award because

for those of you who need another one – I’m waving my Sammy Whammy wand and passing a star on to you!!

  I also got another award – a BRAND NEW award just “invented” by my good friend Nerissa (Nissy) called the “Friends and Followers” Award.


 What a beautiful new award Nissy – THANK YOU my friend!!

Just four things to do when accepting the Friends and Followers Award.   Firstly, you need to post the award on your blog.  Secondly, you need to thank the blogger who gave it to you, if you don’t already, follow them.  You can follow by e-mail or feed or a reader or any other method available.  That even includes just popping into their blog every day or so if they don’t have a set up for “following” them.  Thirdly, you need to pass along the FRIENDS & FOLLOWERS award to a few readers whom you know already follow you.

So, here are a few of my followers that I’d like to pass this on to:


Easy Weimaraner



Doggy’s Style

Gosh – this is yet another endless blog today………but the BIG thing is the Teaser so go back up the page and take a GOOD LOOK………if you want that “First Guesser Award” you’d better hurry!!!!


92 responses »

  1. Congratulations to your award and the next star, Sammy! Many thanks for nominating me :o) Please stay warm and cosy and maybe you can buy a coat for your trees? I think it could be Birmingham, UK . They have a red house there, hope it isn’t Holland :o)


    • Hi Easy my buddy – my pal! We’re getting more snow this morning – maybe 2-5 inches of the stuff! EEEK! I’ll be staying inside again believe me…..buying a coat for the trees is a swell idea – I’ll have my Mom surf the internet today to see if we can find something suitable (and cheap). So you think today’s Teaser is in the UK??? Well, there are red houses (yes that kind of red house) all over the world (although Holland has more than anybody else I think…haha) BUTTTTTT you’ll have to come visit me tomorrow to see if you’re right about Birmingham. Meanwhile, I hope you have a pawsome day. We got your Christmas card yesterday!! Mom is late sending MINE out! SHAME SHAME SHAME on her!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • Yikes Doggy…..I had no idea you were on the warpath for EASIER Teasers…..I thought everyone liked to have nice tough hard to figure out until they drive you totally insane kinds of Teasers. The Power of One has spoken….and loudly (my Mom forgot to turn the volume down before she played the video). I hereby promise next Tuesday to make it easy enough for even YOU to guess it….how’s that????? Tee Hee

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • Hi Miss Annie!! I was very patient (and sleepy) so Mom took advantage and put those clothes on me…..shortly thereafter I was naked again believe me! So you’re going with Manchester huh? Well come see me tomorrow and find out!!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  2. As usual, the “Motor family” has no idea about the Teaser…!
    But those are beautiful pics of your trees, Sammy. I sure hope they don’t suffer any broken branches, and I’m glad your power hasn’t been affected!
    Stay safe!
    Love, Sundae


    • Hi Sundae! We’re getting a ton more snow today – I’m hoping those branches HANG IN THERE but they’re really getting more weight on them now with the snow. Sure is beautiful out there but NICE AND WARM inside!!

      Love, Sammy


  3. Most of the US is under the white blanket, I’m glad I don’t have to shovel snow.
    Here’s been a bit colder than usual but nothing bad.
    Thanks for the award, and congrats on the new star, 1 more and you’ll be done.
    I wonder if I could create an award to remove stars. I’ll look into it.


    • It’s been snowing here for the last hour….another 5 inches or so expected….YUCK…..we don’t shovel the stuff either – Dad’s got a snow machine BUTTTTT it’s in the basement right now doing nobody any good. I think if someone can figure out how to remove stars instead of add them it would be YOU!!! 😉

      Kitty Hugs, sammy


  4. Wow congrats on your award and stars! Yay! You’re almost there 🙂

    We cannot even guess the place but it does looks very pretty and clean!

    Stay safe and warm, I think that’s headed our way. It sure is pretty but not fun to navigate.


    • Hi Miss Katie and Cocco!! Thanks for the concats on the award……..one more star to go. So you have no clue on the Teaser? Well visit me tomorrow and find out where it is!! It’s snowing like MAD here – – – watch out cuz here it comes!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  5. There’s a lot going on today, Sammy!
    You look very cute dressed up. Congratulations on your stars and your award.
    Thank you very much for awarding it to me!
    I think the teaser is a canal in England, but that’s as near as I can get.


    • Hi Clowie! Yes it’s a busy day here in Teaserland……including the fact it’s snowing MORE right now – another five inches coming today! You’d love it I’m sure……..So you think I look cute in my Christmas gear? I’m glad. Also thanks for guessing my Teaser today – – – if you stop by tomorrow you can find out who wins what!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  6. Have no idea about the teaser…so, what else is new??!! LOL!! Sorry your trees are hurting….but it sure looks like a Winter Wonderland. Especially since it’s there and NOT here.


    • Hi Miss June! The tree do look like they’re tired of carrying all that weight and ice! This morning it’s snowing more – another five inches we may get……..aren’t you glad you’re THERE and not HERE???!!! Stay warm.

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  7. No idea BUT that stone wall is impressive and beautiful! You look very cute.. um.. handsome in your Santa hat and scarf. Congrats on the award and stars! I am getting the worries just looking at that ice on your trees and hearing that 5 more inches of snow is going to be weighing them down. We have freezing rain forecast for Friday.. 😦


    • Hi Miss Pix! Did you go shopping yesterday??? Mom wrapped pressies all morning – stuff she’d already got for my Pop and me and some friends….Right now it doesn’t look like we’ll get that 5 inches of more snow – MAYBE two at the very most. It’s barely falling now – I’m gonna post some updated pix on tomorrow’s bloggy. Stay tuned. Freezing rain is the DANGEROUS stuff for the trees as you know – that tree at the bottom of our driveway (river birch) is still bend over double but hasn’t snapped….thank heavens.

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  8. Way to go Sammy – you are collecting the stars so fast my friend!! And Sammy, I agree about the dressing up. I let my mommy do that to me as well… just don’t tell anyone. snorts.
    Since I really stink at guessing – I’ll say the Riverfront in Texas? XOXO – Bacon


    • Hi Bacon! Someone else has also guessed the River Front in Texas……well tomorrow I’ll tell the scoop on the photo…………..thanks for the concats on my STARS – I’m excited about that. I’m glad you put up with your Mom dressing you like I do – I’d hate to be the only one who has to endure “dress up” !!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  9. I’m going to guess South Yorkshire, England, UK. Sammy you look adorable!! Very pretty with the snow. We got a light dusting this morning. Was way below zero overnight. They were saying -18. Brrr. Congrats on your award.
    Sue B


    • Hi Miss Sue! UK huh? MAYBE…..we’ll see tomorrow won’t we?! Glad you like my Santa outfit – as embarrassing as it is, I have to admit I look kinda cute. HAHAHAHA We are getting more snow but only about an inch plus a bit. Of course that’s on TOP of the snow and ice we already had. I’m staying INSIDE!

      Kitty Hugs and Stay Warm!


    • Thanks Texas….you’re right – I think all of us wish every cat and dog had a nice safe and warm home in the winter like WE do. Hopefully they have found shelter – I hate to think of anything freezing out there!!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  10. Oh no, ice storms are the worst. Hope everything thaws out soon! So glad you didn’t lose power though.
    That reminds me of the River Walk in San Antonio, TX….I really don’t think I’m right but I’m throwing it out there anyway! 🙂


    • So far there has only been snow this morning and no more ice….we’re hoping it STAYS that way!! Also the power is hanging in there thank heavens..we’re staying inside and snug. Oh that is a very good guess on the Teaser photo. Of course I can’t tell anybody anything until tomorrow but we are familiar with the River Walk…..a really pretty spot!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  11. 1. Sammy, you are very cute in your Christmas attire, but we are sorry that Mom Pam did that to you.
    2. Concats on yet more stars and the award from Nissy. You are popular and talented, that’s for sure.
    3. We never get this guessing thing right. Mom thinks that is here in the good old U.S., but we are not guessing until we investigate a little more.
    4. Your yard looks like a winter wonderland. Hope your trees don’t have any more damage and your power stays on.

    Stay warm…Mau’s toasting at Campfire.

    Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


    • 1. Thanks for the compliment but I’m so embarrassed I could just spit !
      2. Thanks too for the concats – Nissy’s always creating something spectacular isn’t he??
      3. You never know when you’ll just KNOW the Teaser…..at least you’re going to investigate more…that’s something!
      4. Our yard is even MORE wonderlandish since we’ve had an additional pile of snow this morning. Dang. So far power is hanging in there……

      I’ll be heading to the Campfire in a bit……..gonna tell another tale from Mom’s kids book! People like fables….I think!

      Hugs to all of you from me and Mom…………..


  12. Wow, what an eventful day you’re having, Sammy! Congratulations on the latest award, and you sure look spiffy in your Christmas outfit! So sorry to hear about the trees and bushes claimed by the ice storm. The pictures are beautiful, and I bet you’re awfully glad you have a nice, warm, toasty home to live in during this bad weather!


    • Hi Mr. Will and Eko! Glad you like my Christmas outfit…..I was tempted to say BAH HUMBUG when Mom showed me what she was going to put on me but I cooperated…..I was half asleep. So you think maybe my Teaser is either Midwest in the US or maybe UK? Come see me tomorrow to find out!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • Hi Nellie! Well Nellie it’s stopped snowing and in fact even though it’s 35 and still cold, it appears to be melting off the trees just a bit! I went outside a minute ago and a big blob of snow fell on my head! SPLAT! I’m back inside and STAYING HERE!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  13. Sammy; ewe due knot trooly look all two cheer full buddy…hope yur mom gived ewe sum extra bacon for that !!

    N faith if we R knot a bout ta guess de river liffey in de wee countee oh dublin
    for yur twozday teaser; N sure if ther bee trout in thoz waters itz sum fishin we will due



    • I should have demanded payment for my modeling services in bacon…why didn’t I think of that?!?! Oh wow….so you think my Teaser photo is the River Liffey in Dublin? Well, maybe it is – – – why don’t you stop by tomorrow and see!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  14. You melt me so Much with Your little outfit
    it looks like your are making wishes and prayers with that sweet face of Yours 🙂 xxxx
    Love You Tons and Tons ………………..
    and what would You like for Your Birthday Sammy ANGEL toes 🙂
    because i know ONE elf – 🙂 lol
    that would like to send you something 🙂 xxxxxx
    text me with Your toes soon xo
    i love you xo C


    • Hi Miss Cat! Let’s see….what do I want for my birthday…..hmm….how about a pawtographed photo of my favorite blonde singer????? I’m glad you like my photo with me in my Christmas outfit. Miss Stella at Mollie’s made my special scarf for me – isn’t it way cool? I feel pretty snazzy in it. I make wishes and say prayers all the time – mostly for all the kitties and pups and even humans who have no home to call their very own like I do. I sure was lucky all those years ago that my Mom and Dad found me and took me home (Mom says I screamed every second of the time I was in the car……HAHAHA).

      Kitty hugs, Sammy


      • wow the scarf is BEAUTIFUL L 🙂 Stella made That xxxx OMG xxxxxx i want ONE ❤
        maybe a bit larger – human size ? lol
        No i am not sending You a Pic …….
        something for you xxxx maybe a special Toy ….?
        Something That will go over the border smoothly 🙂 lol
        I will find You something xxxxxx
        and I will TEXT you for your address and mail it out before Christmas – so YOU are sure To get it for Your Big day ……:) It's Not every day You Turn 14 – 🙂 x
        2014 = 14 – i think its gonna be the bestest year ever xxxxxxxxx
        Love Love Love xxxxx
        and may all Your wishes and prayers come True xxx
        You are so Loved xxx


    • Oh I love your guess…..my Mom remembers that movie. I know how silly I look in that Santa get-up believe me – but in the spirit of Christmas (or more likely the fact I was half asleep) I allowed it. Thanks for the concats on the awards…..

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  15. Oh Sammy..i went to bed early!!! but I must say concats on your starts and award and thankyou so much for thinking of us!! as for your oic,..too cute my friend and compliant!!! I agree with you I hate it when the trees come down….you feel so sad for them…I was hallway up one yesterday trying to take pics of roos…it was a bit unstable….as must I have been to be cilimbing a tree at my age!! I know one thing about your Teaser..it’s not the harbour bridge in Sydney but the red brick makes me think England or maybe Holland…..have a great day Sammy 🙂 hugs Fozziemum xx


    • Thanks for the concats on the awards I got…..I have to say that our trees suffered a bit from this snow BUTTTT a lot of it melted off yesterday. Still we have some big limbs down which my Dad will have to whack up with the saw and drag down into the woods and I always HATE that trees get so much damage from ice. Not much we can do about it though sadly.

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


      • Most welcome Sammy..and yes losing trees is part of living with nature..we can hear ours creek and groan in the wind…we have a few widowmakers here but mainly they are all quite solid..depends on drought and rain …snow never being a problem in our area. Poor dad…the curse of the chop and drag 😉 Hugs Fozziemum xx


  16. I’m going to take a wild guess and say Liverpool, England.

    I biggie-fied your OH-SO-CUTE christmas cheer photo…LOL. Did you nod off while mom was making flashes with the box? I like the little elves and dangle-balls on your scarf, such a fashion statement 😀


    • Thanks for guessing – it was Georgetown as you probably know by now!! I’m glad you liked that picture of me in my Christmas outfit (such as it was). I had just awoken from a nap when Mom stuck all that stuff on me and took the photo – otherwise I would have protested the entire thing believe me!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  17. MOL Sammy Mum sayz it iz in Ntherleandz or Sweden….don’t ak me…me finkz she iz way off…. 😉
    As fer bein dressed up ya lookz so so so cute n handsum…Sundae will swoon when she seez ya in yer Catmess suit!
    Lub Nylablue n Sherriellen Mum xo


  18. Pingback: The Black Hole Award, Because You Asked For It. | Doggy's Style

  19. Pingback: Holiday video and an award | Clowie's Corner

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