Post ‘Ween Monster Day


Gosh, it doesn’t seem right BUT here we are on the day after Halloween and I STILL have a MONSTER in my life!!!!!  I thought all the monsters were over with when we put the Halloween stuff away!


Anyway, thank all of you again for playing along with my costume contest and haunted house this year.  It was so much fun.  I also think those of you who hosted an event yourselves did a great job – I visited a lot of blogs and boy oh boy – you all are FANTASTIC with all the crafty, creative stuff you put together!   I made a little badge that those of you who entered my contest this year can put on your bloggy if you wanna – just to show my appreciation (it comes complete with a hug…..).


I think we all need a rest……………but next up we have more holidays so hang on – who knows what we’ll come up with for them!  😀 😀 😀 😀

Meanwhile, will you excuse me if I grab a few winks???????  You know me……….I need to recharge my batteries in order to keep up with the rest of you young-uns!

Sam napping in the guest room

Nice, quiet guest room….ahhhhh…..

Oh – before I forget – I’ll be going back to my “regular” blog look tomorrow (or maybe later today even).  This special WordPress Halloween format was fun but there’s no place like “home” !!   We may be making a few changes though – like taking my bling and putting it all on a separate page!!!  But that remains to be seen… know I rely on my office staff to do that kinda stuff and – well – she’s recovering from Halloween too!


This time the hug is from ME !!!!

This time the hug is from ME !!!!

69 responses »

  1. Sammy….I got last!! boy that was freaking me out ….what a great job you did Sammy…foodables fun scary monster haunted house…the whole gang here had a blast!! and some happy comp winners 🙂 we can’t wait to Badge up and accept the hug as we need it after such a scary night!! thanks for all the hard work..the skull and cross bones can get popped away and you can get mum back to her usual secretary work she does for you 😉 have a lovely snuggle there…hugs and loves Fozziemum xx


    • Hi Fozziemum and gang! I’m so happy you found your way out of that haunted house finally – it was a BIG house with way way way way too many scary places to get lost in. Sure was fun to put together though and I’m glad you had fun. I did too but honestly I’m pooped! I’ll be snoring away most of today – and after she cleans the house I bet Mom will too (hahahahaha).

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


        • Hi Fozziemum!!!! Yes there has been a lot of resting up going on around here but today I think we’re going to have some NORMAL activity. There’s leaves to suck up for one thing and while I know it will be a noisy proposition, my parents want to keep up with them as they drift down. I guess next will be Santa Paws!

          Kitty Hugs, Sammy


          • Glad you have had some resting Sammy..i have been so busy I haven’t caught up with the bloggies at all!! goodness me…I can’t even begin to think about Santa yet heheheheh have a great day sweet Sammy ..I am catching up 😉 Hugs Fozziemum xx


          • I have a feeling he might be Sammy! Doc gets very very excited by Santa..i will do a video of’s so bizarre that when I told a radio station they didn’t believe me …hahhahah proof is in the pudding (xmas of course) heheeh
            Hugs for Peace to you to sweet man 🙂 xxxx


          • Santa Paws gets all of us excited I think…..I can’t wait either…..I love lying under the Christmas tree and pulling bows off presents too!

            Kitty Hugs, Sammy


          • Mom doesn’t use that shiny stuff on our tree…..she remembers when she was little (a million years ago) that they ALWAYS had tinsel on the trees and her Mom insisted that she and her brother put the tinsel on VERY CAREFULLY ONE BIT AT A TIME……that’s why we do NOT have it on our tree! HAHAHAHA

            Kitty Hugs, Sammy


          • Hahaahahah oh Sammy..poor mum …my neighbour I had years and years ago her cat Kaboodle was a terror for it…she had to follow him around with a bit dangling from his bot bot!!! he could also open her fridge and pull out a lock of cheese and scoff it heehehe 🙂 Hugs Fozziemum xxx


    • Oh I agree Mollie… guys did an amazing job with the Ball and costume contest – and I think there were more pawties around this year than EVER before!!! Concats on all the hard work……We had a blast!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  2. Thanks for such a fun pawty, Sam (and Sam’s mommy!). I hope both of you get lots of rest today!
    Motor Mommy has been thinking of putting our “bling” on a separate page too. She may need some help from your mommy figuring out how to do that…hint, hint…
    Love, Sundae


    • Hi Sundae! I’m glad you had fun at the pawty and the Halloween Ball at Mollie and Misaki’s. What a time! We need rest today!!!! As for the separate page thing on the blog – Mom says all your Mom has to do is add a page then remove everything from the sidebar and put it on the new page. It will be a PROJECT that’s for sure…….but since all the bling links are in your Mom’s media library, it might not be TOOOOOO bad.

      Love, Sammy


    • Hi Cupcake……I hope you’re right about my energy because this morning I have NONE. Mom’s dragging around here too – although she just finished with the monster thing so she managed to find the energy to clean the house!! All the Halloween “stuff” is put away and she even did some laundry – I got exhausted all over again just watching her! Have a fun Friday………

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • Hi Miss Pix…..Mom and I are both gonna catch up on some rest today. IT was a lot of fun though – we had lots of little cute kiddies at the door last night which makes my Mom smile and me hide. HAHAHAHA

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


        • Easy, how is Hell-mut? I haven’t asked about him lately… he going to blog about “life in Easy’s crib” ??? Or maybe that could be a little bit dangerous – he might tell all your secrets!!!!

          Kitty Hugs, Sammy


          • My Mom said she had a tiny turtle when she was a little girl… ate lettuce and grass – PERIOD. She had a plastic dish for it with a little plastic palm tree on a little plastic island in the middle with a path leading up to the top…….Mom says she NOW feels sorry for the little turtle who was probably bored out of its’ mind (!!) – but back then, it was fun to watch him swim and eat. Other than that I guess they don’t do much!!

            Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  3. It was a GREAT party but I can imagine that you might be a bit worn out after all the fun.

    Thanks so much for the badge! Now that Ol’ Peepers has figured out ’bout pages on my blog, I have a place to show it off and everythin’.



    • Hi Nissy! Glad you had fun at the party… did I… I need to start resting up for the Christmas season – gosh – just thinking about that makes me tired all over again!!!!!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  4. You held a great pawty, Sammy, as always, so it is normal that you should rest a bit now!
    I have asked my human to move my awards on a separate page for weeks now. Guess what? Nothing happened! They always invent some kind of excuse, don’t they?
    Have a great Friday!


    • I know what you mean Texas……Mom says she WILL but I’ll believe it when I see it (the award page). Humans are amazing when it comes to putting stuff off! We cats get things done (if we feel like it).

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • Gizmo you were THE BEST GREETER EVER!!!! Thanks for doing that for me. Everybody has written to tell me they loved the haunted house! I’m napping today myself – it’s been a busy week! Thanks again buddy!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  5. dood…grate job ewe did on de contest N de partee…ya dee serve a few thousandz napz….N bout 900 cases oh bacon…..N sum pie….speekin oh pie, heerez ta a grate week oh end, hope ya get plentee oh pie….this de seezon ya noe 🙂


    • Glad you had fun with the contest, party and haunted house! I had fun putting it all together but am I ever POOPED (pardon the “P” word). I’m thinking tomorrow being Bacon Saturday I should have a gigantic plate full instead of just a little bit. I worked HARD this week!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • Bailey you looked so spooky in your Catula costume flying through the air!!!! Your Mom did a great job of putting your costume together for you……I’m glad you had a good time because I sure did!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • It was quite a Halloween season wasn’t it? Everybody had pawties and it was just non-stop FUN….now we’re all exhausted….but that means napping and we cats are GREAT at that too!!!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  6. We had such a great time at your pawty. Your Mom did a pawsome job putting it together. You were the perfect host. You deserve to take a nice long nap. We iz really tired today too. Love, Cali, Andy, Tater and Shelly (C.A.T.S)


    • Thanks again for being in my costume contest and visiting the haunted house. We had a GRAND time putting it all together……….we’re working on the prizes now so we can send them off. Who knows WHAT we’ll get up to next! Enjoy your rest – I sure am enjoying mine!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  7. You threw a crazy, fun pawty, Sammy, and you deserve some recovery time. We’re all doing the same thing, just some of us are on the catio. It was 78 degrees here Saturday. Pure heaven! Purrs & hugs, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


    • YIKES! 78 is HOT! We sure didn’t get anywhere near that…’s been high 60s though and that feels pretty darn swell for November! Glad you enjoyed the pawty……I’m enjoying my naps!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • Misaki I’m so happy that you had fun with all my Sam-o-Ween celebrations and I think you and Mollie did an amazing job with that HUGE contest and Ball you hosted. SO MUCH WORK – we all need a good long rest before it’s Santa Paws time!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


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