Persistent Thursday


Huh?  What kind of title is that for a blog post you might say???   Well, I continue to pursue trying to get started with my Cat Scouts and am having some problems BUT today I’m going to stick with it until I do what I want to do – LOG IN!!!!  HAHAHAHAHAHA  Mom emailed the “Denmaster” at Mousebreath which is the sponsor/creator of Cat Scouts so we should hear soon.  Sigh.  Meanwhile at least I have my adorable photo of ME in my scouting uniform I can show off right?

I thought perhaps it might be time for me to tell you guys a bit about plans for my Sam-O-Ween Costume Contest.   My plan is for everyone to send in their photos of them in their SCARY (or CUTE or FUNNY or WHATEVER) Halloween costumes BEFORE October 28th   Mom and I will work to put a poll together on the 29th and have a voting poll available for all you creatures and goblins to vote on by the 30th!!    You can start sending them in ANY time you want starting today.

It can be you photoshopped into a costume or you in an actual costume – doesn’t matter………but I’m going to award prizes to the friend who receives the most votes for the “BEST SAM-O-WEEN COSTUME” …….. no matter where you live, you’re eligible!

This was my costume from last Halloween…………….


Yep – I was the “GRIM SAMSTER” – scary huh?  Well I tried to be!   Anyway, it doesn’t matter what kind of costume – you’re entered if you’re in a costume and you’ll win if you’re “THE BEST COSTUME” !

I’m also going to have either a Haunted House or a Haunted Graveyard for you to go through on my blog on Halloween too.  Should be fun and yes we’ll have suitably scary snacks for you and tons of fun.  I promise.

If you have any questions fire away in COMMENTS and I’ll answer them.  Otherwise get to work on getting yourself all dolled up (hee hee) – and by the way, this contest is for ANIPALS only…..humans can be in the photos but you have to be too!!

Have a Persistent Thursday……….I know I sure am gonna!   Look out Cat Scouts here I come……………………………….. 😀 😀 😀


58 responses »

    • Hi Sundae…..we had another epic fail in the logging in this morning so we’re back to square one. Mom says it’s probably our browser or something (whatever THAT is!)……sigh……well, even though I have THAT frustration, I’m glad you think I’m handsome in my Scout uniform! Woo Hoo!

      Love, Sam


    • Hi Sundae…..we had another epic fail in the logging in this morning so we’re back to square one. Mom says it’s probably our browser or something (whatever THAT is!)……sigh……well, even though I have THAT frustration, I’m glad you think I’m handsome in my Scout uniform! Woo Hoo!

      Love, Sam


  1. Purrsistent is right Sammy…emails not working here and having no love trying to do anything online 😦 must be the gremlins already!!! I hope I can post my Badge from the Tuesday teaser or I will just fall off my perch dead as a ghost grrrr live the outfit and hopefully will be pizapping before top long…rotten puternetts hugs Fozziemum xx


  2. I’m in my clothes closet to find the best costume ever…but wait… I just read Doggy will be “womanized” too… so I should look for dad’s stuff :o) Have a great thursday (yes it’s thursday, not friday lol)


    • I think it will be Benny and Lily……and I hope you’re able to come join the pawty even if you don’t want to enter in the costume contest! We’ll have fun no matter what!!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • Hi Bailey!! I think you’d make a very handsome scout – if you decide to join up, feel free to join my group – it’s called “Warrenton Wildcats”…..or you could start your OWN group…..maybe “Bailey Sailors” ??? 🙂

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  3. Sammy you scared me with that costume. Your do look handsome in your scout uniform. I was going to join but; couldn’t figure out how to join your scout troop. Kept asking me to make my own?? Is there anywhere you can get free graphic type costumes to just add your kitties body or head to it? Does anyone know? I don’t know how to do photoshop stuff and my cats have claws. Big ones. Ha,ha.
    Sue B


    • Hi Miss Sue….thanks for TRYING to join my troup with the Scouts….to tell you the truth, I’m not entirely sure how you can join MY troup but you could try to enter Warrenton Wildcats in the sign up form and see if that works!! Then you go to the “getting started” area and that’s where you will find the graphic that you download and put your head on (!!) to make the photo like mine……If you can’t figure out how to photoshop the head on, you can send ME your cat photo and I’ll do it for you!!!! My Mom can handle that. I was on the site this morning and found out how to send a “friend” request to another Scout….that was way cool. I’m gonna see if I can try for more badges when my Mom has a bit of time to help me! It’s tons of fun though……….

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  4. Hey, Sammy! I joined Cat Scouts too! Make sure you send me a friend request once you’re able to log in. Y’know, I had a problem with logging in too and had to email the Denmaster.

    We’re gonna have a good time!



    • Hi Wally!!!! Know what? I saw a “WALLY” on the member list and wondered if it was you – it LOOKED like you but I wasn’t sure. I’ll send you a friend request buddy. I think it’s gonna be a lot of fun too!! WOO HOO!

      Kitty Hugs, sammy


  5. Sam, we girls wanted to tell you how handsome you are in your Cat Scout uniform. You’re melting our hearts more than usual. Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo P.S. So glad to have you on board Sam. Can’t wait to do have scouting adventures together. Your pal, Mauricio


    • Woo Hoo girls! I’m putty in your hands……I do love it when girlcats say I’m handsome….thanks! 😉 Mauricio – I’m with you buddy – this Cat Scouts thing is TONS of fun!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • They have an actual “Cat Scouts” store where we can get stuff like tents, sleeping bags, and a way cool Scout shirt with bandana (Mom would NEVER be able to wrestle me into that though!!).

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  6. Ya lookz so pawsitivelee handsum in yer uneeform Sammy!!! N ya waz scary az da Grimm Samster fer shure!! Me got on Mum’s butt n told her to Pizap me n she did!! She sent yer Mum me piccie fer da contest plus she also hunted down snackz fer da pawty!! Dere iz kitteh; poochie; bunneh; g-piggie n Hu”man snackz. She also sent 2 punchez n 2 cakez n sum cuppycakez…Mum shure getz into da food part of fingz doezn’t she???
    have a lubly day sweet boy frum Nylablue n Sherriellen xo


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