Fun on Friday


Hello!   Well my “Persistent Thursday” turned into a “Successful Thursday Afternoon” because I got logged on and I’m IN at Cat Scouts!  YAY!  Not only THAT, but I’ve already joined a group and submitted proof of compliance to get my first badge – it’s a “Camping Badge” and I had to show myself in a tent (can you believe it????  Perfect for me since I have tons of tent photos!!!).  So I’m on my way.  Here’s my Tenderpaw badge (the first step in being a Scout) and when I get a badge for “Camping” I’ll show you that too.


I started my own “Troup” too so if any of you want to join my group, please feel free to do that…………my group is called “Warrenton Wildcats” and as soon as I get confirmation that it’s officially made a group I’ll let you know!

What else do I have to share with you today?  Well how about something I read about HERE.   On November 4th everyone who participates will be showing our individual “Peace Badges” in support of “DONA NOBIS PACEM” or “Grant Us Peace”.  You can download a special badge from the site OR make your own – personalize it if you wish – here’s mine which I submitted to the coordinator of the logos for participants:

SamPeaceBlog2013   Do you like it???????

I’m getting some entries for my Sam-O-Ween costume competition already – don’t forget to submit a photo before October 28th to be in in the contest.  There will be a poll and you can petition the universe to vote for you if you wish………Tee Hee………but don’t wait until the last minute – you can send it to me any time!

SamHalloweenGhost  Be there or be square!!!



65 responses »

    • Good question Miss Annie….well, I’ll not be sewing them onto my ginger furs that’s for sure…..Mom says she thinks they’ll have (or maybe already do) some scarves or something we can sew badges on but we haven’t figured that out yet. If not, there’s always my “page” there where all my accomplishments are displayed! It’s a lot of fun though.

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • Hi Miss June! Being a Cat Scout is tons of fun……I’m gonna try for some more badges believe me. And today I ordered a Scout Handbook. I’m getting into this thing huh????

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • Hi Sundae! Happy Friday……I hope you get some nice sunny perch time today – looks like another hot and sun-filled Friday. My Mom is wishing for rain on Monday though…like your Mom, she gets tired of dragging the watering hose all over the place to water. Glad you like my Peace badge and thanks for the concats on my first Scouting badge…..I just love being a Scout.

      Love, Sam


    • Hi Charlie!! I’m glad you liked my badge….there are tons of way cool templates to choose from but I kinda liked that one. I’m very excited to be a Cat Scout….you should join up too Charlie!!!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  1. Wow Sam, I am a Tenderpaw and didn’t even know about the badge for it. I am going to have to find that so I can put it on my Cat Scout page when Mom builds it. Also, didn’t know we could make our own badge for Blog for Peace. Mom gets home late tonight and I am going to need to get her busy doing these things for me. I also got to get busy earning more badges. Wally (The Island Cats) and I seem to be in a bit of a competition, and he has surged way past me. Phooey! Have a great weekend. Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


  2. Sammy concatulations…I am having a fed up Friday…no emails in or one can help and hubby and I are about to use my puter as a weight …grrr so I can’t get my spooky pants sent or anything…but…love your badge 🙂 and so happy you got through!! you have a great weekend and hopefully I can get back in the swing with things …..please use your whammy Sammy 🙂 HUgs Fozziemum xxx


  3. Cat Scouts is a darling, um COOL site!
    Dona Nobis Pacem! Took me a few secs to remember my high school Latin. “Give us peace” which I mumbled a gazillion times during the years I attended Mass. I am all for peace.
    Happy Friday back at ya Scout!


    • Hi Miss Pix! Cat Scouts is a way cool site isn’t it? So many badges to work for…..I’ve got a lot of projects now! So far THREE of my blog buddies are also Scouts and we’ve now “friends” there – Mauricio from The Cat On My Head, Tubby from KatsRus and Wally from The Island Cats!!!

      Happy Friday!
      Kitty Hugs and Scout Salutes, Sammy


  4. Hey Sammy, I managed to join Cat Scouts, but the human doesn’t really know what to do next!!! How do I join your “troup”? I hope the human remembers to do the peace badge. Such a good idea! have a great day, Sammy xox


    • YAY Austin!!!!! If you’re signed up – go to the “Camp” page and you’ll see where you can download the uniform headless graphic (eeek) and you can get your Mom to photoshop your head onto the uniform (double eeek) then upload it to your page there……As for joining my group, you should be able to find Warrenton Wildcats on the GROUPSandTROOPS tab…..and just click “join” and voila (or ta da…) you’ve joined. You actually can join bunches of groups – whoever you know there in fact….I guess they don’t have a way to keep us on a page together as a Group yet. No biggie. Then check out the Merit Badges page so you can start collecting badges – it’s easy – just upload photos of you doing whatever is required in the description for the badge and they will eventually send you a “code” to unlock the badge!! WOO HOO! I’ll see now if I can send you a Friend Request there…!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy the Scout


    • Oh Easy…..I bet if you tug and pull and grunt (carefully) you could get your Dad’s pants on……if he owns a pair of sweat pants it’s a lot easier though. How do I know that? I’m not sayin’ !!! HAHAHAHAHA

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • Hey Mollie! Don’t worry about comments – I know you love me even when you don’t or can’t leave one!!!! I still don’t get email notification that you have a new post up so I have to try and remember to check your bloggy every day – my Mom says it’s a good thing you post your blog on Facebook because her brain “ain’t what it used to be” remembering to check it. Me and Mom are old folks you know!!!!!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  5. dood….yur hal o ween coztoom iz rockin…heerz ta a bacon filled kinda fry day…. de blessings oh St Francis two ewe N heerz ta a grate week oh end !!


    • Hi Sue and Tubby! Congrats to you for getting into Scouting…..I was even made a “Co-Administrator” for my Warrenton Wildcats group AND got my Tent Merit Badge too! I hope you have a grand weekend…..I’m hoping for RAIN on Monday!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • Hi Sparkle! I had fun deciding which graphic to use for the Peace Blast……they sure have a LOT of choices! I hope your human allows you to let your creativity flow this year round if you weren’t happy with her effort last year. It pays to listen to us – when WILL they learn??!!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  6. Congrats on your first badge, Sammy! I’m liking your Halloween photos so far….I bet there will be a lot of great ones in your contest, and I’m looking forward to seeing them! Conrad and Samantha refuse to dress up, and I’m not very creative with photoshop, so we’ll probably just be observing, and voting!


    • Hi Miss Jan! There will be tons of fun whether the contest is entered or not so I’m glad you’re planning on visiting on Sam-O-Ween! I have three entries already for the contest – it’s gonna be tough competition! It’s a good thing my Mom uses Pizap to dress me up because I would NEVER sit still for a costume – no way!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  7. So many wonderful things going on in your world Sammy. Mum’s ghostly costume with the scary pumpkins looks frightful. Fun idea to on-line Scout…hehe. I hope you collect a bunch a badges. Is there a friendship badge? You should get a bunch of those 😀


    • Hi Boomdee!!! I have a Friendship badge…tee hee….cool huh? Sam-o-Ween will be a ton of fun this year so make sure and stop by – especially to vote in the competition!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  8. ConKatulashunz on becomin a Scout…do ya nose Mauricio from The Kat On Me head bloggie?? He too iz a Scout!!! Me not feelin guud enuff to join her troop butt me iz rootin ha on me sweer furend!!!
    me got Mum to do me xostume theme photo fur Sam-O-Ween n me Mum sent it to yer Mum!!! It waz alot of fun figurin it out!!!! 😉
    HHMMM a Peace Badge…me wil see if Mum haz time fer diz too!!! Fer a reetired Kitteh ya shure haz yer pawz in many piez…..mmmmm pie…..tuna-tuna pie……n bacon pie….oh sowwy me got carried away!
    Lub Nylablue xo


    • Hi Nylablue! Mom got your costume photo for the contest – EEEEK! Yes, Mauricio and I are buddies inside AND outside of the Scouts…..also, Wally from Island Cats is a Scout and Austin is ALSO a Scout! WOO HOO!!!!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • Hey Wally! Yep – I saw you there and was SO impressed with all the badges you’ve earned already! I’ve got to get going on my collection too…..Mom keeps telling me she’s “TOO BUSY”…..what’s with that?? I thought I was a priority around here??!!!!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • Hi Nellie!! That’s nice of you to allow Kozmo to check into the Scouting thing……there are lotsa girl scouts there too (hint hint). Hope you ALL have a purrrfectly wonderful weekend!

      Kitty Hugs and Kisses, Sam


    • Mom and I thought that was funny too (mainly because she remembers doing that MANY years ago!!). It’s a cute idea and we’re having fun collecting badges. Some of our bloggy buddies are already there and we’ve made NEW friends too!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  9. Concats on the cat scout badge stuff! (BTW Allie refooses to sell cookies – MOL!!!) We just finished our badge for Blog Blast for Peace too – but we missed the part about submitting it to them – oops!


    • Oh Texas I think you would make a wonderful Scout…..I’m pretty excited about it – some of our blog friends are already there!! Hope you’ve had a great weekend……….

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


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