Guy Time: Day One


SHE’S GONE!!   Yep – in spite of my best “poor pitiful me” cry and look she took her overnight bag (well, two overnights but who’s counting except me?) and hopped in her car and off she went.  Sniff.  I tried – I really did – but she wouldn’t be swayed.  Even by this:

Sam Saying HI To The Camera

Poor pitiful me….and I’m saying it with my eyes AND my voice!

So Dad and I are gonna make the best of it…….there will be lots of burping and watching of guy stuff on TV (like my Dad’s overly extensive collection of flying and train videos) and other manly stuff.  Yep – no girls though – I promised Mom there would be none of that.  We’re just gonna hang and have quality time together.

Playing on the stairs!

Playing on the stairs!

Sam and His Dad Playing on the Rug

Playing on the floor….

LUV football - Super bowl, regular season - doesn't matter to me!

Football !

I’ll also be pitiful enough that he takes me outside for a stroll several times over the days Mom’s gone – and when it comes to treats?  Well, I’ll make sure he knows I get LOTS of those from Mom and he’d better try to beat her at that…..(hee hee).

Sam On His Cookie Rug

I get my cookies on a floor mat by my Dad’s chair.

So I will be VERY busy while Mom’s gone and that will make the time just FLY…….right?  However, I will miss Mom’s lap and while I’m SURE my Dad would be thrilled if I popped up on his legs for a snooze while Mom’s gone, experience has shown me that it’s just NOT THE SAME………he’s wiggly and gets up every five minutes for something or another………nope – when it comes to laps, there’s NOTHING like a Mom!!

Happy Friday Everybody!

Kitty Hugs, Sammy

56 responses »

  1. I agree Sammy. There is nothing like a mum’s lap!!! Nice and soft and warm. I have my human uncle staying here and he gives me lots of scritches and even feeds me when mum forgets (how could she???). Anyways, I hope your mom has a triff and brill time and comes back with lots of treats for you, ya know, to make up for the neglect! mol 😉


  2. Enjoy your guy time, Sammy. If only I lived closer, I’d pop in for a visit…oh, that’s right: you promised your mom “no girls”….Well, have fun anyway!
    Love, Sundae


  3. Enjoy your Mano on mano time Sammy…just make sure you don’t make a huge mess and that you eat your veggies hahahaha as if 😉 Hope mummy has a wonderful time even if her Gingerbread man is not with her …and that sad face…even your tootsies are holding each other pleading …Huge hugs Fozziemum xx


    • Hi Fozziemum! I was a VERY good boy. Mom got home a little while ago and Dad didn’t have to give her any negative reports about me (of course). She brought me a bag of treats to try but I spit them out – ICK. Other kitties love them – “Greenies” – but not me…..I’m a most particular guy I guess. Oh well – she’s promised not to go away without me again until she and Dad take a mini-vacation but I will get to go to kitty camp so that’s not too bad. I guess.

      Kitty Hugs, Sam


      • Poor mum thought you would like those greenies and they were a fail..oh well our girls are particular too about treats hehehe..we call it discerning 😉 glad you have mum back an I am sure she is glad too 🙂 HUgs Fozziemum xx


        • I thought I’d give those things a try because so many of my cat buddies love them but – well – EPIC FAIL…..sniff…..anyway, I love my regular treats just fine so that’s what I’ll be getting from now on. Yep – my house is now complete with Mom home……and this morning I even got bacon as an extra treat since we don’t USUALLY get it on Mondays! WOOT!

          Kitty Hugs, Sam


          • WelL Sammy looks like all is very well back on track for you and even a new Monday Bacon treat yumm…I am thinking of inventing some treats for the girls because Dinnermintz misses her kibble..she can’t even have the special one..hmmm must get my thinking cap on …Have a great Monday sweet Sammy and your mum too..and dad!! Hugs Fozziemum xx


  4. We all know no one can take our Mommy’s place even Dad, football, extra treats and lots of outdoor time. But, remember that Dad is missing Mom, too!! You’ll both have to give her lots of loving and hugs when she gets home!


    • Hi Miss June! Mom’s home now and we made sure she knew that she was missed a bunch and and promised never to go away again but I know that’s a big fib…..HAHAHA…..anyway, I’m getting my lap naps back – that’s a GOOD thing!

      Happy Sunny Sunday


  5. Aww, how could she resist that face Sammy?! But we know you will have a wonderful time and even some great strolls. We hope your mom has a fabulous time while she is away for those two (!) nights 🙂


  6. Oh Sammy, I know my mom would really find it hard to leave a face like THat! You look adorably pitiful. You two have fun..burp and belch and look at your videos and maybe the other mancats here will drop by.


    • HA HA Easy! Funny you would say that though – my Dad TRIED to get me to pop up on his lap but I wouldn’t…..he got the blanket Mom uses over her legs when I’m on the recliner with her and put it over HIS legs but it WASN’T THE SAME!!!!! The first day WAS awful and the second was also awful but now that it’s Sunday afternoon and Mom’s home – EVERYTHING IS BEAUTIFUL!!!!!

      Kitty Hugs, Sam


  7. It will all be good Sammy! Your Mom will have a great time, you and your Dad will spend some extra time together and when your Mom gets home you will get lots of hugs and lap time! I don’t know about that burping though!


    • Hi Miss Pix! Know what? Dad and I did have a good time but we both missed Mom tons…Daddy missed her most at dinner time because he had to cook and I missed her most during the day because I had no LAP NAPS!

      Kitty Hugs, Sam


  8. Gee your schedule sounds pretty full Sammy. Daddy will have a great time too. Before you can say “more Whiska’s please”, mum will be walking back in the door to your sweet smile. Have fun!


    • Awwww…….now you just know if I tell my Dad that a beautiful blonde said he was a handsome dude, he’ll be impossible to live with the rest of the day! HAHAHAHAHAHA Thanks Miss Layla – hope you and your boys are having a beautiful Fall weekend!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  9. I give my Beans the sad eyes when they go off gallivanting, but it never makes any difference. Heartless! That’s what they are. Hope you get lots of good man time with your dad.


    • Hi Flynn! Know what? I did have lots of man time with my Old Dad while Mom was gone but it just wasn’t the same when it came to nap time. No soft laps – no warm blankies – just Dad’s bony old legs! However, at least he DID remember to make bacon for breakfast Saturday and Sunday….so I didn’t suffer TOOOOOO much!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  10. Me is a Daddy’s girl Sammy! My Mommy is the one who bounces up and down all the time!
    Me is sure yous and your Daddy will has a GREAT time!


    • Hi Nellie! I guess we find the one who lets us sleep the QUIETEST and that’s the BEST nap human right? I think it’s sweet that you’re a Daddy’s girl….my Mom says SHE was a Daddy’s girl so it must be a GOOD THING!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy (oh and kisses too!)


  11. Sammy, we’re not supposed to tell, but our humans left us on Wednesday and are not coming back until next Friday. That will already be October. Mom put one of those calming collars on Mauricio and plugged a new Feliway thingy into one of the kitchen plugs. We don’t expect either of those things will keep him from being a pain in our a****. So buck up Sam. You do at least have your dad. Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


    • Oh dearie me…….you guys put my predicament into perspective. If there were as many of ME as there are of YOU and our parents deserted us for that long well – it would NOT be pretty on their return!!!!

      Kitty Hugs, Sam


  12. Ya look like ya haz everfing under control dere Sammy…well xept fer Mum leavin fer a few dayz…..sumtimez dey just haz to go away fer stuff…me doez me hert look n Mum alwayz criez befur she leavez…me REALLY makez her feel guiltee!! At least ya haz a Dad right dere to bee wif ya!! Have a guud Guy weekend.
    Lub Nylablue n Mum xo


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