BUSY Caturday!


Hi Everybody and welcome to CATURDAY with Sammy!

What an exciting day yesterday was. Lots of people stopped by to see the School Daze Contest entries and vote. Thanks to you for that and if you haven’t voted – go for it. Polls will close tomorrow at 4PM EST so there’s time AND you can vote for as many entries in each category as you wish!   Here are the polls again and Savannah – I MANAGED TO GET YOU IN THERE!!!!  Everybody Savannah has votes already – yesterday I couldn’t add her to the poll so asked for votes in comments and she got some…today you can CLICK to vote for her and everyone else!  WOO HOO (thanks Polldaddy for cooperating).


I also want to thank my super duper beautiful friend Misaki for nominating me for an award – this is a way cool award – it’s a “triple decker” one in fact. THREE IN ONE! I actually have all of these in “single” form but this is all three in one badge. Thanks Misaki for thinking of me. I’m linking back to you and going to come up with seven things about me (it’s getting tough to think of seven NEW things!!!) and while I’m suppose to nominate up to 15 friends, honestly I think everybody has these in single form but if you’d like the triple decker – PLEASE DO TAKE IT FROM ME MY FRIENDS – just follow the rules please.  Link to the person nominating you (me!), notify the recipients via comment on their blog, list seven things about you…….


SEVEN THINGS ABOUT MOM (because I couldn’t think of 7 things you don’t already know about me!):

1.  I wanted to be an archeologist when I was growing up……(no kidding)

2.  My first job was with the Department of the Army…….(but I was a civilian, not in the armed forces!!)

3.  I think I’ve already told this BUT I lived in Weisbaden, Germany and Taipei, Taiwan in addition to several states in the US of A thanks to my Dad being in the Air Force – I still LOVE traveling

4.  I’m a cancer survivor – SEVERAL times  (woo hoo)

5.  I used to sell my oil paintings and pen/ink drawings  in shows, studios AND a gallery in a hospital

6.  The most cats I’ve ever had at once was three…..but would LOVE to have a house full (crazy cat lady at heart)

7.  I used to write poetry ALL THE TIME……lots of it……and edited a book of poetry for a publisher some years ago which put me in contact with Maya Angelou who contributed a poem to the book

OK Mom……thanks for that – I think everybody’s tired of hearing about ME now they can be tired of hearing about YOU too….HAHAHAHAHA

The last thing I want to tell everyone is that Mom and I were featured on our beautiful Canadian songwriter/singer/artist Cat Forsley’s blog “Fervour & Forever” yesterday.  You can visit the blog to check it out HERE !   Thank you Miss Cat.  You’re the BESTEST.

That’s about it – don’t forget the polls will close tomorrow so vote while you can – and send your friends to vote if you’re in the contest!


Your Pal Sammy

PEE ESSS   If you haven’t bought raffle tickets at Mollie’s yet to benefit Benny and help him with his treatment costs, PLEASE DO!  We have!

63 responses »

  1. Good morning, Sammy. It’s nice to learn more about your Mom. Number 7 is cool, but Number 4 is Motor Mommy’s and my favorite!
    And concats on the awards!
    Love, Sundae


    • Hi Sundae!!! Good Morning beautiful lady…..I hope you have a bit of sun today – your Motor Mom says it’s a bit cloudy there…..I know you love your sunny windows. Thanks for the concats – if you’d like the triple decker award please help yourself!

      Love, Sam


  2. Congrats Sammy:-)
    Easy’s right, your mummy is a hero! One of mummy’s close friends is kicking the big C’s ass atm and it sure has tested her and everyone around her. Big huggies to your mummy xxx


    • Thanks Misaki…..we hope your Mum’s friend has a successful battle too – My Mom SWEARS by “attitude” when it comes to health stuff….Mom just decided to beat it and did – all three times! WOO WOO WOO for her AND your Mummy’s friend.

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    ok i voted 20000000000 times 🙂 lol
    and an award from beautiful Misaki
    Look at That 🙂 wooohooooooooooooooooooooo
    🙂 🙂 🙂
    You rock lady xxx
    and dear Sammy – You know the way i feel about You 🙂 lol
    love love and more LOVE XO XO XO XO XO XO
    i am blasting this – again ….lol
    🙂 rock on x


      • You Passion is Uppppppppppppppppppppppppppp Uppppppppppppppppp Uppppppppppppppp
        and its so beautiful to see Your friends drop by and say such beautiful ……………………words xxx
        🙂 i have no idea why i am Up so early – MAYBE CUZ I haven’t gone to sleep YET 🙂 bwhahahahhahaahahahahhahahah 🙂 Love xo C


          • I bet he’d loan you those toesies of his if he could – he’s got a big crush on you…….but right now his toes and the rest of his ginger self are curled up in a little ball on my bed with his new blankets from Holland! Lazy Bones Sunday……

            Hugs, Pam


          • …………..adorable 🙂
            i think Sammy put a magic spell on me 🙂 lol
            i am ok NOW – 🙂 lol
            Just took one night of “normal” sleep –
            🙂 xx 🙂
            You have a Lovely friend from Sweden that just visited Fervour & Forever 🙂
            Tell Sammy that i am Gonna take a cue from him today
            🙂 xxx
            animals do train us !!!!!!!!!!!!
            Love xx Cat


          • Hi Cat……I’m glad some of my friends are visiting F&F……it was a lovely thing for you to do for us. Sam was rather excited about it like me! Enjoy your Sunday…..RELAX……get ready for a busy week! We have rain here so it’s purrfect for Sam to curl up and enjoy snoozing.

            Hugs, Pam


  4. Congratulations on the award Sammy! Very interesting seven things about your Mom. So happy she kicked cancer’s ass to the curb three times! Wish she never had to deal with it even once but she showed that mean disease who was the boss!!!! Not surprised that she is a crazy cat lady at heart…♥ Enjoy your Saturday! I am going to vote!


    • Hi Miss Pix! Voting huh? Good! I agree with you about Mom – she’s a fighter alright and I’ve got the scars to prove it (oh wait….SHE’s got the scars not me!). Anyway, thanks for the concats on the award, voting and feelin’ the LUV.

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  5. Just reading your mums very accomplished list makes me feel like a slouch. Art, poetry, travel to exotic destinations and best of all, a hat trick butt kicking on cancer!! You rock Pam.


  6. Several times beating cancer = superpowers! Sammy, your mom might be a superhero in hiding, have you ever seen her wear a cape, fly or lift a car or truck with one hand?


    • She “sort of” wears a cape (does her bathrobe count??); and I’ve seen her fall down the stairs (does that count as flying??); and while lifting a truck or car is a BIT out of her league, she did help my Dad lift the lawn tractor once!!! Tee Hee

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  7. Happy Caturday, Sammy boy!! ConCats on your award. Mum was very interested in learning more about Mom Pam. Me, I just pretended! ;))))) No, just kidding mol You all have a great rest-of-the-weekend!!!


    • HAHAHAHAHA Austin…..you crack me up. I think we cats are pretty danged good at pretending don’t you think? Of course we’re good at EVERYTHING but pretending is one of our specialties!

      Kitty Hugs and Happy Sunday, Sammy


  8. Wowwie! What a incredible post!!! Mes has missed nots being able to comment (and read)! Mes LOVED reading more about your Mommy, but Sammy, me is sure there are 7 secrets in your closet about yous!


    • Hi Nellie!!! You think maybe there’s seven things I’ve not shared about ME???? Hmm……well if I think of them I’ll be sure to share them with YOU first! 😉 Are you still on your World Tour or have you landed back home yet??

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  9. Happy Caturday Sammy and yay for your hero mum..i also wanted to be an archeologist when i was little or an astronaut…..obciously this failed to happen heehe congratulations on the awards sweet one and have a great day hugs Fozziemum xxx


    • Hi Mollie! Thanks for the concats on the triple decker award from Misaki…….I hope you and Alfie are having some nice fun time with your pawrents this weekend – garden time? Cookout? Helping Mum in the shop? It’s ALL good!!!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  10. Happy Caturday to ya sammy n Pam!!! Dat 3 in 1 award iz pawsum. We will have to take it sum other time when Mum iz haz a bettur PC. Fer now we iz just happy to be here!!!
    Have a grrreat week.
    Lub Nylablue n Sherriellen xo


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