Teaser Tell All


Happy Wednesday Everyone!

I know you’re all tuned in this morning to find out who the FIRST RIGHT GUESSER was and who ELSE guessed the right place where these photos were snapped by my pawsome parents!


Isn’t this a way cool looking place?  My parents snapped a LOT of photos while they visited here.  Where is “HERE” you ask?  It’s Melnick Castle (also called Melnick Chateau)  just outside of Prague in the Czech Republic!!!  They have a winery there too and my parents did a wine tasting thing (of course) while they were there.

But know what ELSE?

NOBODY GUESSED IT RIGHT – NOBODY!!   So my friends, everybody gets this today – EVERYBODY!

The less coveted but lovely "I have no idea WHERE this photo is from" award......

The less coveted but lovely “I have no idea WHERE this photo is from” award……

It seems to me this might have only happened once before – where nobody got the Teaser right.  I’m sure it will never happen again (but I also know you should NEVER say “NEVER”!!).   Thanks to everyone for guessing though.  It was fun as always to get all the different guesses – wondering if someone would guess correctly.   I know – I’m a little devil for driving you crazy yesterday right????

Me in my devil costume.....

Me in my devil costume…..

Hey everyone – I’m getting some great entries in my blog contest but please remember that you only have until this Thursday to send your photos in OK?  Here’s the post for the details:



Happy Teaser Tell All – see you tomorrow!!

Kitty Hugs, Sammy

56 responses »

  1. hahaha. I was so wrong, I thought the decoration of the inner court looks more mediterranean. But Sammy loves me anyway – that’s the main thing. Why they have no trashcans, benches or bavarians in kilts in Melnick?


    • Hi Easy! I sure did fool everyone this week didn’t I ? Actually, Mom said she thought there WAS a trash can in one of those shots…..but maybe it was different from the others in your Trash Can Catalog???????

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


      • it was a black thingy in the picture – but even with the toolbox we had no chance to see what it is. I think I will order this giant flat screen what Horatio Caine has in his crib and the mass spectrometer of Navy CIS :o)


        • My goodness Easy – you are SERIOUS about Tuesday Teasers aren’t you!!! You’ll have all that equipment for examination handy I’m guessing that yesterday’s Teaser is the LAST one EVER EVER EVER that you don’t guess right!

          Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  2. Well concats to you Sammy 🙂 You won this one!! 😀 You are a little devil for sure 😉 I will nag errr …. encourage the Staff to get her thumbs limbered up to enter me in the first category! xoxoxo


  3. I feel better knowing that no one got it. I still think you need to do Yorkshire pal, perhaps the Harringtons factory would be a good one, although typist still wouldn’t get it! BOL


  4. Wow – you really stumped us this week, Sammy! And, gosh, Motor Mommy keeps forgetting to help me work on my entry for the contest! Really, what DOES she do all day????
    Love, Sundae


    • My parents had thought they would do the “courtyard wine” thing but the tour went down into the cellars and they had cheese, etc. and bottles of all their wines there for a tasting….then they were “herded” back onto a bus so no time for sitting and relaxing in that courtyard!! Too bad though huh?? Pretty place.

      Kitty Hugs, sammy


  5. Wha??? How did I miss that? How did I miss yesterday’s post? MOUSES!

    Well, had I not missed yesterday’s post, I would have guessed it correctly. You can rest assured that I would have gotten the PLANET right… probably.



  6. Wow, Sam, that is pawesome. You stumped efurrybuddy, which makes us feel less like dunces. That’s a place my pawrents haven’t been; though, we know our mom wants to go there as well as about a kazillion other places. Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


    • My parents LOVED that trip – it was a cruise on the Danube River but started in Prague and ended in Budapest. What a trip…!! Dunces? Nahhhh……lotsa people haven’t traveled AT ALL – at least your pawrents have so they know some of the spots my pawrents have been!

      Kitty Hugs, sammy


  7. Az usuall Mum waz sumwhere else when lookin at diz place…she said it waz a Nunnery in italy…..me told her NOT to post…Phank KATGOD she lissened!!!! 😉
    Lub ya Sammy!!! ya stumped EASY n dat is not ‘eazy’, MOL!
    Lub Nylablue n Mum xo


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