Fursday (Without Fur)


Hi Peeps! Imagine what it would be like to have NO fur coat all you doggies, kitties, and guinea pigs out there – just imagine……but on a HOT HOT HOT day, we’d sometimes like to slip out of our fur coats and chill – right?   Well as you know there ARE some of us who ARE hairless………and frankly, they kinda make me glad I have a fur coat even if I get HOT in the summertime!

Mexican hairless dog……..actually hard to tell he’s hairless – could just have a shiny short cropped coat I suppose…but he’s got “worry lines” in his forehead!  Maybe he’s wondering where his coat is?????

And this little sphinx kitty – he’s only 12 weeks old and already he looks COLD and like he’s somebody’s grandpa.  Also has “worry lines” – see what I mean?  There’s a lot to worry about when you have no “protective coating”.

I really am not poking fun at these guys – there’s room on the planet for ALL of us and we ALL deserve a wonderful life – right?  I just got to thinking the other day when some of my bloggy buddies were saying they wish they had a shorter coat or less hair just exactly what that might mean for some of us and all I can say is that I will not be complaining again about being warm because I have a coat on!

Nuff said?

To be super fair, I have to say while looking for those pix online I saw some totally ADORABLE pictures of “baby” sphinx and hairless that were BEYOND cute.  Have you ever noticed that baby animals (and baby humans too!) are almost always totally adorable?  It helps us find our forever homes early on I think.  As for human babies – I’m sure when they’re waking their parents up every two hours all night long at first with dirty nappies and being hungry it HELPS a lot that they’re adorable (if you get my drift).    I think the bottom line is beauty is all around us – and takes all forms and shapes and sizes.  Hairy and hairless, we’re all worthy of love.   Right????


Gosh – I really hadn’t intended to do a lecture on babies or hairlessness but there it is anyway huh?  I think I’ll go admire my ginger furs in the mirror.   I’ve certainly learned to APPRECIATE my gingerness, that’s for sure!

Just checking....yep - I'm ginger alright!!  That leg definitely has ginger fur on it!

Just checking….yep – I’m ginger alright!! That leg definitely has ginger fur on it!


76 responses »

  1. Sammy you are so right..but boy I am even colder looking at those furless sweeties..i always get angry when they have “ugliest pet” competitions..i see nothing ugly in animals..i see uniqueness …and people it’s the same…deep inside us is what makes us who we are….having said that your gingerness is indeed wonderful! Dinnermintz has a ginger girl crush on you of course!! you see nearly everyone assumes Dinnermintz is a boy! and funny even though she is a ginger cat I see her as ‘Feminine” ask mum what she thinks but I somehow can tell the gender of cats and dogs because they have certain male or female qualitites! does mum find the same thing?
    Have a great day sweet man big hugs Fozziemum xxxx


    • Yes indeed she does…..sometimes it’s just the way an animal moves – or an expression – but Mom’s usually right…..USUALLY. I think all animals are most interesting creatures….I’m also a BIG fan of bugs. Love bugs. Please tell Dinnermintz that I think she’s gorgeous…..and like you said, it’s ever so unusual to find a girl-Ginger so it makes her quite special!!

      Kitty hugs, Sammy


      • Animals are fascinating aren’t they Sammy! and I love bugs too..we have non deadly scorpions and grasshoppers,praying mantis as long as my hand,butterflies all sorts ..an the bugs outnumber the other species!!
        I will tell Dinnermintz you paid her a lovely compliment!
        Yes she is our second ginger girl and we are very lucky she found us!
        Have a great day Sammy 🙂
        Hugs Fozziemum xx


  2. It’s great that there are different types for everyone but I’m afraid I love my fur and I know that The Help does too!
    Just look at her pet history – all furry and usually long 🙂


    • When I was looking for pictures to use for my bloggy I saw LOTS of pictures of hairless doggies and kitties with sweaters on. I guess it might be important to keep the chill out!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  3. Aw we think that those hairless pets look sweet. We like hairless guinea pigs or ‘skinny pigs’ too, but our fur is what makes us lovely to snuggle.
    Piggy kisses,
    Poppy and Clover


    • I’m sure that’s true – the furrier we are the more cuddly we are but then I’m sure people who have those hairless creatures think they feel nice and smooth too……All God’s creatures are fabulous aren’t they?

      Happy FURSDAY ladies!
      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • Hi Easy! We’re all beautiful in our own right aren’t we? Just some of us are more HANDSOME than others…..like you and me…..HAHAHAHA……speaking of that, I had several comments from people who are hoping you and Katie get together…..you started something my friend telling everyone you’re in LUV with her! WOO WOO WOO

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


        • Uhoh……I’m sure it wouldn’t be too cheap to hop on a plane to visit her but I’d be happy to loan you my hang-glider……OR you might see if that new tent of yours has a “teleporting” feature so you could pop in and press a button and be at Katie’s in an instant!!!! Better check those directions again just in case……

          Kitty Hugs, Sam


  4. And a handsome ginger man you are, Sammy! Motor Mommy says I don’t have near the fur that her other kitty, Beezy, had. {But I still have enough to leave plenty all over the floor and furniture…:) }
    Love, Sundae


  5. Well I agree looks aren’t everthing, it’s what in our heart that counts but I am happy you have your ginger fur Sammy!
    We had some lovely cool weather for sitting under the oaks yesterday afternoon and I think it is going to be the same today! Ah.


    • HA! HOT HOT HOT FUR……well, I’d rather have it than not I suppose….I do know my Mom wasn’t very happy to lose some of her fur when she was having those icky treatments….I guess humans like fur too!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  6. Should show my step daughter this. She has a “thing” about hairless animals. She bred Chinese Cresteds for a while and recently purchased a Sphynx cat…..gotta tell you, as much as I love cats when I look at the photos of hers I just do NOT see “cute” 🙂


    • I totally agree – TOTALLY……..I know there are a lot of people who think hairless is cute but all I can think of is “put a sweater on that poor thing!!”……… 😉

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  7. Although it is rather odd to see a dog or cat without fur, Sphinx kitties have really lovely temperaments and characters – you almost forget they left their suit at the dry cleaners 😉


    • HAHAHA…..I’ve heard that about Sphinx kitties….They actually can look very elegant like the Egyptian artifacts depicting cats…..but all it makes me wanna do when I see them is hand them a sweater…….

      Kitty Hugs, Sam


    • Hi Miss Layla!! We have been looking at more info today online about them and they are interesting for sure! I think though I’ll stick with my furs…..even in the summertime when it’s HOT HOT HOT!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  8. Well, I think I prefer my fur-babies with fur, but I’m not sure why, when so much of it is just on my floors anyway. I bet there are people who are totally devoted to the hairless breeds though, and that’s as it should be….each to his own. But those guys sure do look like they’d be chilly in the Winter!


    • Oh that’s an excellent idea Nissy……humans have so little protection from claws, bugs, weather – having furs would make SO much sense. True that some humans have more fur than others but basically they really are VULNERABLE creatures. I’ve seen pictures of humans from long long ago – Mom says they’re called cavemen – they had LOTS of furs on them. Wonder why that went away???!!!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  9. Right now, my Mommy would LOVES to has hairless pets! Our whole house is a big pile of fur! Ad she says it is too hot to vacuum!


    • Oh Nellie, you’re so super tiny you would look almost invisible if you didn’t have your beautiful silver furs on! I think the fur problem around your house can be blamed on the doggies NOT you and Kozmo!!!!!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  10. oh boy, those little hairless pets do look worried, but I’m sure they’re perfectly tickled to be in a loving home. I tire of the hair and vacuuming at times, but petty a furry belly is so sweet. Hey Sammy, my other favourite ginger is Conan! Gingers rock xK


  11. Some of those little hairless animals have to wear a coat or a sweater all the time ’cause they are always cold. And they have to stay out of the sun so they don’t get burned. We’re with you Sam, no matter how hot it gets, we are glad to have our furs. You are a magnificent ginger cat and we all love you. Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


    • Awwww….thanks for saying that! I’m sure some of those little hairless creatures do catch a chill or possibly get a bad sunburn since they have NO protection…..I’m absolutely glad to have my ginger coat with me at all times. I know you all are happy to have coats too!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  12. Yow me not fond of da hairless critterz…dey needz sum fur….but me guessez sum peeple like dem mexican poochiez n dem wrinklee Katz…me wuud have wurry linez too if me not have fur!!!! Beeutee iz in da eye of da beholder so if peeple find dem hairless 4 leggedz cute dat iz guud so dey are lubbed too…
    me can not imagine no fur on me ‘pluxureeuss’ body tho…me attached (little pun dere) to me fur!!!!
    Sammy you n Dinnermintz wuud make da gingereeest coule fer shure!
    Lub Nylablue xoxoxox


      • Yow Sammy dere iz a ‘house kat’ at me Vet’z named Rex..Mum callz him Sexy Rexy n he iz bery long furred!! So long furred he getz turrible mattz so dey do da shavin n he lookz just like a black n white Poodle!! He haz fur around da neck n 4 puffz of fur at da pawz n da furry end of hiz tail!!! Mum tried to pat him where he iz shaved but she said it felt bery odd n she just scratchez his neck 😉
        Mum sayz she never shave me altho she has cut mattz outta me fur when I mess meself up….groomin wifout teefiez iz NOT easy!!!! MOL.
        *nose kissez* frum Nylablue ❤


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