Monster Day


Good Morning All!

Well my Tuesday Teaser Poll suggested to me that a bunch of you would be happier if I moved the Tuesday blog “go live” time to 6AM MY time so that’s what we’re gonna do next week! Speaking of next week – remember I will have a GUEST TEASER so I’ll be reminding you Monday about the new time! WOO WOO!

Today is housecleaning day – many of you have to suffer along with me on Fridays (or any day of the week) when that old noisy vacuum comes flying out of the closet to do its’ thing. Again I appeal to those of you who love to invent things to PULEEEZE invent a noiseless vacuum that can clean like the noisy ones but SILENTLY. If you humans can send a man to the moon (several times) you can DO this too….. 😀 😀 😀 Some of us animals do our best to keep the area around where you humans eat your food clean for you (tee hee) when little “somethings” pop onto the floor but we can’t do it all! Especially dust bunnies – they are very dry and tasteless!

I wanna thank those of you who have purchased my Mom’s novel too!! If you feel inclined to do a review (which she’d love and so would I because I love her) please post one on Amazon. The paper version isn’t showing up there YET but the Kindle one is there and you can post a review there – when the paperback shows up all the reviews will be there anyway!! You’re the BESTEST buddies. Did you cat friends of mine whose humans have read the book like the character “Eddy” ??? Bailey couldn’t stay cool, calm and collected without him. If your human does a review, I promise not to forget to put you in my will. HAHAHAHAHAHA.

Elephants NEVER forget!!!

Elephants NEVER forget!!!


Speaking of forgetting – please don’t forget World Cat Domination Day is coming – just happens to be Sparkle’s birthday too so put that on your calendar……I’ve seen reminders on some of my buddies’ blogs lately so I wanna do my part to remind everyone!!

It's also Sparkle's birthday!  Two celebrations in ONE!

It’s also Sparkle’s birthday! Two celebrations in ONE!


What did I do yesterday you might ask?  Well, I did one heck of a lot of napping BUT I also went outside for a bit.

Enjoying the yard and the nice fresh air!

Ahhh…’s NICE out here!


Hoping for another nice day today – AFTER the monster gets put back in his place that is !!!

Happy Quiet Friday…………Kitty Hugs, Sammy 😀 😀



55 responses »

  1. Maybe while someone is inventing a silent vaccum, they can invent a silent dentist drill. That’s what Motor Mommy has always wished for!
    Happy Furriday, Sammy – hope that monster isn’t out of the closet long today!
    Love, Sundae


  2. At least you know when the monster is coming. Around here, Mom yanks it out at random times. I’m not afraid of it, but wherever I sit, she keeps telling me to move and then she cleans all my beautiful furs up into that monster. She is missing the meaning of FURniture.

    What an exciting double milestone – 100 posts and 1000 likes! Congratulations! Now, if only there were a delicious fresh egg or succulent coot, we could celebrate properly….. Hmmmm…

    Love and licks,


  3. The monster has no special day to make his appearance in my house….but BJ sits on MY chair and ignores it. The noise doesn’t bother her…she sleeps through it!


    • I wish I could ignore the monster like BJ! Alas, it is not meant to be – I hid in the basement until the noise stopped then came back up and snoopervised the rest of the cleaning activities. I always have to remind Mom to put my pile of current fave toys BACK under the coffee table though – sometimes she forgets to do that and the house is not “right” until that pile is restored to its’ rightful place!

      Happy Friday Miss June,
      Kitty Hugs, Sam


  4. Love the picture of you in the elephant suit, Sammy! And I proudly left a review on your momma’s book, The Mystery of David’s Bridge. I loved the book and I’m eagerly awaiting the sequel!


  5. Almost selected that final photo or one exactly like it for the announcement of your win of Calista’s Birthday prize, but ended up with a different one. Watch for the announcement sometime later today. Have a great weekend, Sam and Pam. Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Josette


    • Hi Miss Pix!! I’m glad you liked Eddy…..I did too and decided he was my hero (well, one of them anyway). Everybody needs a “sidekick” right? You have CH!!!!!

      Happy Friday, Kitty Hugs, Sam


  6. HA, World Cat Domination Day coincides with a special day at my house too…mmmmm what to do, what to do? You look so tiny out in your big back yard, you must have great adventures out there (in-between all the necessary naps). Have a beautiful weekend Sammy, Pam and Mr OSC


  7. This monsters are only here for torturing the ears of all anipals – in medieval they had brooms and their houses were clean too (maybe) . We now have monster day all days because my dad leaves always pawprints on the floor :o) I hope we can start with the mysterious bridge on weekend and we will leave a review (I wrote it on the wall with an edding) I can’t wait for tuesday!!!


    • Oh Easy I’m happy your Mom is gonna read “Bridge” to you! I’m sorry there’s no weimaraners in it – only a pesky cat – but you can pretend Eddy is a weimaraner and my Mom says she won’t mind at all. You’re the bestest buddy EVER!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  8. Too true Sammy. How can the get a man to the moon but still have noisy vacuum cleaners. They just don’t care about your well being. Tut, tut. Then again, they put a man on the moon before they thought of putting wheels on suitcases


  9. HOOVER DAY was yesterday here Sammy. Pawful as always. Hope yours is a a fast one. I am getting extra snuggle time with Mom this morning cuz she isn’t doing the gym. I suspect Leo is out in the rest of the house with Dad, but I get Mom..paw pats, Savvy


    • Hi Savvy…good for you with some extra Mom time…..and good for you letting your Dad have some Leo time – poor guy didn’t have anything but YUCKY time for a while so being in a loving “home” environment has done him a lot of good I’m sure!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  10. Best be outside, Sammy, when the monster is inside!! I will ask mum to do a review and I am sure she would love to, but she is a bit shy !!!!!!!! It would go on the UK site 🙂

    Have a great weekend xx


    • Oh Austin, don’t make your Mum do something she’s wary of……but my Mom would love that. Thankfully reviews can be somewhat “anonymous” too so that may make her feel better!! Meanwhile, just do me a favor will you and give her a BIG SAMMY HUG just for READING the book???????

      Thanks buddy,
      Kitty Hugs, Sam


          • 🙂 i write stuff with lipstick on the mirror – total weirdo = me 🙂 LOL xxxxxx i was thinking after the my music vid is up – i could do a big huge one of all the animal pals out there – like a Huge tribute ……. it would take a ton of time – but would be so much fun – 🙂 keep it in mind 🙂 and yeah xxx 🙂 ❤


          • No the lipstick/mirror thing isn’t weird – I write poetry on napkins in restaurants…..oh wait – maybe I’m weird too??? HAHA 😀 😀 Actually I think that’s a lovely idea – really – there are so many very dear animals in the blogosphere – and some lovely people too!

            Hugs, Pam


          • hahahahahah – there are ur right xxxx
            lipstick on the mirror makes for a big mess and a lot of cleaning products – ewwww 🙂
            animal pals 🙂 xxxxxxxx that’s what i love to call animal friends – Have a great sat and i will start Thinking ….LOL – what ? xxxx 🙂 ////
            huggggggs x C


    • Well the monster was in and out relatively quickly (thanks to my Mom doing a quick “go-round” of the house!!) so it wasn’t as bad as it is sometimes! See you at Sparkle’s on the 24th!!

      Kitty Hugs, Sam


  11. dood…we toll de monsturr vacuum kleener at R place if it getted looze once mor …ore made noise… we wuz sendin it ta monsturr island ta fite it out with R pal Godzilla…. coz him can seer up a line oh burgers 59 miles long in like 3 seconds ….N sew what did it think bout THAT !!!

    never did answer uz ….

    hay, haza grate week oh end 🙂


    • Say guys – do you think if I sent my monster to monster island your pal Godzilla would “TAKE CARE OF” (wink wink) it PERMANENTLY for me????? Maybe Mom would buy a QUIETER one next time!

      Happy Weekend!


  12. Mummy is planning to get Dyson the political prisoner (can’t call it the monster as that’s my nickname BOL) out for his weekly exercise soon. Which means I’ll have to run around rescuing my dogs before he sucks them up!!


    • Misaki I can’t BELIEVE your beloved Mummy and Daddy call you MONSTER…..who could look into those eyes and say that?!?!?!?! Well, good luck hiding all your toys before Dyson eats them for breakfast!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


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