Thursday Tag


Hi Gang!

I’ve been TAGGED – by a ginger girl kitty cat named Dinnermintz HERE !  If you don’t know her and her animal and human family, you should check her out – there’s a LOT going on there.   Tag is a meme that gets passed around the blogosphere and involves telling some things about yourself, answering questions posed by the GRAND INQUISITOR (hahaha), and then after you answer their questions, you make up more of your own and pass the “tag” on to more of your friends.

The rules for this meme are that I must post a photo of myself (gee – I suppose I might have one or two here somewhere…..HAHAHA):

Me napping (which is a frequent occurrence around here).....

Me napping (which is a frequent occurrence around here)…..

Then I need to list ELEVEN random facts about myself!

  1. I’m very nosy….I like to explore drawers, cupboards, cabinets, closets…..and if I can’t open it myself I scream until my Mom finds me and helps!
  2. I get upset if I’m on my Mom’s lap and she starts TALKING – I want quiet when I’m sleeping!!
  3. I let my Mom and Dad trim my nails but my little “extra toe” is hard to get at and I usually give them a HARD time when they’re trimming that one…..
  4. My favorite time of the day is early morning when it’s dark outside – not in the evening when it’s dark – just in the morning.
  5. I only eat fishy things….(other than people salami which I admit to enjoying a teeny tiny piece of once in a while).
  6. I MUST have a clean litterbox at all time.  I run to tell my Mom I’ve used it and get her to follow me down to the basement to clean it out – I watch her CAREFULLY to make sure she’s done it!
  7. I truly hate being in a car.  On the way to the vet once a year (hopefully that’s as often as I have to go!) I hide my head under my Mom’s arm – Mom says if I don’t SEE that we’re moving then I’m OK.
  8. I love the place where I have to go when my parents go away for more than two days.  It’s a wonderful kennel run by two nuns whose mission is to take care of animals.  They spoil me rotten!
  9. I really enjoy listening to classical music – very much.
  10. When the doorbell rings I run fast as my legs can taken me to the basement.  I do NOT like strangers!   If the doorbell rings on TV I do the same thing…..HAHA
  11. I love all my blogging buddies – they make my life so much fun!

Now to answer Dinnermintz’ questions!

  1. Favorite Music:  Classical
  2. Do you have an animal or creature that frightens you?  I’m “wary” of other animals and creatures but not frightened.  THINGS frighten me though like the vacuum cleaner!
  3. Do you have a big family?  Nope – just Mom and Dad.  Neither of them has a big family either.  We’re just a cozy little bunch!   Also, I’m an ONLY cat!
  4. Have you ever run away from home when little?  Yes!  Just once… Mom was with “baby” me on the trail in our woods and thought she’d try taking off my leash/harness since it was daylight and she was with me.  Well, I was good for a few minutes then decided to chase a bug into some sticker bushes where Mom couldn’t go…..she tried to get around them or through them but I was little and went right through and kept going!  Mom called and called for me but I wouldn’t come back.  She looked and looked then came back into the yard and sat in a chair and waited – about 30 minutes later one very tired and scared little kitten (me) came back and apologized!
  5. Favorite toy when I was little:   A wad of paper.  I loved to play fetch with paper.  Mom could wad up any kind of paper – any size – and throw it and I’d run and get it and bring it right back to her.  Wouldn’t do it with toys – just paper wads.
  6. What do you miss the most sometimes?  Well, I’ve never know anything but HERE other than a few days at the shelter before my humans adopted me…..I do miss my Mom and Dad a whole lot when they leave me for a night or two.  I make it perfectly clear that even though they left me plenty of food and water while they were gone I missed them and I expect them NEVER to do that again (which they ignore of course).
  7. Do you tell people your age or fib?  I don’t mind admitting to being thirteen years old!  Also neither of my humans have a problem telling their real ages.  Mom is 64 and Dad is 67 – so there!
  8. What would you like to be remembered for?  For being a loving and special cat – just like my Mom has had before me.
  9. Have you ever been on a plane trip?  Nope…..don’t like loud noises – my parents have their own airplane and I could ride in it since there’s room for me (it’s a little 2-seater) BUT no way would I enjoy it – EVER.  My parents LOVE to travel though on plans, boats, trains, cars….whatever!
  10. Who do you admire the most and why?  I know some very brave animals thanks to blogging.  Blind cats and dogs, deaf cats and dogs, animals with fewer than four legs – any animal who just loves life and makes the most of being here has my admiration.  I hope I can be that brave if something ever happens to me.
  11. Blog or Facebook – which is more rewarding?  Blogging definitely.  Facebook is fun for quick connections and maintaining friendships but blogging is about my life and having adventures in the blogosphere…..


Now who would like to follow the meme???  I’m supposed to pick ELEVEN of my friends…………….I honestly would MUCH rather say “if you’d like to play along with the meme, please do!!!” – so any of you who read my blog and want to answer my questions (below) PLEASE DO!  😀 😀 😀

My Questions For You:

  1. If you could be another animal, what would it be and why?
  2. Do you wear a collar? If so, what color is it and does it have tags on it?
  3. Do you like cold weather or warm weather?
  4. Water, milk, or “something else” for a favorite drink?
  5. What’s your FAVORITE toy?
  6. What do you do when your human calls your name out loud?
  7. Do you watch TV and if so, what do you watch?
  8. Do you ask for treats or do you just get them from time to time anyway?
  9. Where’s your favorite napping place?
  10. What’s your favorite time of day?
  11. What’s something that you really truly do NOT NOT NOT like?

So – there you have it………some stuff about me, some answers to questions from Dinnermintz (don’t you love her name??) and if you’d like to play along with the meme, some questions you should answer.

Cool huh?

Now before I forget……….remember that Henry’s birthday is TOMORROW and Odin’s is June 1 OK??????  Both are having special celebrations so don’t miss out!

YUM!  Odin how did you know moths are my favorite snack???!

Remember Odin from our camping trip??? He brought SNACKS!!!!!

Henry is one of the boys at My Three Moggies - he's going to be SIX!

Henry is one of the boys at My Three Moggies – he’s going to be SIX!

Everybody have a grand Thursday…………………..I’m going to!  

Kitty Hugs, Sammy 😀 😀 😀

68 responses »

    • Hi Mollie! So many tags and so little time huh? Well it does take a while to respond and participate in those things and as busy as you guys have been lately WHO HAS TIME?!?!?!?!?! I hope your Mum is feeling better? I also think YOU deserve a lot of bacon for all the hard work you did to help our buddy Leo. You’re the BESTEST!! 😉

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  1. Wow – that’s a lot of information, isn’t it, Sammy??? Since it’s been awhile since yours truly posted on Mom’s blog, I’ll have her help me with it, and we’ll accept your offer to pawticipate!
    Happy Fursday!
    Love, Sundae


    • Oh that’s way cool Sundae! I know everybody will be VERY excited to learn even more about the most beautiful of cats in Smithfield, my very own girlcatfriend Sundae!

      Love, Sam


  2. Loved ‘hearing’ about all the information about your likes and dislikes, etc!
    Hope you have a wonderful Thursday!!


  3. Wow Sammy tha’ts a great answering job! you are very lucky you came back from your adventureres as a kitty!! you must have been very scared..almost as scared as driving in the cars! MOL we kitties don’t like that much.Sounds like you and mum and dad have a great life and flying..woah! that would be very pawsome..thankyou for answering all my questions and i am *blushes* flattered that you think i am lovely…us ginger kitties rulez MOL ..i had fun ready your tag and i hope others enjoyz it too..your GG (Ginger girlfriend ) hehehe Dinnermintz kitty hugs


  4. Great questions and answers! I hate the rolling cage too – we all have legs and can walk. I’m barking when I hear a doorbell in tv – sometimes for hours :o) Have a great thursday, maybe with some fishy things – that’s the best :o)


    • Hi Easy! Say – I was just visiting Max’s blog and I see he’s found a girlfriend for you!! WOO HOO!! If you wanna borrow my hang-glider to come to Texas and visit her, just let me know OK????? I’m glad I’m not the only one who hates being in the car and hearing the doorbell. Maybe you and I are twins separated at birth??????

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


      • That could be – and I have a passion for fishy things like you… That would be nice, when I can visit this girl with your hang-glider – the “just friend” had something special in his eyes…oh and they have no rain in Texas… Do I need a tin hat? Hope my ears will not get crinkled :o)


        • Easy my handsome weimie buddy you would still be handsome with crinkled ears AND who knows – that girlweim might LIKE curly eared guys! I don’t think Max mentioned her name…..but she looked like she might be “ready for love” !!

          Kitty Hugs, Sammy


          • Well Easy, you know long-distance love CAN work – you gave two super good examples but yours truly is an example too! Why???? Because my girlcatfriend the ever beautiful Sundae lives hundreds of miles from me and we just kind of flirt long-distance! And you could never really be like Sleepless in Seattle anyway – you’d have to be Cheesecakeless in Brittany! 😀 😀 😀

            Kitty Hugs, Sammy


          • Easy I think you could most easily handle a career in Doggywood. I can see it all now……in your super stretch limo filled with beautiful weimiegirls cruising down the highway heading to your bachelor pad for a pawty. Yep – Doggywood needs you! LIGHTS – CAMERA – ACTION – CHEESECAKE!

            Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  5. Sammy can you email us on mollyDOTthewallyATbtinternetDOTcom. We will do your horoscope this weekend. Sorry about the delay but we had to rush out and buy a new computer last weekend as ours died. We had to reload all our files and try and get use to Windows 8. We are OK now so rather than rush we will do it properly at the weekend. Sorry we did not forget you.
    Best wishes Molly


    • Oh dearie me Molly! Computer problems huh? Well we’ve certainly “been there/done that” in MY house for sure!! Windows 8 is a challenge isn’t it? My Mom had a tough time getting used to it from Windows XP but we’re AOK now. Glad you are too!! No worries about the horoscope (or is that horrorscope????) – whenever you’re ready we are. Take your time! Am sending you an email NOW.

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  6. Sammy I learn new things about you all the time. This was fun. Our Z Cat knew we thought she was such a good girl when she used her litter box that she always came and got me and led me back to her pan to show me what a good girl she was SO I had to laugh at the visual of you getting your Mom to come clean out your pan. Geesh that’s a long sentence! Enjoy your Thursday Sammy!


    • Hi Miss Pix….I bet you and my Mom “trained” Z Cat and me the same way – telling us what “good kitties!!!” we were when we used the litterbox got us to the point that we WANTED to hear it all the time – how to do that????? Go get Mom and make her come see that you’d been so danged “good” !!! Tee Hee!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • Hi Cody Dude………that doorbell drives me nuts. It means “DANGER DANGER DANGER STRANGER STRANGER STRANGER”……so I high tail it to the basement! I guess when I hear done on TV and it sounds CLOSE to mine, well – you know the rest! HAHA

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  7. Mes LOVES reading more about my furrends! And Sammy yous is pone of the bestest! Me does not want to pass on the Meme, but alas, my computer time is short these days.


    • Oh Nellie I know you don’t get to exercise those glamorous claws on the keyboard much these days thanks to market-related activities! However, I’m glad you enjoyed reading more info about ME ME ME!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • Nissy it’s much better to enjoy it vicariously through me than having it for yourself because it’s NOT good for either of us! It’s just one of those “little evils” that we can’t resist even if they ARE bad for us!! Oh and guess what…my Mom started ANOTHER blog last night – one for her writing stuff – now she can stay out of my blog with all that talk about her book(s)! Here it is although she’s still working on it…..

      Kitty Hugs, Sam


    • Gosh Miss Susan I’m so happy SOMEONE understands the trials and tribulations I suffer from ! Mom should change the name of my blog to ONE SUFFERING CAT….. 😉

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • Hi Layla! Something I love about Sam (and I’m sure this is true about your boys as well) is that as he ages, he’s constantly changing and that list of “things” gets longer and stranger! 😀 😀 Thanks for the heads up on the article about flying on planes. I think my husband would LOVE it if Sam wanted to go flying with him….as they say though “that ain’t gonna happen” !!

      Hugs, Pam


    • Hi Sparkle……well, you would think at my Mom’s age she’d possibly have a problem confessing her age but she doesn’t. Humans really are rather strange creatures though don’t you think?????

      Kitty Hugs, Sam


  8. It’s awfully nice of you to tell your mom when she has some litter box cleaning to do! My kitties like to just run away when they’re all done in there…I wish they would come and tell me to clean it up! Even though it makes mom crazy and then she brushes my teeth. Hahaha 🙂


    • Hi Remy…..well, I just figure if Mom likes for me to be such a “good boy” then she needs to know WHEN I’ve been a good boy right? I do love a clean “toilet” !!!! Tee Hee

      Kitty Hugs, Sam


  9. sammy…ewe bee R kinda dood…we onlee eat fish two N wood rather eat R litter box than eat stoooooooooooooopid rood noizee caca droppin burd…..chcikn ore turkee !!! oh, N ya gotta try butter 🙂


    • Guess what guys – I LOVE butter! Mom will only give me an itsy tiny bit BUT I ask for it religiously – every morning first thing. Just a lick is all I get but I do love it!!!! YUMMY IN THE TUMMY!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  10. Sammy, you are the greatest. I loved this meme. I might even get mum to let me do it!!! I’m a bit litter box fussy too, but I mostly use the outside litter box if you get my drift!! 😉


    • Oh Austin I’d LOVE for you to do the meme……it actually was quite fun even though it took me and Mom a while to put it all together! That’s why I just told my peeps who WANTED to try it to do it cuz it keeps your paws on the keyboard for so long.

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  11. Love learning more about you Sammy. Love that you like a clean litter box – I bet your mom loves that too! And it sounds like you rule them with the iron paw, not letting them talk when you are on the lap. I could learn a few things from you obviously.
    You are a very handsome fella and you could still be a kitten so age doesn’t matter at all.


    • Oh Princess Zena you say the NICEST things!!!!! Yes I am what my Mom calls “fastidious” – big word huh? Whatever it means I guess it’s good. It’s taken me 13 years to get my humans trained but at last, they are!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  12. Sammy I love to growl when there is a knock at the front door .. Keeps those annoying visitors away – the ones that don’t like four legged critters !! You are lucky having an airplane all to yourself .. Can you dress up as the Red Baron sometime?? Purrs Bosco


    • Hi Bosco!!! Oh I’m sure I could become the Red Baron with a little help from my Mom….tee hee… fact, maybe we can photoshop me right into my Dad’s airplane with my scarf flying out the window and my goggles on! I’ll have to work on that. I’m glad I’m not the only cat who doesn’t appreciate people knocking on the door or ringing the bell and disturbing me!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  13. Sammy, you sure went to a lot of work. Mommy says she is not going to do this ’cause with eight of us she’d be typing ’til the next millennium and if she picked just one of us, we’d be squabbling over who that should be. We loved finding out so much more about you. My humans don’t care who knows how old they are. Guess what? Our mommy is also 64, but our dad is only 66. We’re having a heat wave down here in SW VA. We love it (especially now that we can get out on the catio)…the humans not so much! have a catabulous weekend. Purrs and hugs from the kitties at The Cat on My Head, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Josette


    • Hi Kitties!! It sure was a lot of work with all those questions and then making up my OWN questions – whew! But it was kinda fun and I can imagine it would take WEEKS if each of you told your story! How nice that your humans have no problem declaring their REAL age…..YAY for them – and it turns out our Moms are the same age and our Das are ALMOST the same. WOWZERS. Mom says as long as she’s feeling good it doesn’t matter how old she gets (although she ALSO says she can’t believe she’s as old as she is!!).

      Have a super fantabulous weekend……..
      Kitty Hugs, Sam


      • Ain’t that the truff! Age is just mind over matter; though, Mom says her matter is in strange places that it never was before. She’s never been a scared to tell her age; though, her senility causes her to forget what it is sometimes. Purrs and hugs from your furiends, Lily Olivia, Misty May, Mauricio, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Josette.


        • My Mom says senility is her friend….she’s forgetting the stuff she really didn’t need to remember in the first place! I’m glad your Mom is like my Mom about the age thing though….why lie? Besides, remember what happened to that puppet Pinocchio when he told a fib??????

          Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  14. Cute picture of you Sammy and number 4 in random facts made me laugh. The doorbell is not Petals friend either. She’ll launch off my lap and up the stairs so darn fast. She’s kinda a scaredy cat.


  15. Yow Sammy you did pawsum on da TAG exxesize!!! Me Mum took ferever to figure it out when Speedy Bunneh TAGGED us, MOL!!! Me will try to answer yer questionz…not tonite tho’ N Mum are sausted from da heat here was pawfull!!!!
    Youz is so furry n soft lookin in yer photo!!! MMM now me wantz another nap! 😉
    Lub Nylablue n SherriEllen.
    Pee Ess: izn’t Dinnermintz DA BOMB????


    • We love Dinnermintz…..and a ginger girl cat is very unusual! Thanks for getting through all that “tag” stuff – it takes a while to put it all together but it was actually a lot of fun. If you can do it, please do!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


      • We lub Dinnermintz n da gang ‘Down Under’ too…me haz met Doc da poochie n Mum n Bev bin chattin n Dinnermintz n Marblez have meowed wif me….we iz akin more furendz here n lubbin it!!!!
        Me got Mum to copee n paste da questshunz fer da TAG so me got get her to type da answerz today!!!!
        Phankz fer all da fun; we iz havin a great time here!!!! 🙂
        Lub Nylablue n her Mum xo


        • Hi Nylablue! I just read your meme question responses and you did a GREAT job answering all of them! I hope you thought it was as much fun as I did when I got tagged by Dinnermintz!

          Kitty Hugs, Sammy


          • Me bin TAGGED by Speedy Bunneh n den took yer TAG ’cause diz iz alot of fun. Me kept da TAG open to all…dat way no one feelz dey HAVE to do it…
            Dinnermintz iz so bunderfull….all da ‘Down Under’ gang are bunderfull!!! N so are you my favorite SAMMY!!!!!!
            *Kitty hugz* Nylablue xo


    • Oh Katie I LOVE being called “a darling”…..Mom says I am but somehow hearing it from someone else OTHER than your own Mom – well – it’s different!!! 😀 😀 😀

      Kitty Hugs, Sam


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