Teaser Tell All


Hi Folks!

Well, I sort of had some of you fooled – at least a little bit – but my friend Mr. Pit got it TOTALLY right – why?  Because he’s been to this exact spot and been on a narrowboat on this canal!! 


My parents took these photos (and many others) in Stratford-On-Avon in England!   Lots of you said “a canal in England” or “in the UK” or “from a bridge in the UK”…….so really anyone who got THAT close deserves one of these don’t you think????

I don’t know WHY I thought I’d used the photos before…….maybe my parents are going to visit there again and I’m psychic and knew they’d see this view once more??????   Looking into the future????? Naw…..I’m just getting old and my memory isn’t working right!   😀
So, are you going to go to Savannah’s blogaversary ball?  Well, you better go check things out – it’s going to be on April 1st and you need to comment on her post in order to be eligible for a way way cool prize!
What else is going on in the world of bloggies?   There’s always SOMETHING happening isn’t there!!
Happy Tell All Day………….
Kitty Hugs, Sammy 😀 😀 

  My favorite activity……..

44 responses »

  1. Great you finally pick a place that stupid typist has been too and she was too late reading your blog to play along! This one I am not forgiving her for!!!


  2. I claim my Sammy hug for knowing it was a canal in England. I’m not very happy with my biped today! I asked her if it was Stratford-upon-Avon and in the beginning she said it was and then she changed her mind saying it didn’t look right. She’s been on a narrowboat from there! Can you wonder I generally do so badly at this, with ‘help’ like that?!


    • Oh I hope your peep gets to travel to the UK and of course Ireland 😀 😀 one day soon. I think she’d just love it. Don’t those narrowboats look like they’d be fun to travel on????

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  3. Thanks for the hug :o) at least I was not totally wrong :o) Have your pawrents visited the race course too? It’s a famous one :o) I will visit the blogoversary pawty – of course… we have a lot events here in blogville – that’s just great!


  4. Fankz we take dat {{HUG}} Sammy!!! Me Mum said it looked like a canal from UK cause she saw dem on ‘Coronation Street’ & ‘Keepin Up Appearancez’!!! MOL…she is not da best at Geograffy is she??? But we gotta give A fer da effort…at least she WAZ in da right country 😉
    You havin a pawty too?? It iz gonna be a buzy time fer us blog hoppin!!!!
    Lub Nylablue n Sherri-Ellen


  5. Sammy…yous hear that sound?
    That is Me whapping Mommy as she has been there and has pictures in her old photos box from just about the same spot! And she dod not tell me yesterday!


    • Well Nellie, I guess since your Mommy has been there but neglected to tell you yesterday she deserved that whapping you gave her! Well, I think you should get a BIG SAMMY HUG anyway……

      }}}}}}}}}}}}}SPECIALLY BIG SAMMY HUG FOR NELLIE THE QUEEN{{{{{{{{{{{{


  6. Mom says she has been there, but it was in 1965 so she doesn’t remember much. Looking forward to seeing you at the pawty on the 1st Sammy. Purrs and Hugs, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Josette


    • GOOD THING!!!! We sure wouldn’t want that! Your Mom COULD have been right – she had it all figured out with the canals and houseboats – just the wrong country 😀 😀

      Kitty Hugs, Sam


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