Tuesday Teaser!


Yep – it’s time for the Teaser and as I said yesterday, Mom and I tried to find one that didn’t have a bazillion hints in it.  I know Easy likes to find trash cans that have some kind of “hint” on them (!!) and this photo DOES have a trash can but I don’t think it has a hint……..

So without further ado……………here’s your Teaser du Jour!

Mystery Photo 120

Mom doesn’t remember if SHE took this one or Dad took it but chances are it was her.  Dad was taking movies a lot on the trip as he does on most of their trips but he does take his regular camera too.  Anyway, where were they???  If you can say more than “on a sidewalk in a city” or “between two bunches of buildings” then that gets you extra points………(TEE HEE).

If you guess right – you know what you get right?  Yep – you get one of these:

Now you KNOW you want one……….so get your guesses in before tomorrow because I’ll be talking about WINNERS then!   If you guessed right and I didn’t list you – feel free to yell at me.  I can handle it…….I’m a BIG BOY (and I can always blame it on Mom).
Happy Tuesday Teasing Teaser Fans!
Kitty Hugs, Sammy 😀 😀 😀

56 responses »

  1. Hmmmm I’m thinking it’s somewhere in Italy…but other than that I have no idea. You certainly managed to find one without a hint in sight! I hope you and your mum have a lovely day Sammy! xx


    • I was hoping that people wouldn’t find anything to zero in on and figure this one out…….nothing worse than an EASY Teaser if you ask me!! Come visit me tomorrow and see if this was in Italy or not…… 😀

      Kitty hugs, Sammy


  2. I’m gonna say bracknall forest, as it is the first place that canme up when I googled blue bins! I think it is very mean of you to mkae us pick an actual place and not let us say on the street, walking up a slight hill, makes me feel a bit upset, maybe i need a sammy hug? BOL!


    • Oh Basil!! You’re too funny…….I love hearing how all of my Teaser Buddies try to figure things out on the photos……Tee Hee……so you think you need a hug do ya? Well, ONE HUG COMING RIGHT UP……and come see me again tomorrow to see if you’re right!

      }}}}}}}}}}HUG FOR BASIL{{{{{{{{{


    • Hi Miss June! It is narrow isn’t it….and imagine if you had a neighbor just across the alley you could practically pass a cup of coffee to by sticking your hand out the window!! Too close for comfort? Probably!! This was a little side walkway well off the road – my parents were just wandering and found it – pretty neat huh?

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • Hi Pix! Italy is a popular guess today but see what CH has to say about it and come back and see me later……THEN remember to visit tomorrow to see if you and CH got it right?!?!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • Leave it to blogville’s garden expert to notice tuberous begonias!! Well Nissy, I’ll have to ask that you wait until tomorrow to see how good a detective you are on the Teaser…think you can stand the suspense???

      Kitty hugs, Sammy


    • Hi Misaki! You’re right about Amsterdam’s alleys being skinny-minny but then you could say that about several other places too! It’s tricky isn’t it?!?! It’s not a road either – it’s just an alleyway which makes it even MORE intriguing. Come visit me tomorrow – if one of your guesses is right you’ll get a BIG FAT HUG!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • Hi Isobel! Mexico sounds nice and WARM…….with the snow you’ve had and the eight degree temperature here in Virginia, it sounds grand doesn’t it? I’ll post tomorrow where David and I were when I got this photo…..



    • Hi Kirby! Great guessing my little buddy…..I can see how you connected “Florence” with “Flowers” – VERY GOOD DETECTIVE WORK…..if you come see me tomorrow I’ll tell you where my Mom was when she took this photo! Thanks for taking a flying leap at a guess………

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  3. Me is thinking Spain because it looks like some pictured a furrend of Mommy’s tooked in Barcelona when he was taking Flamenco Guitar Lessons.


    • Oh my! Flamenco guitar – how cool! However, it’s NOT Spain…..Mom and Dad have never been there on their many travels – not sure WHY but they haven’t. Thanks for guessing though Nellie…say – I bet you’d be pretty classy in a Flamenco Dancer’s outfit doing some fancy footwork – WOWZERS!

      Kitty Hugs and Kisses, Sammy


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