Silent Sunday



Need I say more???????



Gimme a warm spot by the fireplace any old day!

Happy Sunday, Sammy 😀

55 responses »

    • Sure is Sparkle…….when I was younger I didn’t mind a bit of cold but gimme a nice comfy chair (or fleece blanket!) in front of a fireplace and I’m in HEAVEN!

      Happy Sunday……….Kitty hugs, Sam


    • Hi Miss Susan…….I’m really VERY well practiced at snoozing and I say when you’re GOOD at something – stick with it! I intend to practice again all day today too……..without my bunny ears of course!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • Oh Mollie I know you really wanted some snow to play in and you finally got it? I’m so glad…….I think these days I prefer “photo-shopped” snow vs. the real thing……..HAVE FUN!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy (the bunny)


      • I don’t know! He hasn’t slept in his little house that I have set up for him. And added a note with it that says: ‘DO NOT TOUCH THIS’. In case someone wants to take it away. Haha.
        And I haven’t seen Limbo in a while. 😦


        • Well I do hope you see him soon…….there’s always the possibility that someone else took pity on him and brought him indoors – I bet his owner didn’t though!! 😦

          You’re wonderful to try and help him though either way……”limbo kitties” need people to care and you do.

          Hugs, Pam


    • Hi Miss June! I think all the snow we usually get has gone over the ocean and decided to cover up England. All my buds over there say they have TONS of snow. I guess we’ll just hang in there – after all there’s LOTS more winter to come!!

      Happy Sunday
      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • Hey Cody!! Being THAT kind of snowbunny (photoshopped) is the only kind of snow bunny I want to be…….otherwise, BRRRRRRRRRRR! Today it’s sixty three degrees outside – tomorrow our high is to be twenty seven. GO FIGURE!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  1. MOUSES!

    You know…. Easter isn’t for a bit, yet. We still have Valentine’s Day. Does your mom have a set of Cupid’s wings for you to wear? Just askin’…



    • Kinda gives a whole new slant on “snow bunny” huh? David (hubby) said that when he was a swinging bachelor and learning to ski he and his buddies called the pretty girls “snow bunnies”….wonder if the girls thought that was as cute as the guys did……..tee hee.



    • YIKES! That sounds very “Exorcist-like”! I’m glad she liked my bunny ears though……..even if you had to endure seeing that green koolaid flying out of her nostrils!

      Kitty Hugs and Kisses, Sammy


  2. Me wuud love a pair of bunneh earz like dem Sammy!!! You iz bery handsum wif dem on!!!! But me knowz it wuud not be fun to hab Hu’manz starin at you all da time…me gonna look fer a while cause you iz so cute..
    Lub Nylablue n Mum too!


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