Holiday Recovery


Happy Wednesday Everybody!

For those of you who –  like me and my family – celebrated Christmas yesterday, I hope yours was as fantabulous as ours was…..and if you don’t celebrate Christmas, hopefully you had a fantabulous day ANYWAY!

Around here we started pretty early in the morning…..I screamed gently called Mom at 4:30AM from the bottom of the stairs to tell her it was breakfast time for ME and soon she appeared and we headed to the kitchen.  She had her camera with her and stopped long enough to capture a photo of the entrance into our living room from the foyer… you could see all the pretty Christmas cards we received this year.

Cards from lots of my friends (well, OK, Mom and Dad's friends too!)

Cards from lots of my friends (well, OK, Mom and Dad’s friends too!)

Then she gave me my breakfast while I closely snoopervised and while I munched she made coffee for the old guy my Dad who was still snoring away in bed. 

I tried to get Mom interested in us starting to open gifts even though my lazy father was not downstairs yet but she insisted we wait for him.  Killjoy.   I was really excited and it wasn’t easy to wait but EVENTUALLY he appeared.   I was on Mom’s lap already but Mom asked Dad to take a picture of me in my Santa hat (how embarrassing) so I indulged her.  She also took one of me from HER angle (also embarrassing). 

Hurry Dad....!

Hurry Dad….!

This chin strap itches!

This chin strap itches!


Then my parents had THEIR breakfast while I waited for them and FINALLY we went into the library where the tree is and all the pressies and the unwrapping began! 

Under Sam's Christmas Tree 2011

YAY! Let’s get going with the de-wrapping!

While my parents unwrapped all their stuff, I busied myself with my “loot” from Santa Paws!  Thankfully Mom did NOT force me to pose in that collar and bow tie but I’m SURE that’s in my near future so don’t be surprised to see me in my best “benevolent dictator” face with that silly thing on!   She figured the Santa hat was enough for one day….hahaha. 

Love this feather thing but I also love this box!

Love this feather thing but I also love this box!

Know what I REALLY loved?  Those special treats that were in my stocking….they’re for us senior kitties who have joint issues and they’ve got glucosamine (whatever THAT is) in them.  I thought they were the yummiest thing I’d ever eaten and kept begging for more, MORE, MORE!

Say, these treats that are GOOD for me, are just plain GOOD!

Say, these treats that are GOOD for me, are just plain GOOD!

Mom also took a photo of yesterday’s snow.  It was pretty much just a “dusting” but it WAS snow so we DID have a white-ish Christmas after all. 

Semi-snowy Christmas!

Semi-snowy Christmas!

Mom says we have to wait a WHOLE YEAR for Christmas to come again……..doesn’t seem fair………but then she reminded me that another special event is coming – MY 13th BIRTHDAY!!!!!  YAY!!!!!   I’m having a birthday pawty on January 1st, 2013…….yep – I’m turning 13 on 1/1/13 so make sure and put that on your calendars OK?   You can stop by on your way home from your New Year’s Eve pawty(ies).

I'm having a birthday pawty on January 1 !

I’m having a birthday pawty on January 1 !

I hope all of you got your fondest wishes for Christmas.  I got mine and THEN some! 

See you tomorrow peeps…….

Post-Holiday Hugs, Sammy 😀

51 responses »

    • Sam was not happy but it was pretty funny – he didn’t move a fraction – just kept his little head perfectly still WAITING for the photo session to be concluded! I was rather surprised. Should be interesting trying the collar and tie on him though.



      • Yes! Fun gifts from Santa and CH picked some nice gifts too. Camera things for me 🙂 And we had great FOOD! Leftovers tonight! Have a great snoozer. I might do that too. I sort of like the day after Christmas the best. All cocooned in a warm house, a movie, a nap, candles lit, little tree lit up and candles in the windows and good FOOD again!


        • Hi Miss Pix! Guess what… just described MY day and what I think will be MY/OUR evening! Yep – turkey and leftovers, another Christmas movie (I think tonight is “Christmas in Connecticut”) and relaxing with a fire in the fireplace. Heavenly huh? Sounds like you had a good Christmas thanks to Santa and CH…I’m happy 😀 to hear that!

          Love, Sammy


  1. Looks like so much fun, Sammy! Santa filled my stocking, too, but I’m just not too much into toys…. as much as Mommy tries. I did get one little ‘nip mouse that squeaks like a real one. Mommy accidentally bumped it when she got up this morning…squeak, squeak, squeak!!
    Love, Sundae


    • Hi Sundae! You looked very glamorous in your Santa hat – I looked ridiculous – just goes to show what hats can do for pretty girls vs. manly men huh????? I think you had a wonderful Christmas didn’t you…….loved the photos your Mom had on the blog this morning……….

      Happy Squeaking!
      Love, Sammy


  2. Sammy your Christmas sure looks like it was fabulous and we are soooo happy that it was!! You were a good sport wearing that hat pal that is for sure! Hmmmm we spied a BOW TIE??? Are you gonna have to wear that for New Years? We will be at your party for sure!!!!!!!!! Love, Cody and Mom


    • Hi Cody! I just might be forced to wear the collar and bow tie for my birthday party. If I could put up with the Santa hat, surely I can manage the tie right??? Christmas was quite fabulous and even those treats that are actually GOOD for me (which normally means we’ll hate it right?) were quite delish. Mom’s gonna get be a whole bunch more now that she sees I love them.

      Happy Wednesday!!
      Love, Sammy


  3. Healthy, delicious treats are EXCELLENT Christmas loot. Looks like a sweet Christmas all the way around. One of the things Santa brought me was a bowling set. Usually I play bowling with empty water bottles, so I guess he felt I was ready for real plastic pins. But SURPRISE! I don’t even know how to bowl with them. Mom says she will teach me all over again, because of my tiny brain.

    Love and licks,


    • Oh Cupcake what fun! Bowling huh? Do you roll the ball toward the water bottles (well now you have bowling pins I guess)? You are VERY SMART Cupcake and don’t let anybody tell you any different my adorable friend. Sounds like fun to me.

      Yes, those treats are good for my old bones but Mom says they smell like old (well, you’re a lady so I won’t say the word but it’s not pleasant!).

      Hugs, Sammy


  4. It sounds like you had an extra special Christmas, Sammy! So happy to hear all about it. And you look adorable in your Santa hat! Lots of love and holiday kisses from Mattie the foxhound, Simone the collie, and Eddie & Lucy the JR’s. Oh and their peep.


    • Hi Terrell Gang! So I assume Santa made his way to your house too? Did you get lots of fun stuff to play with and munch on like I did??? I sure didn’t like wearing that silly hat but Mom thought I looked (her word) “ADORABLE”……harumph!

      Holiday hugs, Sammy


  5. Hi Sammy!! Next year, lose the Samta hat, it clashes with your furrs! And I bet you liked the tissue paper better than what was I side! You are having a PAWTY for your birthday and I will be there for sure!! So can I tell you something Sammy??….looks over shoulder…I think Mom is planning a surprise GOTCHA DAY pawty for ME! So if you have time after your pawty, come over to my home Jan 3 for my FIRST EVER GOTCHA DAY PAWTY!…shhhhh….don’t wanna let Mom know I know, paw pats, Savvy


    • Oh Savvy I’m so happy to hear you’re planning to stop by for my birthday pawty AND I promise my lips are sealed on the Gotcha Day pawty for you on January 3rd but I’ll be there FOR SURE! Our humans think they’re so smart and that we won’t figure stuff out but they ought to know by now we’re almost always MILES AHEAD of their thinking! Tee Hee…….thanks for the heads up though. I’ll try to act surprised. I’m sure you will be too! 😀 😀

      Holiday Hugs, Sammy


    • Hi Texas! The treats ARE good for me and my Mom says they smell worse than ANYTHING she’s ever got for me BUT if they do the trick on my old creaky body then so be it……she’s going to buy a crate load of them for me since I LOVE them!

      You, Kitshka, Milou and your family had a super holiday too I see AND now we can cruise into the new year in style huh??? Don’t forget to put “PAWTY AT SAM’S” on your calendar for January 1st buddy………and bring Kitshka and Milou along too!

      Holiday Hugs, Sammy


    • Hi Miss Katie and Cocco!! We were just at your blog trying to catch up and sadly our crummy dial-up SLOOOOOOOOOOOOOW connection kept us from seeing the large photos BUT I just bet they showed one happy little piggie and some happy kitties as well!! So happy you all had a great Christmas………

      Love and Hugs, Sammy


  6. Hey there Sammy! MERRY CHRISTMAS my pal! So glad to hear you had a great one. I did, too. Santa brought nip and toys and treats and everything I had on my list. Plus, nosey neighbour cat spent the whole day at his own house. It was a great day for sure. purrs


    • Hi Nissy………so happy Santa landed at your house with all the toys and goodies on his sleigh that you and your family deserved! Bonus was nosey neighbour cat nowhere in sight for a change…… we can cruise into the new year huh?

      Holiday hugs, Sammy


  7. Me thoughts yous looks wonderous in your Santa Hat! And 13! Wowwie! Yous is only 1 year younger than mes for a few months!


    • Hey Nellie! We may be older but we’re also wiser aren’t we?! Besides, people pay big bucks for antiques – and our families are lucky cuz they don’t have to pay ANYTHING to have us antiques around! Tee Hee……

      Kitty Hugs and Kisses, Sammy


    • Hi Princess Z…..well, I was a bit miffed at having to wear that hat BUT I decided the very least I could do was cooperate with my humans JUST ONE DAY – know what I mean? I don’t do that often because I like keeping them on their toes though…………

      Hugs, Sammy


  8. Sammy you look just pawesome in your santa hat! Mine was itchy too but oi was able to shake it off as soon as the humans stopped taking photos! I’ve got your birthday in my calender! Bisous Bailey


  9. Eeoww Sammy…lookz like you had a bery guud Catmas!!! me n Mum lubbed all the pix…me Mum sayz you iz bery sweet to wear a bow n den a hat! me too cranky to do dat!!! LOL…
    We iz bery behind in readin’ da blogz….so we will try to get to all of dem!!
    Me iz eggcited about yer pawty!!! 😉
    Me had a quiet birfday on da 24th,,,opened me giftz n me Mum sang to me!!
    Let’z hope we both hab a guud year!!!
    Lub Nylablue n Mum Sherri-Ellen.


    • Hi Nylablue! I’m glad you had a good Christmas AND birthday all rolled into one! I’m gonna get all dressed up for my birthday party and let Mom put my new bow tie on me. It won’t be easy sitting still for the flashy camera but for Mom – I’ll do it!!!!

      I’m with you on the new year – let’s hope it’s a super duper fabulous year for all of us!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


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