We’re HERE…..!


Well Good Morning World!

Yep – we kinda all knew that Mayan thing was a bunch of hoooo-haaaa right?  Here we are…..none the worse for wear. 

My friend Easy made my day anyway by sending me an award !

Aww...I'm not THAT big but I'll take the bling for sure!!

Aww…I’m not THAT big but I’ll take the bling for sure!!

How cool?  More bling!  Just in time for Christmas too.  This doesn’t seem to come with any rules and regulations for acceptance so I’m hereby ACCEPTING IT from you my friend with thanks and a big Sammy Ho Ho Hug……… Any of you who would like to have the award to add to your blog home page FEEL FREE to swipe help yourself to it with my wishes for a Merry Christmas!


Take the bling with my blessings!

Take the bling with my blessings!


I’ve still got my eye on the sky around here waiting for the weather forecasters’ promised “flurry” but so far I’ve only seen “furries” – MY OWN! 

Tee Hee.....

Tee Hee…..

Oh I wanted to remind everyone that there won’t be a Teaser on Tuesday…….we’ll resume the FOLLOWING Tuesday though.  I didn’t want to interrupt your Christmas Day fun and frolic with a Teaser so I’m giving you (and my Mom) a break – aren’t I a great guy?????  Adorable AND thoughtful too…..

Hope you’re having a very happy Caturday wherever you are……with or without snow!

Holiday Hugs, Sammy

Peeee Essss    Don’t forget to stop by Doggy’s Style to leave a “QUESTION FOR MISS STELLA” in the comments there – she’s up for answering ANYTHING and I do mean ANYTHING and if you ask a question you’re entered in a contest!  Cool huh??

43 responses »

    • OH FUN!!!!!!!!!!!! My Mom says she and her brother used to go go-karting a bazillion years ago. I know that’s a pile of fun. I’ve been asking for a battery powered car to drive around the house in from Santa for YEARS – I think my parents are calling him up every year to say “PLEASE DO NOT BRING SAMMY A CAR….HE’D BE HELL ON WHEELS” ! Well, maybe they’re right… 😀 😀 😀

      Meowy Christmas


  1. Good morning, Sammy. Say: where are all your comment-leaving peeps today???? We’re late, and we’re the 2nd comment! Guess efurryone is busy with Christmas preps. Hope you get a flurry or two.
    Have a good Saturday!
    Love, Sundae


    • Everybody is BIZZZEEEEE with Christmas preparations I think Sundae…..before the day is over I’m sure things will pick up!! Still got my eye on the sky for some flurries but right now there’s not a cloud up there – just BLUE and a lot of wind!

      Happy Caturday
      Love, Sam


    • Oh wow! Well, “post-Christmas” snow is better than NO snow at all right? We have a very cold day today but no sign of white stuff….blue skies and 60mph breezes – I’m staying INSIDE!

      Meowy Christmas


    • Hi Easy! Know what? We didn’t have BACON this morning – can you believe it? Mom made something else which she let me try – it wasn’t bad but bacon would have been way better. It’s called “SPAM”…..Mom says she used to have it when she was a little girl so maybe it’s made out of dinosaur meat or something…..not sure……

      Meowy Christmas!


    • Yes I thought everybody deserved a bit of a break from my merciless TEASING! But I’ll be back! You enjoy the holidays too…..I hope this is a SPECIAL Christmas for little Coccolino……!

      Meowy Christmas!


    • Hi Cody! How’s everything with you my friend? Things have quieted down here a bit…..everything is DONE except for the cooking on Tuesday (so says Mom). What’s happening in your neck of the woods? Any snow yet?

      Holiday Hugs, Sammy


    • Thanks Nissy! Please feel free to take it although if memory serves I think I saw where Savvy passed it to you already??????? Maybe????????? If not – HELP YOURSELF TO MINE CUZ YOU DESERVE IT TOO……..BIG TIME.

      Holiday hugs, Sam


    • Well thanks….it’s the LEAST I can do for my old Mom….give her a break for the holidays…Besides, she’s gonna be cooking a turkey dinner and doing all that Christmasy stuff on Tuesday and messing with my blog is a low(er) priority JUST FOR THAT DAY!

      Holiday Huggies, Sammy


  2. Lovely award, Sammy! Congratulations! Even though there’s no Tuesday Teaser on Christmas, I would like to guess – it’s the baseball field by my house! Once I found a piece of candy on the ground there. Yay, me!

    Love and licks,


    • Cupcake your psychic ability is amazing. Even though I won’t be posting a TEASER you knew what I would have posted if I’d posted it. Or something like that…..I got dizzy typing that last bit…..anyway, I’m glad you have a baseball field by your house that gives you candy – that’s a VERY friendly field!

      Meowy Christmas


  3. Concats on your award, Sammy! I was kind of hoping you would have the North Pole as your Tuesday Teaser… but I guess that’s the one place your humans have not visited yet!


    • Actually Sparkle my Mom has a writing friend who moved from North Pole, Alaska to out west about a year ago (hi Miss Anita if you’re reading this!!) so there IS a North Pole and humans DO/DID live there!!!

      Meowy Christmas, Sammy


    • YAY Charlie! Will your white Catmas weather hang around until the 25th?? Thanks for the concats on my latest bling…..please help yourself to it if you’d like to have it – after all, far as I’m concerned we’re ALL “THE NEXT BIG THING” !!

      Meowy Christmas, Sammy


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