Lucky Sunday


Hi Everybody………….

You know how you get to wondering  why you enter contests and giveaways yet NEVER seem to win a thing?  Well that’s kinda how I feel sometimes……….but I sure don’t feel like that anymore!  Nope – sure don’t!  Why?  Well last week I found out I won TWO – – – that’s TWO giveaways!  One from entering a giveaway on my good sheltie doggy friend Dakota’s blog Dakota’s Den and the other one I’ll save to tell you about when my winning box of fun arrives!!  Spread the fun out more or less……..Tee Hee. 

Anyway the package I won from Dakota’s Den arrived yesterday from the ASPCA which is a super organization we totally support and love.  Guess what was in it?????  Well, you don’t have to guess because Mom took a photo of me taking a peek at everything……….

Wow Mom....look at all this great STUFF!

Wow Mom….look at all this great STUFF!

There was a tote bag, an ASPCA magnet (which is now on my refrigerator), a box of animal greeting cards (way cool), an orange ASPCA bracelet, an eco-friendly kitty mouse toy, TWO packages (one in a tin and one not in a tin) of my Dad’s MOST favorite shortbread cookies in the universe – Walker’s Shortbread (the cookies are shaped like scotty dogs!!!!!) and a Christmas stocking with a glitter pen so I can write my name on the paw print on the stocking……….the BEST thing about the stocking is that means I have TWO stockings “hung by the chimney with care in hopes that Saint Nicholas soon will be there”………YAY!

There was one other thing too – a doggy jingle bell collar.  Well you know we have no doggies here and there aren’t any doggies near us either so Mom made a very cool door decoration with the collar – she slipped it over the hook our door wreath is on so it’s now a jingle bell door wreath just perfect for the holiday!  Whenever the front door is opened, it jingles!!

I want to thank my friend Dakota and his “Mom” Miss Caren for having the giveaway and I still can’t believe that MY name came up in the drawing as winner.   They have lots of great contest and giveaways so if you don’t know about Dakota’s Den or Dakota’s brother Cody of CAT CHAT please visit their bloggies and meet them. 

Say – Mom – since I’m a winner – I don’t suppose I can have an extra piece of bacon for Sunday breakfast????????  Awwww….c’mon Mom!!!

Holiday Hugs, Sammy

Dashing thru the a one cat open sleigh....'ore the fields we go, meowing all the way!!!!

Dashing thru the snow….in a one cat open sleigh….’ore the fields we go, meowing all the way!!!!

64 responses »

    • Hi Cupcake! I’ll have to pry it out of my Dad’s hands since he’s a shortbread nut BUT I’m thinking MAYBE I will get a chunk of it as a special treat – after all, I’m the one who won the stuff in the first place – right?????

      Holiday Huggies, Sammy


  1. Sammy that picture of you is so cute! I can see you leaning in with a serious sense of purpose checking out those goodies. How lucky you are and your Dad too getting shortbread cookies. We LOVE shortbread cookies in our house and we dip them in Jif chocolate hazlenut spread! And if that isn’e enough to make your Sammy Self all content and happy you get bacon this morning! Enjoy your Sunday Sammy with your family 🙂


    • Oh wow Miss Pix…….I may have to tell Mom about that chocolate dipping idea with shortbread…she’s a chocoholic and we saw a commercial for that new Jif stuff the other day. Thanks for the reminder!!!! I got my extra bacon by the way…..YAY!

      Happy Holiday Hugs, Sammy


    • Hi Doggy and Leo! How lucky can one old cat get huh? Well, needless to say I DID get extra bacon this morning – – – mostly because I asked very nice for it but maybe the fact I looked so pitiful when I asked? Gets ’em every time! HA HA HA

      Holiday Hugs, Sammy


  2. Good morning, Sammy, you lucky kitty! Wow! What a cool prize package. Sure hope Santa has enough prezzies for you to fill that 2nd stocking…does that mean you have to be TWICE as good???
    Love, Sundae


  3. Hi Sammy!!! It’s Dakota! I am soooooooooooo happy that you are enjoying your prizes! They are soooooooooo well deserved!!! That is a great photo of you enjoying them! Have a wonderful day my furiend! Barks and licks and love from one of your doggy pals, Dakota


    • Dakota I thank you and your Mom AND the ASPCA for my fabulous giveaway box of fun! It’s the BESTEST and my parents are enjoying watching me play with everything.

      Holiday Hugs to my Doggy Buddy Dakota!
      Love, Sammy


  4. It’s good you persisted and didn’t give up after not winning for so long!! Sounds like you got some great stuffs! I won a giveaway from Cat Chat lately, I can’t wait to tell the world about it really soon.


  5. Well done Sammy!!! 2 pawz up fer sure!! Me Mum sayz she lubz dem shortbread too but neber seen them shaped like Scottie doggiez…she once took care of a Scottie n she haz his painting ober the couch…me wonderz if me like a Scottie fer a fur-end???
    Did you get some bacon? Soundz yummy!!
    Hab a great weekend sweet Sammy boy. ~Nylablue


    • Hi Nylablue! I am so lucky to win TWO giveaways aren’t I? This just proves that I’ve been a very good boy this past year don’t you think? No doubt about it!! Mom let me sniff a shortbread cookie but I wasn’t too interested in it….didn’t smell enough like bacon or catnip so I wasn’t interested! TEE HEE

      Holiday hugs, Sammy


      • You HAZ bin purrfect to win 2 giveawayz n Santa Pawzwill be bery happy dur shure!
        Me likcz da shortbread when Mum haz some….witch remindz me; Me MUST ask fer her to pick some up fer us!!!!!
        Me not allowed to have bacon HHMMPPHHH!!! Hab a bit fer me Sammy!!
        *paw patz* Nylablue.


        • So you like shortbread too? I probably ought to try it – of course getting it away from my Dad who adores Walker’s might be a problem but maybe my Mom will sneak some for me when Dad’s not looking!!

          Kitty Hugs, Sammy


          • Yow Sammy…me lickz da shortbread az me haz no iz so buttery good. Mum did some shoppin n DIDNOT bring any shortbread home n me iz bery unahppy about diz….she said it cost $10. which meanz it iz alot of money…Mum iz goin back to store in a couple of dayz…me gonna ask fer some shortbread again…a kitteh can hope, right???


          • Nylablue one thing I’ve learned in all my years is NEVER give up hope – for anything – including treats like shortbread (or bacon). Sounds like you have some mighty expensive shortbread where you live. I think the small boxes of Walker’s are less than $5 at Mom’s grocery store. You just KEEP ON HOPIN’ girl!

            Kitty Hugs, Sammy


          • Yow Sammy! Me Mum waz lookin fer dem $5. boxez of shortbread but did not find any..she sayz she just might buy a BIG box fer a treat fer us….me wishin n hopin fer sure! Saw a prayer fer me….Me pray you get more bacon too 😉
            Purringly Nylablue…


    • Oh Bailey…..what a sweet thing to do….thank you ever so much for another star. I’ve got enough stars now to have my very own meteor shower I think!!! You’re the best….big sailboat hugs to you!



    • Hi Nellie! I know I’m lucky – and I simply CANNOT believe it but it’s true – – – I have BOTH packages to prove it too because I got the other package today (yes on a Sunday!).

      Holiday Smoochies, Sammy


    • ASPCA and Creme de la Cat put some wonderful prize packages together Miss Layla – it’s cool that you had the same giveaways….trust me….whoever won them will LOVE them like me!! 😀 😀 😀

      Holiday Hugs and Love, Sammy


    • Hi Miss Olivia!!! Oh I really AM enjoying the gift pack….and my Dad’s enjoying the shortbread cookies (Walkers are his mostest favoritest ever!). Thanks for including extra (Miss Caren’s the greatest :D)…..the best thing is that now I have TWO stockings for Santa to fill – how great is that?!?!?!

      Me and my Mom hope you have a wonderful holiday too……
      Kitty hugs, Sammy


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