Nip Anyone??


Oh imagine my surprise when I got a comment on my blog today from my good buddy Nerissa (yes he’s a boy cat with a girl cat name) saying he’d nominated me for a BRAND NEW AWARD!   Not only that but I’m one of the very first to receive the award, along with the others he nominated in the same blog post today.  That’s such a HUGE honor…..HUGE.

What’s so totally awesome about it is that it’s an award his peep created in honor of their one year blogaversary AND obtaining their own domain too!  Yes – Nerissa has his OWN domain now.  My Mom thought about doing that for ME but she already has a website and paying for two websites was a bit much……so for now we just have my WP blog PERIOD.  ANYWAY, back to Nerissa – the new award is called the “Bring On The Nip!” Award….now there’s an award we cats can truly appreciate right?   Here’s what it looks like – cool huh?

All I need to do is thank him – a million thanks Nerissa… to him (done), tell you all something that I want to celebrate or something good that has happened, and then I can pass the award on to anywhere from ONE to TWELVE others! 

What do I want to celebrate?   Well, just the other day I blogged about how much I love my friends here in the world of pet blogs.  I meant what I said.  I do really love all of you and especially that I now have friends ALL OVER THE WORLD.  So what do I want to celebrate?  I want to celebrate my friendships with all of you. 

Well, since it’s a “nip” related award, it seemed to me that I should pass it on to some cat friends – after all, catnip simply doesn’t “do it” for dogs does it??? 

Sundae of These Days of Mine

Alfie of Mollie’s Dog Treats

Cody of Cat Chat

Bailey of Bailey Boat Cat

Nellie and Kozmo of Cat From Hell

Texas, Milou and Kitshka from Texas Cat NY

I’m sure this award will FLY around the internet like most do, so while I could nominate bunches more, I’ll not hog them all!  

I also want to take a minute to remind all of you that there’s a fabulous DIFFERENT kind of contest going on over at Doggy’s Style where you have to tell a little story in no more than 50 words and incorporate five words that Doggy says MUST be in your story!  Trust me – this is a challenge…..but it’s a lot of fun AND there will be two winners.  Winners get credit at Mollie’s Dog Treats online store where there are homemade yummy dog treats AND some gorgeous bandanas to wear!  Way cool huh?  Contest ends November 13th so check it out ASAP by clicking on Doggy’s link above.   I entered (well, Mom actually wrote it but I kept her company while she did). 

We all love a contest right?  Even if you don’t want to enter the contest, check out Mollie’s blog because you might want to buy something ANYWAY!

So that’s about it for me today………I’m happy to report we did NOT get the “possible snow” the weather guys said we might get yesterday.  Still, I thought it was too cold to go outside so stayed in with my Mom while Dad made a great big pot of chili and built a nice fire in the fireplace.  We’had a nice, cozy day.    I’m thinking today will be more of the same. 

Made your Christmas Wish List yet?  Well, maybe TODAY is a good day to start it gang……..I’ve got my list started and a heated window seat is at the tippy top of it!

Early morning bird watching

Hey Ma… about one of these perch things with a heater built in??? Huh??? Maybe Santa Paws will bring me one???? Hint Hint?????

Kitty Hugs, Sammy 😀 😀 😀


52 responses »

  1. Santa doesn’t come my way anymore.
    The little mice on the pic are so cute, not as cute as the rats you find in NYC, those are bigger than you Sam, you should go there and ask for a ride on the E line after 2am, it’ll be christmas for you.
    Congrats on the award and thanks for promoting the contest, you are the best.


    • YIKES! I’m not sure I’m “up” for a confrontation with a rat on steroids BUT these little catnip mouses are quite delectable! I’m glad we can help a bit on the super contest you’ve having writing the SUPER short story….I’m glad lots of people are entering!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy
      p.s. If Santa doesn’t visit Seville I think that’s discrimination!


    • I guess the concept of needing a WARM-UP on your belly is somewhat foreign to you where you are but it sure would feel grand for one aged kitty like me so I do believe Santa Paws will hear my plea!

      The new award is a beauty isn’t it? Nerissa’s a brilliant friend………

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • I hope you had a good Thursday too Easy….it’s usually “touch and go” around your crib isn’t it? Depending on what disasters may have befallen you and your crib-mates? I do hope this was a QUIET day for you my friend…..everybody needs a rest from time to time!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  2. Congratulations Sammy! And love to see those mousies, mousies what I love to eat.. um see. What a cute award. A celebration for kitties!! Yeah, that’s cool! I am always looking for new kitty blogs. I will check out the links, I already follow a couple of them. I did the contest at Doggy’s, my entry is a little lame but it was fun. There are some good ones there, your Mom wrote a funny one! Enjoy your Thursday Sam!


  3. Concatulations Sammy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Are you SURE you still want to give this to me after my post today??!! Ohhh you are a BRAVE kitty!!! Cute award! Awww sweet Nerissa….still in the “honeymoon” phase…hehehe….let’s see what he thinks of these in another 2 years! MOL!!!! Seriously…….THANK YOU!!!! Love, Cody


  4. Oh Sammy!
    A award! just for me! and ME LOVES that yous gots it and passed it to me! Concatulations to yous and concatulations to me! And that is a heated shelf from Mollie’s!?! Me LOVES it! Me does not goes to far from my heating pad these days.


    • Hi Nellie…..something yummy about having a nice warm tummy on a heated shelf don’t you think? But one thing is for sure – I’ll never look as adorable all curled up in a warm spot as YOU do!

      Kitty Hugs and Kisses, Sammy


    • Hi Katie and Cocco! How are you doing? I haven’t seen you since the pumpkin decorating contest – I hope you’re not still stuck in that pumpkin Cocco???!!!!

      Great Big Kitty Hugs to my favorite Mini Pig!


    • Marg you’re a sweetheart to say that……Sam’s pleased as punch to be one of the first to get the new award. Sam’s napping in his tent so I thought I’d answer your comment!!

      Thanks and Kitty Hugs from Sam!


  5. Sammy! Me posted about the award today and Mommy and Daddy is going shopping tomorrow so me is having a NIP Party!!!
    And yous is invited!


    • Hi Bailey! I hope your vacation was great? I’m sure you were happy to see your humans return from theirs too (hopefully with appropriate presents for YOU!). To accept the award just follow the instructions on my post – it’s EASY! Then if you want to “grab” (cut and paste) the award badge with the catnip mice on it you can insert it on your blog…..some people prefer not to post awards or even GET them in the first place. If you’d like to have it it’s all yours (but don’t feel obligated!!). Welcome back……….we’ve all missed you!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  6. Pingback: Pawsome Awards! – bailey boat cat

  7. Oh Dear Sammy, I didn’t even thank you for this award. Bad human! She didn’t have time and then she forgot! I knew I had forgotten an award and I somehow felt it was from you :-/
    THANK YOU SO FURRY MUCH MY FURRIEND! I will do a post about a couple of awards I still have to post about, hopefully before the new year :-/
    Thanks, Sammy!


    • Texas you’re one of my bestest buddies ever…….it’s hard keeping up with things in the blogosphere (just ask my peep if you don’t believe me!!)……don’t worry about it. I’m just happy to have you for a furrrrriend!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  8. Pingback: Award Time! (Finally!!) | Texas, a cat in... Austin

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