Ready for Freddy?


Happy Monday!  Boy oh boy am I excited……..yesterday morning when Mom went outside in the dark (5AM) to walk down to the mailbox to get the Sunday paper – GUESS WHO WAS WAITING ON THE FRONT PORCH?????   GUESS WHO ELSE HAD HER CAMERA READY AND WAITING??????     😀 😀

YAY!  Mom was so excited these aren’t the best photos in the world but capturing the elusive Freddy on film with him hopping around in the dark wasn’t easy.  She only had the light from the porch to help her and she just guessed about how to aim the camera and snapped.  Let’s hear it for Mom!

Big Daddy Freddy!

So here – without further ado – is my froggy buddy Freddy – on the sidewalk then after he hopped into the garden (I don’t think he liked the flash much!). 

Gimme a break lady – I don’t like that flash thing!

Now – here’s the even BIGGER surprise.  When Mom was coming back from trekking down to the mailbox it was a teensy bit lighter already outside and she saw movement on the sidewalk at the opposite end from where Freddy was (near the porch).  She stopped,  watched and sure enough a LITTLE frog was there on the sidewalk.  I’m positive it must have been Freddy Junior wondering where the heck his Dad was – this little guy looked just like big Freddy – same coloring – only little.  He was right where we used to see Freddy all the time until Freddy discovered the water bowl we keep on the front porch.  We now call it Freddy’s Jacuzzi since Mom found him IN the water bowl one morning having a nice soak.

Daddy! Come home Dad! Breakfast is ready!

Come down here Dad – there’s a crazy lady with some kind of flashing light thing – HELP!

Life around here is interesting isn’t it?  Many of you wanted me to try to get a photo of Fred but not only did we do THAT, but we got a bonus – – – – Freddy Junior too!

Happy Monday……………… 😀 😀 😀

Sammy, Friend to Freddy and his Son Freddy Junior

50 responses »

    • Hi Mollie! Well, the newspaper guy just drives down our street and sticks papers in everyone’s box – why they do it so early who knows but my Mom gets up SUPER EARLY anyway (yawn). On Sunday morning when she’s up early and after she gets the paper, we listen to classical music on the radio while Dad’s still in bed snoring…..she reads the paper and I sit on top of the comics section with my eyes closed and listen to the music. Nice. It’s “our time” !!

      Kitty Huggies, Sammy


    • Hi Clover!!! Welcome to my blog! Frogs are very interesting creatures – they totally fascinate me and Mom likes to tell people that one of my favorite games is “Frog Pushing”. Sometimes Freddy is out during the day (mostly he likes dark though) – and if I run into him on the sidewalk I will sit and watch him – if he doesn’t move, I will gently touch him with my paw and he hops! I’ll scoot closer and wait….if he doesn’t move I give him another gentle touch and he’ll hop again…see? “Frog Pushing” !

      Happy Monday
      Your New Friend Sammy


  1. Nice to get family photos, isn’t it? Freddy looks like a cool friend! Glad your mom was ready with the camera…I try never to leave home without one these days! Hope you have a great day, and i know you will be working hard to get our Tuesday Teaser up for tomorrow. I am practicing thinking today…maybe I will get the right guess this time!
    Hugs, Linda


  2. YAY for your mom, Sammy! She did a great job capturing not only Freddy, but Freddy, Jr (in pictures anyway). Mommy and I think Freddy’s Jacuzzi is funny!
    Have a good Monday!
    Love, Sundae


    • Hi Sundae……Mom did pretty darn good considering it was pitch dark outside don’t you think? No sign of either of “the frog boys” this morning though, and the Jacuzzi was even available for occupation with no takers! 😀 😀

      Happy Monday!
      Love, Sammy


    • HA! Mom couldn’t believe it when she saw Freddy sitting in the water bowl. He took up the entire thing too which was really funny. Too bad that was before she started keeping her camera handy at all times of the day! Anyway, I think because we have a garden watering/mister system the froggies like the damp mulch and lots of shrubs to hide under. Love those froggies!! 😀

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • Hi Texas! Was just visiting your blog and saw the first photos of your new baby brother Frisco….what a cute little guy – I know you’ll have him trained in no time! You have a wonderful (and fun) Monday too my friend.

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  3. What a great surprise…pictures of Freddy and Freddy, Jr!! Maybe Mom should get a larger Jacuzzi so Freddy and Jr. can enjoy it together.


    • HAHAHA! What I’ve been wondering is whether or not Stevie (our “yard” cat) enjoys the frog-flavored water in her water bowl. I guess she must – at the end of the day it’s all gone! 😀 😀 😀

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • Hi Cody! Mom says she remembers Freddy and the Dreamers… 😀 I wouldn’t be one bit surprised if Freddy sneaks up on the front porch during the day when Mom has food out there for our visiting cat Stevie and helps himself to the kibble. We’re turning into a Frog Spa!

      Kitty hugs, Sammy


    • Hi Terrell Crew!! Mom was so excited when she saw Freddy on the porch this morning….but Freddy Junior was a bonus. As for me chasing him – it was dark outside this morning and unless I’m on my harness I don’t get to go outside in the dark anymore. But I DO see Freddy from inside the house because of the windows on the side of the front door…..if he’s out there in the morning I tell Mom when she comes down the stairs first thing! I’m an official “Freddy Frog Watcher” !

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • Hi Melanie! I do like Freddy a lot – we’ve been buddies for a couple of years but this morning was the first time we knew there was a Freddy Junior! I’m amazed Mom was able to take the photos considering she couldn’t see a thing. 😀 😀

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • Good question….if I ever get that figured out I’ll let you know! We have a 250 foot long driveway down to the street where the mailbox is too and who knows WHAT’s lurking out there (other than Freddy) at that hour of the morning!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • Oh Nellie that’s very nice of your Mom to do. We’re not entirely sure WHERE our toadies and frogs have their houses but Mom thinks it’s in the mulch AND under our front sidewalk (there are some hollow places where it’s cool). I know they are great garden helpers too so I’m glad to find out Freddy’s not on his own for “garden duty”…..he’s raising his son to take over the gardening business!!!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  4. Awww… your Freddy Frew is super cute. They are, you know. Frogs named Freddy, I mean. And you’ve got two of ’em now. That’s wonderful! They’re super cute and the peep says really good little garden helpers, too. And believe you me, the peep needs all the help in the garden she can get! purrs


    • Oh Nerissa your peep has beautiful gardens – that photo of you standing among the primroses is a favorite of mine. You think YOUR peep needs garden help? HA! You should see our gardens….not a flower has survived this summer. Oh well….such is life when there are hungry deer and other wildlife around I suppose!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • Freddy is fun – I’ll have to start training Freddy Junior with the “Frog Pushing” game I suppose. Until the other day I didn’t even know there WAS a Freddy Junior!!!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


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