Saturday Updates


Happy Saturday!  

So, many of you asked if my Mom saw some paw prints on the driveway when she went outside this morning to check……nothing like a freshly re-sealed asphalt driveway for paw prints to show up the morning after the job’s done – right?  WRONG.  No paw prints – not a one – or as several people said “no pawtographs” !  In fact, the driveway is totally hard after a full day of sun yesterday and today.   If only my Mom had let me outside yesterday I might have left my mark on posterity – something for the next owners of this house to wonder about – – – “who was that cat with the extra toes who left his pawtograph on our driveway???”…….Well, don’t worry – I’ll figure out some way to leave my mark behind – even if I have to carve my name in one of our big oaks with my claw…..

“Sammy Wuz Here”

Another thing I’ve been asked is what happened to that woods trail project your parents were working on??  Good question.  Well, they got the trail cleared off, plants planted along the edges down into the woods by the swing and Dad was going to get stone either delivered to our house OR he was going to go get it himself and finish off the trail with stone.  Nice huh?  Well, that’s still on his “TO DO” list.  Meanwhile, it’s still a nice trail and I still like to sit on the swing with my Mom on a hot day.

Uh Dad…..where’s the stone for the trail huh????……Hello – Dad????

Some of you may know that I have a frog friend named Freddy and I see him almost every time we’ve had rain – he comes out and sits on my front sidewalk.  If Mom and I are out super early the morning after a rain he’s always there – like he’s waiting for me.    Well, this morning, Mom went out on the front porch in the dark to give our neighborhood mooch Stevie some breakfast and there was Freddy up on my front porch!!!!  Huh????  We didn’t have any rain last night but there was Freddy on my porch up by the front door.  Good thing Mom didn’t step on him……Mom thinks maybe he came up there for the bugs who are attracted to our porch light.  Maybe so, but I’m wondering if Freddy doesn’t want to become a “house frog” and move in?????  

Sam Standing at Front Door

Freddy are you out there waiting for me??????

I’m not sure what we’ll be up to around here today but Saturdays usually aren’t very exciting.  Mostly my parents just hang around and take it easy.  One very good thing is that my Mom will be making breakfast soon and bacon is usually on the menu.  I do like a bit of bacon……I’ll be sitting quietly and politely at her feet when she sits down at the breakfast table.  If I behave very well, bacon will be on MY Saturday menu too!  😉

I Can See That Fat Squirrel Hanging From The Squirrel-Proof Birdfeeder! HA!

Got bacon?????

Hope you all have a SUPER Saturday!

Kitty hugs, Sammy

53 responses »

  1. I love bacon too, Sammy! When I was a little girl, going to visit my grandmother, the first thing I always asked for was bacon. And, being the good grandma she was, there was always some bacon left for me. Hope you get your treat today!
    Hugs, Linda


    • Hi Miss Linda! I did get some bacon this morning – sometimes good things come to those who patiently wait!! Grandmas and Moms who fork over the bacon when we ask for some are SPECIAL PEEPS!

      Love and Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  2. Good luck getting that bacon this morning, Sammy!! You won’t BELIEVE what Motor Man did just for me last night. Every Friday night, they stop at Arby’s and get a roast beef sandwich for Motor Man’s dad (he’s 90!). Last night, Motor Man brought me my very own junior roast beef! Motor Mommy put it in a zip-lock, so now I’m guarding the fridge!
    Happy Saturday – gonna be busy around here!
    Love, Sundae


    • Wow Sundae! Your very own junior roast beef?? That must be your special meal for today’s big family reunion huh? You enjoy that yummy treat inside where it’s nice and cool while the rest of the family roasts (literally!) outside! Should have lots of stuff to watch from your window seat today girlfriend! 😉

      Love, Sammy


  3. Awww. Sweet pictures of you Sammy. I love the one of you at the door looking for Freddy Frog. But then you are just too cute waitin’ for bacon. That is a sweet moocher’s face you have on there. Enjoy your Saturday Sammy! We got a teeny bit of rain this morning, I think it gave me hope.


    • Hi Miss Pix! We had a teeny bit of rain last night….only a sprinkle but it was better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick (as Mom said). Thanks for liking my pictures – I have my moments don’t I ??!!

      Happy Saturday…….Sammy Hugs!


  4. I love bacon, too Sammy and I also had some for breakfast. BJ just isn’t interested in ‘Peep’ food so she turns her nose up. But that’s all right…more for me!
    Caturday Hugs,


    • Hi Miss June…..actually BJ’s a smarty pants for NOT wanting people food because I suppose a lot of the stuff humans like isn’t good for us kitties (or dogs, etc.). Like you said anyway, if she doesn’t like it – you get to eat HER share too!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  5. Weee’s get ickle frogs in our garden, they make Daddy jump when he’s pickin some lettuce..Bacon, awwwwwwwwwwwww I luv’s Bacon..Weee’s has dat on a Sunday sometimes for brekkie 🙂
    Big Hugs


    • Hi Mollie! So you have lotsa froggies huh? I just have my pal Big Freddy. It would be fun if there were lots of them but for some reason he’s the only one I’ve seen. Maybe the rest hide or wait for him to “bring home the bacon” (hahahahaha!).

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy
      p.s. Loved your blog today about your Sammy Swag Surprise package! YAY! Glad you liked everyting.


  6. Wow, your very own Frog. Have you named him. I bet he is after the bugs up there. That trail looks awesome. Must be tons of fun to sit on the swing with Mom. Take care.


  7. I think that would be pretty neat if you ended up having a frog brother livin’ in the house with you. Not many cats have that, you know. And guess what? I sometimes see frogs here at my house too and… the peep calls them Freddy as well. Actually, she calls them Freddy Frew! They all get called that. Boy frogs, girl frogs, doesn’t matter. Hmm… and I’m a boy named Nerissa… I’m beginning to see a pattern developing here… I should blog ’bout that! What do you think?
    Nerissa from Nerissa’s Life


    • Nerissa I’m thinking I see a pattern on that name thing too…..time for one of your spectacular blogs on that subject I totally agree!! I don’t see a lot of frogs here – only old Freddy. I’m not sure about his being up on my porch because he’s NEVER done that before but I figure if he likes the porch as much as I do, then he’s welcome to share!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • Hi Cody! I loved CAT CHAT today. It was way cool to see you with all your Sammy Swag spread out from your surprise package. I’m so happy you like everything! Also glad (as is my Mom) that your Mom likes her notecards with your GREAT prize-winning photo on them! Thanks for plugging my Mom’s website AND my blog too. You’re a REALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL pal!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  8. Fred the Frog! Hmmm I have been known to catch them – just like mousies! Purrhaps I should talk to one before dispatching him!
    Your Pal Kozmo


  9. Will you be sharing bacon with Freddy?? Maybe you could teach him to ride around on your back…and you could play games ALL day! Your Mom and Dad must be so excited!


    • Something tells me Freddy isn’t a bacon kind of guy. I do know he likes some of the nice juicy bugs that populate our front porch at night….of course for all I know some of those are bacon-flavored. HAHAHA

      Kityt Hugs, Sammy


    • Sparkle I think you need to stage some kind of protest over the lack of bacon in your house….just because those humans you live with don’t eat it (and they’re probably very smart for NOT eating it!!), doesn’t mean they couldn’t get YOU some as a treat. Bacon is – well – rather indescribable. True I can only eat a tiny bit of it but it’s crunchy and salty and incredibly yummy. I suggest you go hang a sign on your litter box saying something like “wanna see me make a deposit? Then I’ll see you at the breakfast table in the morning for some bacon!”…… tee hee

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  10. Bacon, yum! I have never seen a frog in my neighborhood, but once I found an empty potato chip bag on my front walk. It seemed delicious till Mom yanked it out of my mouth. I don’t know who left it for me, but I hope they leave me another one soon.

    Love and licks,


    • Ohhhh…..I like the crinkly sound bags make – maybe I’d like that too Cupcake although not to eat – just to poke with my paw for a good noise! I hope someone leaves you another bag soon – you need to HIDE it somewhere before your Mom sees it!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • Oh wow! He just hops up and hangs on the screen? That’s way cool although they CAN be a little bit noisy! Freddy’s never made a sound – he mostly just sits there acting like he’s “Mr. Cool”. But if I give him a very gentle poke, he’ll hop and I love that. Happy Sunday Harry, Dexter and Tipp!!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • Major Bummer…..and I tried to talk my parents into calling the driveway dudes back the next day for a “re-do” to give the animals another chance to leave their mark but would they do that for little ole me???????????????? NO!!!!!!!!! Sigh.

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • Hi Easy….gee, thanks for offering to send me your purple wall paint leftovers. That’s very kind of you! I gather you have an overpopulation of toadies in your yard? I should think a big guy like you could get that situation under control QUICKLY…..if you know what I mean…..My buddy Freddy seems to be a confirmed bachelor although for all I know, he’s got several wives and children stashed away under my front porch!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • I make a big deal about bacon but in fact I only eat a tiny bit of it…which is probably a good thing since I know it’s not that good for me (or my parents!!). Still, what’s life without a little “walk on the wild side” right? :D:D

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • Well Savannah, I don’t care for peep food either EXCEPT a very few things like yogurt, butter and of course BACON. If your parents ever have bacon, maybe you could ask for a tiny little piece just to try it out!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • Oh yah! Bacon for sure….and tomorrow is Saturday again so I know there will be bacon AGAIN! Let’s hear it for bacon-filled weekends……a for Freddy – I’ll get Mom to take her camera out one morning in the dark to try and catch Freddy on patrol. He likes to be out in the dark on a rainy day and we’ve had rain lately. Maybe she can catch a shot of him! He’s BIG.

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


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