Weekend’s Over…Back To Work!


Monday……here we go again with another exciting week huh gang?  Well, I hope you all had a nice Sunday.  We did in my family – we had sun all day until late afternoon when all of a sudden there were some very quick heavy showers (with BOOM BOOM thunder!) – but then the sun would come out like it was all just a dream!!   Daddy worked in the yard a bit and Mom and I spent a lot of time on the front porch.  She read a book and I got some sunbathing in – then I cooled off in the shade and took a tiny nap. 

Later Mom and I went out to the backyard to check things out.  Dad’s project on the path down into the woods is coming along.  I probably should get Mom to take a picture of it in the “early” stages so that when it’s done you’ll all be SOOOOOOOOOOOO impressed!  😀 😀

We watched a baseball game….sadly the Nationals lost to Atlanta….BOOOOO HISSSSSSS….

Then I visited the deck out back for a while…..just to check on stuff…..

The newly discovered (after 11 years!) deck on the house
Yep – I’m up there – under the table but you can’t see me because Mom’s too far away!!!!!

Then back inside on Mom’s lap for yet another nap……oh and you can be sure that I spent PLENTY of time on the floor playing tissue/crinklie/hide under the newspaper with whoever I could talk into playing with me (Mom and Dad obviously!!).

Hanging out in the living room waiting for breakfast to be "announced" !

C’Mon…..somebody come PLAY with me down here!!!!

So see?  It was just another normal Sunday with Sammy and his family.  How about you?  How was YOUR Sunday? 

Kitty Hugs, Sammy

P.S.  Mommy and I want to send out extra special BIRTHDAY hugs to Miss Dianna from These Days of Mine .  She’s our special friend AND her kitty Sundae is my girlfriend (blush)! 

Happy Birthday To You !!



40 responses »

  1. Aw, Motor Mommy says thanks so much for the birthday wishes, Sammy! You surprised us this morning!
    I had a quiet day yesterday – she and Motor Man were gone ALL DAY LONG – they had an anniversary pawty AND a birthday pawty! And they didn’t bring me one single treat…. (pout).
    Hope you have a great Monday – I’m soaking up the sun on my window seat!
    Love, Sundae


    • Hi Sundae! Well, you know what? From what my Mom said, there were VERY FEW things on the menus at those pawties your parents went to that you would have liked…maybe they did you a FAVOR not bringing you stuff to eat that would make you feel icky! Now if there had been CATNIP available – they would have brought you some I’m SURE!

      Make sure to give your Mommy lots of birthday lap time today Sundae!

      Love, Sam


  2. Sounds like you had an exciting weekend, Sammy. Since the work week is starting, I’m glad you rested so you can supervise your Mom and Dad.


  3. Sounds like a purrfect Sunday Sammy! Me was already at Sundea’s place and wished her Mommy a happy new trip around the Sun!


    • Hi Cody! The umbrella is great because my parents can sit back there OUT of the hot sun and enjoy a meal…..plus it’s grand for ME too because I can nap under the table in the shade!!! Tee Hee

      Happy Monday
      Kitty Hugs, Sam


  4. My day has been so crazy, I am VERY late getting to read your exploits! Glad you had a good day – my mom left yesterday, so things are pretty quiet in the house now. I can’t wait to see how the path is looking.
    Hugs, Linda


    • Well Miss Linda you’re going to have to wait a little longer for a path update – photographically speaking. I think Mom plans to head out to take a “preliminary path” photo tomorrow…..Dad still has a lot of work to do but I figure the more “in progress” photos we post, the more impressive the end result will be?!?!?!?! HAHAHAHA

      Kitty Hugs, Sam


    • Hi Miss Layla! That was sweet of you to leave a greeting for Miss Dianna….she’s Mommy’s good friend and YES (blush) her pretty calico kitty Sundae is my gal! Sadly she’s several hours away from where I live BUT we flirt online whenever possible. As for your guys – I thought Odin had some “close calls” with Mystery Miss a while back….Merlin’s too old to be bothered with flighty females….Domino’s a fine hunk of a cat and certainly COULD have a girlfriend or three if he wanted….not sure about Gris Gris and if he wants to be bothered. Perhaps the boys need a night out to cruise for ladies????

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • It’s a nice spot for a snooze or just to lie there and sniff the breeze coming up from the woods….I get to watch the deer stealing sunflower seeds from the birdfeeders….and can even spy on the dogs that live in the fenced yard next door! I do love my our deck!!

      Kitty Hugs, Sam


  5. *stares jealously at sunshine pigture* It has been raining here . . . Again.

    Never mind. Happy Birthday Piggy Whiffles to you friend on their special day! 😉

    Nibbles, Nutty, Bingo & Buddy


    • Oh poor piggies…sorry you got more rain! You sure did look royal with your crowns on for your Jubilee celebration yesterday – rain or shine it just didn’t matter. It’s cloudy here today – not sure if I’ll have any sun or not but I’ll just try to make the best of things….might just be a good nap day PERIOD! I’m sure Mom’s friend Miss Dianna will be happy to get a Happy Birthday from you guys – we’ll pass it on!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  6. nice day Sammy! I did OK too except we had rain! But tomorrow…sun puddles back again…luv your back yard…long day today ‘cuz Mom and Dad’a fave nieve is coming for a short visit Tuesday…so Mom had to do lots of planning with me for my blogy posts ‘cuz then she leaves for ANOTHER get away with Dad Friday to next Monday!! AUntie Shannon will be with me so I know I will get spoiled rotten…MOL


    • Hi Savannah…..I’m glad you have an Auntie who can keep you company while your parents are galavanting around….maybe they’ll bring you a new toy, or some treats, or a new pile of tissue????

      Kitty Hugs, Sam


  7. Hi, Sundae here – thanking all of Sammy’s readers for their birthday wishes for my Motor Mommy. She had a purrfect day, and appreciates all of Sammy’s furiend’s birthday wishes!
    Love, Sundae


    • Aw shucks Mam…..well Minnie probably has a lot of tales to tell about that big renovation project in HER house – I’d love to see a photo of her some time soon in a blog!!

      Kitty Hugs, Sam


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