A Re-Do of De-Do

DeDo the Gargoyle: A Parisian Legend

My buddy DeDo...guardian of the front entrance of my house!

Happy Saturday Everybody!  I’m reposting this photo because Mom was out front this morning making way for this years’ mums to pop back up from where they’ve been hiding all winter and I was keeping her company.   My little gargoyle buddy DeDo was sitting on his rock by the sidewalk watching Mom as he has for the past almost sixteen years.  Back in July of last year I did a whole post about him.  I hope I don’t bore you with his story if you’ve heard it before here, BUT he’s such a cool little guy I simply HAVE to repeat myself! 

Mom and Dad heard about DeDo for the first time when they were in Paris which was one stop on their honeymoon back in 1990 and while there, they went on a guided tour of Notre Dame.  The story of DeDo was told by their guide and here’s the scoop on my little buddy:

Little Dedo is a small gargoyle pointy ears and human-like feet on the Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris. When the cathedral was built in 1160, a nun from a tiny convent in Provence who disliked the menacing gargoyles that were put on top of the building to ward off evil spirits, disguised herself as a workman, gained entrance to the work site and quickly carved the sculpture from a small block before placing it on the highest roof.

The gargoyle was undiscovered for centuries until a small boy, lost in the labyrinthine structure, stumbled off a ledge and rolled down a roof into the arms of the gargoyle. Since its rediscovery, the creature has been affectionately known as Little Dedo, the gargoyle with the crossed toes.

How cool is that?????  She says if DeDo can ward off evil spirits for a big huge place like that cathedral, surely he can keep the bad stuff away from OUR house!  I think she’s right……every single morning when I go out the front door I visit DeDo and give him a sniff.  Just saying “good morning and thanks for keeping an eye on my house buddy”……..doesn’t hurt to stay in good with a gargoyle – right?

Back to the mums out front – I can only hope that they’re as pretty and yellow this year as they have been for the past five or so years since Mom planted them there.  They seem to like being planted right there with DeDo to watch over them.  Spring is in the air!

Happy Saturday from Sammy, the Cat with a Gargoyle for a friend!

12 responses »

    • Absolutely! He moved with my parents from Springfield to HERE, and he’ll be going with us to the next place. He’s getting a little “worn” though – we may have to order a NEW DeDo soon. He’s got a crack through his body (thanks Daddy for dropping him once) and a cracked foot (thanks Daddy for whacking him accidentally with the weed-eater). Mom says it gives him “character” but I think DeDo #1 is ready to go to the great garden statuary heaven in the sky!!!! Bring on DeDo #2!

      Happy Saturday, Sammy


    • Hi Miss Linda! Poor DeDo’s getting a little raggedy in his old age so Mom may have to get another one soon but I’m sure she’ll always keep our original DeDo even if he’s in pieces! Dad has a way of smacking him with the weedeater whenever he’s doing yard work….. 😀

      Happy Saturday!


  1. Hi, Sammy,
    I think it’s cute that you stop to visit DeDo when you go outside!
    Have a good Saturday – it’s time for another nap on my windowseat in the morning sun. Ah…life is good!
    Love, Sundae


    • Hi Sundae….DeDo and I have been buds since I came to live here – he was here first, guarding the house before I arrived to take over; although I’m only INDOORS guarding while DeDo faces the elements! Mom made him a winter hat and scarf one year (actually it was the heel of an old sock she stuck on his head and a strip of sock for a scarf) but a squirrel swiped it. We have TRIED to take care of little DeDo like he takes care of us!!

      Enjoy the sunshine Sundae……..
      Love, Sammy


  2. We has little gargoyles in the house. Outside our front door is a steel sculpture of a cat! Me don’t kiss it though. But me thinks your DeDo is the bestest!


    • Hi Nellie! We have a few gargoyles around – there actually is ANOTHER gargoyle on the front porch pretty close to where DeDo sits on that rock. It’s a PIG gargoyle – pretty funny looking actually. I bet your steel sculpture cat is way cool!! DeDo is one of my bestest buddies. He listens to all my advice and never says a word.

      Kitty Hugs


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