Don’t Dare Forget!



Happy Monday Peeps!

I’m SURE you aren’t going to forget what tomorrow is BUT just in case, you’d better put your thinking caps on today and come up with the purrrfect way to celebrate Valentine’s Day because it’s tomorrow!

There’s lots of ways you can show someone how much you love them.  Here are some of my favorite ways to show my parents that I care:

  • Leave one of my special toys on Mom or Dad’s chair or on their bed – they know that means “I love you enough to trust you with one of my favorite things!”
  • Follow Mom everywhere she goes to the point that she almost trips over me all day long – then the minute she sits I hop up on her lap
  • Watch Dad when he’s working in the garage – I sit on top of one car while he works on the other (being companionable you know!)
  • When Mom and Dad get home from an errand or a trip or just being out of the house for a while, I greet them at the door to welcome them home

Those are “every day” kinds of says to say I LOVE YOU, but tomorrow being Valentine’s Day calls for something special.   Make sure you get a romantic Valentine’s Day card (or make one – that’s even better!), or write a poem to your sweetie, or make a reservation for dinner at a favorite place – whatever you do, it’s all about making that “someone special” in your life FEEL THE LOVE!  Of course we do that every day in our own way, but on Valentine’s Day – it’s one day a year when you say it or show it in a SPECIAL way. 

So, happy shopping – see you tomorrow morning!

Sammy, Your Valentine’s Reminder Service Representative

19 responses »

  1. Hi, Sam,
    How nice of you to remind everyone to get ready for the big day! I think you have very special ways of showing your parents how much you love them.
    Love, Sundae


    • Hi Sundae! I saw your pictures this morning from your BIG TIDE in the car with your parents to the beach. How way cool is that? I wish I was as brave as you are in a car…..I have to hide my face in my Mom’s lap and I cry the whole time. I know – I’m a BIG WIMP….but I really don’t like being in something that moves (unless it’s my Mom’s rocking chair).

      Kitty Hugs and love


  2. Thank you for the reminder! I am not sure what I will do, but I probably would have forgotten without your reminder! Hope you have a wonderful day! Can’t wait for your teaser photo tomorrow – you ARE doing that, aren’t you? Hugs, Linda


    • Hi Miss Linda! I’m sure whatever you do for Valentine’s Day celebration will be PAWSOME! Yes, I’ll do a Tuesday Teaser even though it’s Valentine’s Day….I’m looking now for just the right photo!! Tee Hee

      Kitty Hugs


    • Hey Rump – now THAT is a VERY SPECIAL Valentine’s Day gift….well….sort of….I mean it’s a very artistic kind of “card” to leave Jen. I’ll be anxious to hear how much she LOVES what you give her?!?!?!



    • Oh no Pedro….you’re right… were supposed to show your human that blog as your big HINT so she’ll know she needs to make sure she takes care of YOU (and Kitty too I suppose) on this special day. If you want to present her with one of those petrified geckos you have stashed around the house as a gift for Valentine’s Day that’s OK too but indeed SHE should be extra good to YOU in return!

      Your Bud Sam


    • Aw……..well, I am red like a heart……and I am lovable like we’re supposed to be with the people we care about……so maybe I AM like a Valentine huh? Thanks for reminding me of that…..

      Happy One Day Before Valentine’s Day Nerissa!


    • Aw shucks! You make me blush! I just don’t want anyone to forget their “someone special” (or someONES) tomorrow…..I know I’m not forgetting – you’ll see in my blog tomorrow!

      Kitty Hugs


  3. Thank’s Sammy! Me is going to leaves a hairball on the floor in the middle of the night so Mommy steps in it with her bare feet when she gets up! She just LOVES it when me does that!


    • Ohhhh Nellie! What a very special squishy Valentine’s present for your Mom! No doubt it will get her attention…’s all about “showing the love” isn’t it?!

      Happy V-Day Queenie!
      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


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