Who Me? I’ve Been Good!

Hanging out in the living room waiting for breakfast to be "announced" !

Huh? Did somebody say breakfast is ready? Is bacon involved by any chance?

I don’t mind being interrupted while I torture Mr. Yellow Fuzzy Ball when it comes to that favorite sound of mine – Mom putting my breakfast dish down on the floor!   What’s even better though is if, right after she puts my dish down, she gets stuff out of the refrigerator to make breakfast for Dad….why?  Because almost always, BACON is involved. 

I’m not a “people food” kind of guy but bacon – well – let’s just say I don’t turn down a tiny little piece if someone just happens to offer it to me.  I’m not a PIG about it – just a little piece will do.  Mom says it’s NOT good for me but I daresay it’s not good for Dad (or Mom) either!  Do we ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS have to do stuff that’s good for us?  Huh?  Once in a while it’s good to be bad.  That’s my philosophy anyway. 

Oh boy – I DO smell bacon cooking…….I’ll make Mom feel good by eating some of this cat food stuff she put down for me but then I’ll go sit quietly by my parents at the table…..and give them:


Tee Hee……..it works every time……… 🙂




10 responses »

  1. Bacon, eh? Good food for man or beast. Beast? Did I call you beast? Well, I imagine there are mornings or days, like when you are outside rolling around in the nice sun that the beast comes out in you.

    That Look. Yup, you are right, it works every time.


    • Hi Uncle Jerry……….yeah, I guess technically I’m a beast but at least I’m a CUTE beast!! 🙂

      Just finished off my teeny tiny piece of forbidden bacon…..YUM……now, pardon me while I do a little wash-up with my paws.



    • Hi Sundae……..I’m totally with your Mom on that one. It’s funny how there are somethings we just can’t resist having at least a little taste of……my favorites are bacon, butter, and some deli meat (ham, turkey, salami). But even at that – I’m talking just a little tiny piece. I bet there’s SOMETHING you shouldn’t eat that you still get to have a piece of once in a while….come on…..confess…..I know you want to! 🙂

      Love, Sam


  2. Another snaps with Cat. I’m vegetarian but one day a neighbour said to me, “He loves bacon doesn’t he?” And he used to head off the house rented by a group of rugby playing medical students every Sunday morning. My guess is they had a big fry up!


    • HA! Yes indeed I just bet those rugby boys treated Cat to a bit of bacon once in a while…..it seems to be “universally irresistible” from what I hear from a LOT of cat parents……Sam only wants a small bit but he pesters me to pieces while it’s frying until he gets that little piece.



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