My Morning “Adventure”

Nap time.....again!

Even when she's NOT on the recliner with me, it's still a pretty swell nap spot!

Whew!  I just got back from a quick breath of HOT air outside this morning – time to grab another nap.  Actually this morning wasn’t quite as icky out as it has been although it’s going up to 100 here later……it wasn’t quite light yet when Mom and I ventured out onto the front porch and I got adventurous and decided to go on a “walkabout”.  I checked things out in the front rock garden (Mom has a dwarf Japanese maple in the garden that’s JUST MY SIZE) then sticking to the side of the yard by the woods I inched my way down, sniffing, checking stuff out……..I made sure to mark my territory a few times.  Doesn’t hurt to remind other wildlife just whose yard this REALLY is!!

Anyway, Mom was with me of course but she let go of my leash to go pick up some little branches that had fallen out of an oak tree and out of nowhere popped my little visiting nemesis “Stevie” !  Well, as you know by now, I tolerate Stevie pretty well – she’s the only neighborhood cat that’s allowed to come up on the front porch and get her morning snack from my Mom…..and we make eyes at each other through the window by the front door.  HOWEVER, just because I tolerate her, doesn’t mean I want to play with her – – – she saw me and came flying over to me and chased me 100mph all the way back up the big hill to the front porch!  We were a whole lot faster than good old Mommy – so we arrived before Mom was able to get there……..I was banging on the front door………”SOMEBODY LEMME IN!!!!!!” but nobody was there to save me………..until Mom breathlessly arrived and rescued me. 

So – that’s why in the photo above I’m passed out on Mom’s recliner.  That’s the most exercise I’ve had in a long time and the farthest from the front porch I’ve been out into the front yard in a long time too!   I used to do that a lot more but there are an awful lot of cats around my neighborhood now that weren’t here before.   Nowadays I’d really rather just grab a good old nap………so if you’ll excuse me – YAWN – I’ll say “have a nice day” and go back to sleep!


Sammy, One Spoiled Cat

6 responses »

  1. Aww, sounds like Stevie just wants to be friend with you, Sammy! I bet you gave your Mom quite a scare when you took off like that. I hope both of you have recovered from your adventure. Have a great week!


    • Hi Miss Ingrid……yep – Mom (and Dad) both say Stevie just wants to be buds with me but I’m just too darn “scaredy” and shy. Actually if she just walks up to me we say hello with no problem but sometimes she tries to pick a fight – with her claws – and I’m not a fighter – I’m a hugger! Mom always rescues me when Stevie tries to run me off or gets too feisty. I hope you and Allegra and Ruby have a great week too…..”the girls” did a great job reminding me and Mom to vote for your website as THE BEST…..and it is!



  2. Ah, you should have nuzzled Stevie, Sammy. She just wants some affection from you, and what female cat wouldn’t handsome, you devil, you.

    Oh, well, it was fun for you until Stevie spoiled it all.


    • Hi Uncle J…..if Stevie hadn’t rushed up to me full speed ahead and chased me, I would have been happy to say “HEY GIRL” but I’m never quite sure what she will do. Sometimes she tries to scratch me or run me off my own property…..other times she walks up nice and calm and we say hello no problem. I prefer to admire from a safe distance!!! HAHAHA



    • Miss Anita! Nice to see you…..Do you miss living at The North Pole or are you adjusting to the heat and humidity “down south” OK? I bet your animals are liking it too! Thanks for reading my blog and YES it was traumeowtic…..after all, I’m so used to being the master of this domain and Stevie keeps trying to talk me into moving out and letting HER take my place! Harumph! Not happening!!!!



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