Tag Archives: worrying doesn’t change things

Spark on Monday


Happy Monday…………..and it’s time again for SPARKS.    Everyone is invited to participate by posting their OWN thoughts – SPARKS inspire all of us!   “SPARKS” was started by Annie McGuffy of McGuffy’s Reader but ended when her blog was hacked some time ago.  It was meant to be a way to start out each week with with a meaningful thought – something that spoke to each of us and hopefully everyone else who read it.    Sometimes we need a little “spark” in our lives and these posts were meant to at least be a PART of that effort.    Those of us who enjoyed sharing a SPARK with Annie have continued doing so on Mondays – and we hope one day soon Annie will be back blogging with us again.    Please feel free to post a SPARK of your own and let everyone know you have…….we get energy from each other that way!

I’m posting a repeat SPARK – I certainly could have found a NEW thought to share…………but when I saw this old one in my photo files I thought – “I need to post this one again” – because it’s a message with a smile.    I like those.

I think a lot of us are worrying more than ever these days but are we “over-worrying” ?    Worrying doesn’t stop things from happening……..just like our Peanuts pals are saying…….it just wears you out.     We do have a lot of things to worry about now in the world and we hope things settle/calm down AND of course we’ll do what we can to participate in making that happen.   In the meantime balance all of that out with the GOOD stuff.   There is a LOT of good stuff going on    I try to find just ONE good thing in your life or in the world every single day.    Looking for just ONE makes you see so many more and before you know it, you aren’t QUITE as worried.    The world is constantly changing.   Stay positive.   We’ll get where we’re going without worrying!

Have a good and healthy week…………………….we’ll get together again next Monday and make some more SPARKS!

Worry-free Hugs, Pam