Tag Archives: love story

A Picture’s Worth 1,000 Words

Cape Code Lighthouse Oil Painting by ME!

One of my Mom's paintings....but wouldn't it be FUN to play in that grass???

Saturday!  Yippeee!  I was staring at this painting in Mom’s studio while she was answering email….wondering what it would be like to be right there playing in all that grass.  Imagine the voles, field mice, grasshoppers, and little beach creatures there are hiding out just waiting for a hunter like me to come along!  I don’t have any high grass to wander through here at home – Mom keeps our grass pretty well mowed down to the three inch height – so playing in grass is pretty limited to munching the occasional missed clump or leaping up to capture a lawn moth and holding it down on the grass with my paw.  I have to wonder though about how all that grass along the beach in this picture would be to poke around in.

Mom said she took the photograph that she painted this from on Cape Cod when she and Dad were on a vacation “way back when” (I think that means before they got hitched….you know…..when dinosaurs roamed the earth 🙂 …).  They were walking along the beach while Mom snapped pictures.   Dad told her years later that he almost asked her to marry him that day.  A year later he finally did ask her – they were on another vacation then – up in Kennebunkport, Maine. 

Funny how photos or paintings have memories attached to them sometimes huh?  This is one of Mom’s favorites – – – I suppose knowing the story behind it, I “get” that.  But then, I’m a sensitive kind of cat…………….. 🙂

Happy Saturday Peeps!

Sammy, One Sensitive Cat