A Picture’s Worth 1,000 Words

Cape Code Lighthouse Oil Painting by ME!

One of my Mom's paintings....but wouldn't it be FUN to play in that grass???

Saturday!  Yippeee!  I was staring at this painting in Mom’s studio while she was answering email….wondering what it would be like to be right there playing in all that grass.  Imagine the voles, field mice, grasshoppers, and little beach creatures there are hiding out just waiting for a hunter like me to come along!  I don’t have any high grass to wander through here at home – Mom keeps our grass pretty well mowed down to the three inch height – so playing in grass is pretty limited to munching the occasional missed clump or leaping up to capture a lawn moth and holding it down on the grass with my paw.  I have to wonder though about how all that grass along the beach in this picture would be to poke around in.

Mom said she took the photograph that she painted this from on Cape Cod when she and Dad were on a vacation “way back when” (I think that means before they got hitched….you know…..when dinosaurs roamed the earth 🙂 …).  They were walking along the beach while Mom snapped pictures.   Dad told her years later that he almost asked her to marry him that day.  A year later he finally did ask her – they were on another vacation then – up in Kennebunkport, Maine. 

Funny how photos or paintings have memories attached to them sometimes huh?  This is one of Mom’s favorites – – – I suppose knowing the story behind it, I “get” that.  But then, I’m a sensitive kind of cat…………….. 🙂

Happy Saturday Peeps!

Sammy, One Sensitive Cat


16 responses »

  1. Oh yeah, Sammy, you could find all kinds of creepy crawling thing in all that grass, some you probably have never seen before. Ah, but they’ve probably paved it over by now and made a parking lot. Still, a guy can dream.

    What a nice backstory to the painting, one that I hadn’t heard before.


    • Hi Uncle J………yep you’re right about creepy crawlies probably being in the grass. Hadn’t thought of that – might be some stuff that would like to snack on a big fat ginger cat too! EEEEK! Glad you liked hearing the story behind Mom’s painting……it’s all true too!



  2. I think it it incredibly romantic that your daddy almost proposed to your mom during that trip. The scenery is beautiful and it shows what an eye your mom has for beauty that she was able to come home and paint it. You are one lucky fella, Sam!


    • Aww Miss Trish – I think you and my Mom are both into that romance stuff! 🙂 I’m sure Mom thinks about that walk on the beach with my Dad whenever she looks at that painting though……I think every single one of the oil paintings she kept and didn’t sell throughout her life were the ones that meant something special to her. I’m glad you like it too!!

      Kitty Hugs


    • Thanks! I think my Mom paints swell pictures…..some from her own photos but some from her head or little snips of things she sees in magazines, etc. I’ll tell her you liked this painting – she’ll smile and I like for her to do that!!

      Happy Saturday
      Sammy the Cat Guy


    • Miss Layla I love your yard and gardens……it looks so beautiful where you live. I’d be playing hide-n-seek and jungle beasties too if I had all that lovely space to do it in! My Mom has several lighthouse paintings that she’s done…..take a peek on her website in the “Affordable Art” link and you can see them and her other stuff. One of my other favorites of hers is Pemaquid Point light. Way cool.
      Happy Saturday!!!!


  3. I think you are right about photographs or paintings having memories attached…especially wonderful that you created that one Pam, by your own hand….Made even more special by the meaning of the location to you!
    Love those colors.
    Happy Weekend!


    • Thanks Dee…………..I knew you’d know what I meant by that because no doubt you feel that way about your photographs – your work is spectacular in every way. I’ve always loved that about photography really – capturing moments. When I realized I could turn the photos into paintings it just got better. It sort of forced me to return to my first love which was painting. I only began photography when I began my notecard business. Funny how one thing really DOES lead to another……and another.

      Happy weekend to you all too….


    • Hi Rumpy……yep – Mom doesn’t paint much anymore BUT her easel’s out and her paints are at the ready in her studio if she feels the urge! These days I try to take up as much of her time as possible (it’s all about ME you know!!).

      Kitty Hugs


  4. Hi, Sammy, Sundae let me comment today! It’s wonderful to know the “background story” on this beautiful painting of your Mom’s. Makes it that much more special!


  5. I read that you are on a harness sometimes Sam. Is that when you leave your garden? Not Cat loves hunting and playing in scrub, I’m sure you’d have fun too.
    Maybe it isn’t so safe for cats where you live though.
    This is a lovely story, and I like the way the white fence leads the eye across the picture.


    • Hi Miss Isobel! Mom puts my harness on if we are on an early morning or evening walk – whenever it’s dark outside. Mom likes to keep me close since we have so many other “creatures” wandering around out there AND so I don’t wander off on my own. When we’re out during the day – one of my parents is always out there with me and I don’t wear the harness – they can see me and keep a close eye out. You’re right – it’s not super safe around here for cats on their own! I’m glad you like my Mom’s painting too……I like to watch her when she has her easel out and she’s working in her studio.



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