Tag Archives: earthquake

Whole Lotta Quakin’ Goin’ On!

Hey...this thing isn't just good for camping - it's good for HIDING toys too!

Minding my own business when the walls started shaking!

Gee…..who’d have thought that a nice quiet afternoon in my tent would turn into an EARTHQUAKE…..but it sure did!  My tent walls didn’t move around much but the rest of our house was twisting and rumbling and making all kinds of scary noises.  SO – you know where I went the minute I knew something was happening right?  Yep – MY BASEMENT SAFE PLACE.  I stayed there for a couple of hours too even though Mom and Dad came to reassure me all was well.

We had pictures fall off the wall, and Mom’s computer screen fell off her desk – a couple of things COULD have broken except we have mostly wall to wall carpeting so they fell on something soft!  It seemed like it lasted a long time too – all that noise and rumbling – for a ‘fraidy cat like me it was pretty traumatic.  When Mom and Dad went outside of the house after it stopped, EVERYBODY was outside their houses checking for damage to foundations and stuff like that………..we heard people felt it all up and down the East Coast too so I hope all of my friends out there who visit my blog and live where you could feel it are OK???? 

I missed out on some good nap time yesterday afternoon because I was squished flat under the sofa in the basement hiding until I felt safe………so I’m hoping today is NICE AND QUIET and I can catch up on sleep.  YAWN…….I do need my beauty sleep you know! 🙂

If you felt the earth quake yesterday – let me know what it was like for you!

Sammy, One Spoiled Cat (who isn’t too crazy about earthquakes!)

p.s.  Kitty Hugs and Kitty Kisses to those of you who emailed me and Mom to see if we were OK……XXOO