Whole Lotta Quakin’ Goin’ On!

Hey...this thing isn't just good for camping - it's good for HIDING toys too!

Minding my own business when the walls started shaking!

Gee…..who’d have thought that a nice quiet afternoon in my tent would turn into an EARTHQUAKE…..but it sure did!  My tent walls didn’t move around much but the rest of our house was twisting and rumbling and making all kinds of scary noises.  SO – you know where I went the minute I knew something was happening right?  Yep – MY BASEMENT SAFE PLACE.  I stayed there for a couple of hours too even though Mom and Dad came to reassure me all was well.

We had pictures fall off the wall, and Mom’s computer screen fell off her desk – a couple of things COULD have broken except we have mostly wall to wall carpeting so they fell on something soft!  It seemed like it lasted a long time too – all that noise and rumbling – for a ‘fraidy cat like me it was pretty traumatic.  When Mom and Dad went outside of the house after it stopped, EVERYBODY was outside their houses checking for damage to foundations and stuff like that………..we heard people felt it all up and down the East Coast too so I hope all of my friends out there who visit my blog and live where you could feel it are OK???? 

I missed out on some good nap time yesterday afternoon because I was squished flat under the sofa in the basement hiding until I felt safe………so I’m hoping today is NICE AND QUIET and I can catch up on sleep.  YAWN…….I do need my beauty sleep you know! 🙂

If you felt the earth quake yesterday – let me know what it was like for you!

Sammy, One Spoiled Cat (who isn’t too crazy about earthquakes!)

p.s.  Kitty Hugs and Kitty Kisses to those of you who emailed me and Mom to see if we were OK……XXOO

12 responses »

  1. Well, Sammy, I gotta tell ya. I was upstairs and my Mom was in the kitchen. I didn’t really know what was going on, but it wasn’t too bad (FOR ME anyway). Mom will tell you all about it over at her blog today. (But don’t pay much attention to what she says about ME, okay??)
    Sorry you got scared and had to stay in your safe place. But I’m glad you have one when you need it! And I’m glad nothing was broken at your house.
    Rest up today!


    • Hi Sundae! I’m glad you and your Mom and Dad are OK after all that shaking yesterday. I spent a lot of time UNDER the basement couch but I’m planning to make up for lost nap time today!! Let’s hope that that hurricane stays east of us too – you all living close to the water I’m sure you have “a plan” for when storms come……..just stay safe OK?

      Hugs, Your Pal Sam 🙂


  2. I’m glad you’re all okay. We’re fine, too. Surprisingly, my “scaredy cat,” Allegra, recovered very quickly and came out of her hiding place almost as soon as the quake was over. She recovered much quicker than I did – I’m still pretty rattled.


    • Hi Ingrid….Sam said I could borrow his keyboard to respond to your note! I have a feeling Sam was reacting more to how my husband and I were behaving than the actual earthquake…LOL…but this morning everyone is calm and grateful for no damage. Now let’s hope Irene stays away (wouldn’t mind the rain but don’t want the wind!!). Happy you and your girls are OK…….let’s all STAY that way! 🙂



  3. Oh Miss Ann it was NOT a fun afternoon around here for sure! We’re hoping (especially me of course) that today is nice and quiet………and no shakin’ goin’ on!! Mom says to tell you thanks for worrying about us – we love you!!!

    p.s. hope that crummy hurricane stays AWAY from you down there in Florida


  4. Whot a mortifying thing to have to happen to a guy who is just trying to get a little nap. I bet it felt and sounded like the Biblical saying “. . . and the walls came tumbling down . . .”

    Well, the walls stayed where they were, although they might have shifted a tiny bit. You did the right thing, went straight to your comfort zone. I woulda too.

    Here’s hoping the aftershocks won’t disturb you too much.


  5. I am so sorry you experienced such a scary event, Sam! I’m glad you and your Mom and Dad are doing okay, and there was no serious damage. I was in Wilmington, NC at the time. The lights flickered and everything seemed to tremble but it was very slight. But I am over 200 miles away from you. That was some earthquake!


    • Gee Miss Caren and Cody – I’m glad you didn’t get the quakes like we did…..today has been nice and quiet thank goodness and I haven’t been under the basement couch once! In fact, I’ve been lounging on the front porch enjoying a sunny and breezy day. Instead of “one spoiled cat” – today I’ve been concentrating on being “one lucky cat” !!!!



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