Tag Archives: doggysstyle

Teaser Tell All and More!


Hi All!  Well, seems that no matter how hard I try, SOMEONE always figures out where the Teaser photo was taken…….but then again that’s a GOOD thing…..means my Mom’s photography is good – right?  So here’s yesterday’s photo again:

The photo was taken on a trip to Ireland – the tour bus stopped here as they were going through Killarney National Park – it’s a beautiful view along the Ring of Kerry which is often called “The Ladies View” – because apparently on a visit to this area in 1861, Queen Victoria and her Ladies in Waiting said is was their favorite spot.    Want more information?  CLICK HERE

Winners?  Oh yah……..here they are:   (guessed Ireland)

Miss Pix of Sweet Days Under the Oaks

Easy of Easy Weimaraner

Miss Dianda of Cats & Company

Miss Isobel of Isobel and Cat

BIG Sammy Hug!!!

Now – ONWARD………I wanna tell you all about a way fun contest that Doggy’s Style is having on his blog.    You have to tell a tale with no more than 50 words which contains certain words – the words you MUST use are quite a challenge to put together!   Mom and I entered (trust me – I did NOT write the little story….she did).  You just HAVE to visit his blog and check it out.  The prizes (there will be two of them) are gift certificates to Mollie’s Dog Treats!  Check out the “store” to see the great special doggie treats they have AND the beautiful bandanas (and we all love to dress up don’t we?!!) to see what you might win.  CLICK HERE to read the post about the contest and enter….you have until November 13th. 

Now – go out and have a fun day………….it’s cold as heck here – we might even have a bit of wet snow!  YIKES! 

Kitty Hugs and CONCATS to the Teaser winner…….Sammy 😀