Tag Archives: changes

Relief Is On The Way



FINALLY – today is the last day of the project from hell floor project and we will return to some semblance of PEACE AND QUIET after around noon-ish.   Boy oh boy am I ready for THAT!

I have to admit the floor in the kitchen looks pretty darn swell though – so maybe all that noise was worth it?   Maybe?   I did spend a major part of yesterday UTC (under the couch) and when I came OUT for brief periods (when Mom and Dad came down to visit me or I had to use my potty) it was a quick trip out because the noise was almost UNBEARABLE – and I’m half deaf for pete’s sake!

Doesn’t it look swell?   My post from Wednesday shows what it looked like “BEFORE”.   Meanwhile forgive the mess – they will finish up today – trim, and a couple of spots and the laundry room then DONE!

NewFloor4 NewFloor3 NewFloor2 NewFloor1

Mom and Dad will move furniture back in place later today when the guys are gone OR maybe wait until they clean the kitchen up……….dust bunnies are everywhere and sawdust bunnies as well.   Then I won’t have to yell at Mom about putting things BACK IN ORDER.   Mom said she never knew how much I depended on things being in the same place as always but I sure have missed order in my kitchen.   Mom probably has too but then she got to go out to dinner these past few nights because of the kitchen being under siege!

SO – today is BACK TO NORMAL day………….or maybe I shouldn’t say NORMAL because I’m not entirely sure my family has ever been NORMAL………..just maybe BACK TO QUIET day.   Yeah.   That works for me!


p.s.  YES I got my bacon today because the workers don’t get here until 9AM and we have breakfast at 6AM…..thank heavens I COULD count on Mom making it up to me by giving me bacon on a Friday AND tomorrow on my usual BACONATOR day……Whew!


Sammy the Relieved Cat



Keep Kalm Thursday


Hi All!   What’s with the keeping calm thing?  Well there’s just a lot of excitement around here right now………….for one thing the first BIG QUEST is happening this weekend on Cat Scouts.  That’s right – a big challenge for all the Patrols in Scouts and we won’t know WHAT the challenges are until we get there.  We had a practice Quest and had to identify animal tracks and birds……but something tells me the “REAL” Quest might be a bit more……well…..HARD!   So I’m prepping for that.

Sammy Kimmell, Wildcats Troop Leader

Sammy Kimmell, Wildcats Troop Leader

But the really BIG thing to try and keep calm about is that my Mom and Dad are buying another house.  That means yours truly – who has only lived in this house for his whole entire 14 years – will have to move to unfamiliar surroundings.  For a scaredy-cat that’s gonna be tough…….for an OLD scaredy-cat it’s gonna be traumatic……..!  I’m trying to be brave…….I don’t even think my parents know that I know about this big change – when the realtor came to sign papers and stuff I ran for the basement like I do whenever the doorbell rings.  My parents think I was hiding down there as usual but I was actually sitting on the top step with the door open LISTENING.  Being a good private investigator……..just call me Sherlock Sam……or Charlie Chan Sam……..but I heard EVERYTHING!

No more house on the hill?????

No more house on the hill?????

The toughest thing will be when people come to see MY house – of course ideally the first person to come see it will want to buy it and they’ll give my Mom and Dad an offer they can’t refuse!  EASY PEASY – all the drama and trauma will be over with QUICKLY.   Otherwise we may have to let strangers into my house over and over until someone succumbs to the charms of my home.

Sam Standing at Front Door

Oh no! More strangers???


It “ain’t gonna be pretty”…………..I’m gonna be a nervous wreck.   I’ll try to just enjoy all the boxes I’ll get to play in and hide in and let my parents do their thing while I “spy” from a quiet corner or the top of the stairs.  Then one day probably in June if things go well, some men will come with a GREAT BIG TRUCK, pack all my stuff up and take it to the new house (which is only about 2 miles from THIS house!!)………and THAT will be THAT.

I’ll probably LOVE the new house once I get used to the smells and find the hidey spots…………but folks – this old cat is truly gonna be upset.  I foresee a lot of horking in my immediate future.   Mom’s gonna talk to the Vet about that soon…….just to see what HE has to say………..Mom thinks maybe a scarf for me to wear that has some of that Feliway on it?  Keep this old man CALM………….cool man…………..

Now this guy knows how to be CALM!

Now this guy knows how to be CALM!

I’ll miss my yard…………..we have a yard in the new place but it’s a lot smaller – my Mom and Dad are tired of maintaining this huge amount of yard and gardens…….and who knows – maybe there will be a cat or two in the neighborhood and I can make friends?  I’m TRYING to look on the bright side…………but first I have to FIND it (the bright side).

little happy facePracticing my best fake smile……

Hugs and Happy Keep Kalm Thursday!
