Tag Archives: candle-lighter award

Candle-Lighter Blog Award for Sam

The Candle-lighter Award Logo

This candle looks good enough to eat!

 The Candle-lighter Award

Our very good friend Dianna presented me and Mom with an awesome award yesterday.  The Candle-lighter Award is given to blogs and bloggers “that light a candle in the darkness” with their blog.  How very cool is that?  It makes me feel so nice and warm inside (just like this candle) that anybody thinks One Spoiled Cat brings light into the world.
Know what else is different about this award than many of the others?  There aren’t ANY rules to follow……all you do is pass the award on to other bloggers who bring light into the world with their blogs.  Doesn’t get any easier than that huh?
These are the blogs that we’d like to pass the Candle-lighter Blog Award on to…..they certainly brighten OUR lives and if you haven’t visited them yourself, we suggest you do!
There are others we love, but many don’t accept awards or don’t show them on their blogs……….but what’s really cool is that there are SO MANY people who write such interesting and fun blogs these days, don’t you think?  If your blog is above and you don’t want to pass it on, that’s fine too…….again – NO RULES!!  🙂
I’m just excited that someone thinks One Spoiled Cat is deserving of ANY award…..but this one – well – it’s kind of special isn’t it?!
Sammy (with thanks to Dianna and Sundae)