Sunday Selfie Hop


Happy Sunday!    We’re a little later than usual this morning because yesterday was my birthday and well – we were DISTRACTED all day long and forgot!   So here we are and ready for selfies.   If you are ready to share a selfie you can join in the Hop hosted by The Cat On My Head by clicking the badge above and adding your photo by linking up.

For my Selfie today I’m just showing ME – a Seven Year Old Me…………….happy, healthy, and loving my wonderful life.

That look in my eyes is what Mom calls my “look of love”…..!

I got some cards from friends too which I want to share – AND I want to thank everyone who wrote comments on yesterday’s blog with birthday wishes.   I was so thrilled!

From Kitties Blue

From Miss Pix

From Raz at Friends Furever



Thanks to everyone for making my day special.    I didn’t do a puzzle today – Giving myself the day off!   HAHAHA

Love and Hugs, Teddy

71 responses »

  1. That is a handsome selfie. You still look like a baby boy to me. Make sure you celebrate your birthday all month long. XO


  2. Teddy, you look happy and content in your selfie. We sure are pleased you had a great birthday. Cooper is especially happy that he got to share some of it with you at Cat Scouts. You definitely are special and make everyday special for your friends. Thanks for always hopping with us. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, angel Mauricio, Misty May, angel Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy, Sawyer, Kizmet, Audrey & Raleigh


    • It was an adorable cake that Cooper brought to Scouts on Saturday night….made me so happy! I did have a great birthday but you know – honestly – every day is perfect here in my house. Mom and Dad are the BEST!!

      Love, Teddy


  3. WE SHOULD HAVE MADE A CARD, DARN! But maybe we’ll make an unbirthday card or maybe a BUNNY card…but you know that we love you, Teds, and love that you are only seven because being 13 is not as fun, trust me. Still, now that my back legs are mobile, we could have some fun!!! It’s good to rest after a big party…and the look of love is in your eyes, that’s for sure.


    • No worries about a card – the main thing is I had a lot of beautiful birthday messages from my friends and that made me happy!! Angel Sammy told me that getting older is tough but I’m hoping I will be around at least as long as he was – he was just a few weeks away from turning 17 when he decided The Rainbow Bridge needed him up there…..

      Love and Hugs, Teddy


  4. I always forget birthdays and cards. Forgive me Teddy and Mum I value my weekly visit to you (things are stressful here right now). HAPPY BIRTHDAY and I hope you had a wonderful day.


  5. Happy happy 7th Birfday Teddy! You look speck-taculur!
    Yore “Kissey Eyess” are so beeuteefull…..
    Yore eyess reeminded BellaSita of a song so wee postin THE link fore it here inn honor of yore Birfday:

    Let’ss dance mee frend!!!!
    **nose rubss** BellaDharma an {{{huggiess}}} BellaSita Mum


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